Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Joseph Miller or search for Joseph Miller in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: January 12, 1864., [Electronic resource], Wheeler's recent expedition to Charleston, Tenn. (search)
fell into the hands of the Yankees. One instance in this connection is worthy of mention. Private Thos. B Adley, of Capt. Lawrence Jones's company, 9th Kentucky, lost his horse during the fight, and was captured by the 5th Ohio cavalry. Private Jos. Miller, of the same company, who, at the time, was a few yards in advance, wheeled his horse, charged the Yankees, reached Bradley, assisted him in getting behind him, (Miller,) and passed out under a shower of bullets, both reaching our lines inMiller,) and passed out under a shower of bullets, both reaching our lines in safety. Our losses in killed and wounded were comparatively small, the heaviest being in prisoners, of whom the number already mentioned, or very nearly that number, were taken in the confusion consequent upon the sudden breaking of our lines. Col. Wade, commanding 1st brigade of Kelly's division, received a flesh wound in the thigh, not of a severe nature. A few were wounded in the 9th Kentucky, and we understand a small number were also wounded in the 1st brigade. The retreat was conducte