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ng certain parties residing in the North who entertained Southern feelings.] These witnesses knew P., and were certain that they had not seen him in Richmond since December, 1862. Mr. Cave examined the handwriting of "Santa Trinita" letter, and did not think it resembled P.'s style of writing; would not be certain about it, however. Mrs. Catherine Burruss testitified that some time since the war, when she was returning home from the North, whither she had been visiting her father, (James A. Pearce, former U. S. Senator from Maryland,) she met with Mrs. Patterson Allan. They stopped at Old Point and put up at the same hotel. Soon after arriving there a servant knocked at her door through mistake and asked if Mrs. Allan was in; that Major Chas. Dix, son of Gen. John A. Dix, Commandant of Fortress Monroe, was waiting for her in the parlor. A few minutes after she (Mrs. B.) went down to the parlor, and there saw Major Dix and Mrs. Allan in close and cordial conversation. They see
The Daily Dispatch: February 12, 1864., [Electronic resource], Gen. A. P. Hill, and his Columbia friends. (search)
m the Libby prison on Tuesday night last, twenty-two have been overhauled and brought back.--The most of them were taken about fifteen miles from this city, in the county of Hanover, and were traveling in squads varying in number from three to five. The following is a list of their names: Col S P Spofford, 97th N Y reg't; Capts C J Gates, 3d Ohio; F Irch, 45th New York; G Slarr, 104th New York; Adjutant M R Small, 6th Md; 1st Lieuts A Moore, co E, 4th Ky; C S Edmond, co D, 67th Pa; W B Pearce, 11th Ky cavalry; H Schroeder, 82d Ih; C H Morgan, 21st Wisconsin; F Moran, 13th New York; W L Watson, 21st Wisconsin; E Schroeder, 74th Pa; A B White, 4th Pa cavalry; W A Daily, 8th Pa cavalry; H H Hindes, 57 Pa; 2d Lieuts J P Brown, 15th U S regulars; G S Goode, 84th Pa; G Gamble, 63d Pa; J M Wasser, 40th Ohio; P A White, 83d Pa; Isaac John, Engineer, gunboat Satellite. Since our publication yesterday we have obtained some further particulars of the escape. The work was mostly carrie