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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: October 22, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Meade or search for Meade in all documents.

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From Northern Virginia. --So far as we could gather from the various sources of information, everything was quiet with the army of Gen. Lee yesterday. Some of the fruits of his captures in his late chase after Meade arrived here yesterday in the way of prisoners, over nine hundred of whom came down on the Central road during the day. From the lower Valley we are informed that Gen. Imboden made a descent upon the Yankees at Charlestown, eight miles southwest of Harper's Ferry, on Sunday last, in which he captured over four hundred prisoners, and succeeded in getting them off safely, although pursued by a superior force from Harper's Ferry. His loss is said to have been about thirty in killed and wounded. We have also a report that Capt. Blackford, of Major Gilmer's battalion, was surprised in the neighborhood of Martinsburg, and himself and the greater part of his men made prisoners. Capt. B. and his company, it is stated, were reconnoitering near Martinsburg, and s
Wounded Yankees. --A number of wounded Yankees, captured by our forces in their late race after the fleet footed Meade and his cohorts, arrived in this city yesterday, and were escorted to the lock-up prepared for their reception.