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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Field or search for Field in all documents.

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light, the enemy having massed heavy forces in front of Johnson's division, made a most vigorous assault upon Jones's brigade. For a while our line of battle was broken, and the enemy pressed over our breastworks, gaining possession of several pieces of our artillery and capturing a number of prisoners. Forces, however, were quickly sent to the relief of those thus engaged, and the enemy was driven back. About 10 o'clock this morning the enemy made most vigorous and repeated assaults upon Field's division, but were driven back with great slaughter. At 2 o'clock P. M., the enemy are making a most desperate fight in Ewell's front, but all accounts concur that we are driving them back and punishing them with great slaughter. The musketry firing to-day was the heaviest of the war. The battle has extended along the whole line to-day, and has been fought by the Yankees with more vim and bravery than any other fought on Virginia soil. Among our casualties are Brig. Gen. Per
my yesterday threw a force of infantry on our extreme left and engaged our cavalry, protecting that flank. Our cavalry (Chambliss's brigade) fought them a considerable time, when they were reinforced by infantry, driving the enemy back and capturing from him some seventy or eighty prisoners. Everything is quiet at 12 o'clock today. The bearing of most of our troops was superb on Thursday last; but Harris's, Mabone's, and Lane's, and Pegram's brigades I have heard specially commended, as also the whole of Rodes's and Field's divisions. Early and Anderson, as commanders of corps, have shown extraordinary abilities and fitness for their positions. The roads are deep in mud, thus enbancing the difficulties of transportation. Their need, however, he no apprehensions on the score of rations, forage or ammunition. The wounded are being sent off as rapidly as possible. Yankee Generals Robertson and Stevenson are certainly killed, and rumor says several others. X.