Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for July 19th or search for July 19th in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 21, 1863., [Electronic resource], The Washington Cabinet Proposing an amnesty. (search)
Raid on Wytheville. sharp skirmish in the street. The Yankee field officers killed several houses Burst — retreat of the Marauders. The following official dispatch was received at the War Department yesterday: Dublin, July 19. To Gen. S. Cooper: The enemy--one regiment of cavalry and parts of two regiments of infantry, about one thousand strong — rode into Wytheville a little before sunset yesterday. Almost at the same instant two newly organized companies and the employees of this place — in all about one hundred and thirty men — with two field pieces, whom I had dispatched under Major T. M. Bowyer, by the passenger train, arrived. A sharp skirmish immediately commenced in the street, and continued about three quarters of an hour, when Major Bowyer retired with a part of his men, and brought them off in the train. Capt. Oliver and two citizens were killed, and Lieut Rosany badly wounded. The enemy lost Col. Poland, commanding the bri
The movements of the Federal army of the Potomac [Special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.] Army of Northern Virginia, July 19. --The enemy in force is reliably reported to have crossed into Loudoun county, and are making demonstrations at Snicker's Ferry, on the Shenandoah, and at Snicker's Gap. Yesterday several hundred Yankee cavalry advanced from the river to within four miles of Martinsburg, and were driven back by a regiment of our cavalry.
From Charleston — the assault on Battery Wagner. Charleston, July 19. --The bombardment of Battery Wagner yesterday was terrific. Five monitors, the Ironsides, seven wooden gunboats, and two land batteries maintained a concentrated fire for eleven hours. At dark the enemy, numbering ten regiments, made a determined assault on our works. After a desperate struggle, lasting until 11 o'clock P. M., they were repulsed with heavy loss. Our loss is about one hundred killed and wounded. The enemy's is estimated at fifteen hundred. We captured over two hundred prisoners, including some black troops engaged in the assault. All quiet to-day — burying the dea