Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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nly retired after nearly all were killed or wounded. About a hundred of those wounded in this fight were brought to the city yesterday. It is reported that heavy skirmishing was going on yesterday in the neighborhood of Hanover Junction. Sheridan's Raiders. It is reported, on good authority, that Sheridan's cavalry force has crossed the Pamunkey at the White House, and gone up the Peninsula between the Pamunkey and Mattaponi rivers, with the view of effecting a junction with Grant. Our wounded at Resaca. The Atlanta papers furnish the names of several Confederate officers wounded in the battle of Resaca. Among them we find the following Brigadier Generals Walthall and Manigault, slightly, Brigadier General Tucker, of Miss., severely in arm; Col. R. J. Henderson, of Ga.; Col. Graves, of Tenn; Col. Copers, of S. C.; Majors Hulsey and Camp, of Ga; Capt. Pichell, engineer corps; Capt. Blanchard, of Ga.; Captain Carnatcher, of Tenn; Lieuts. Weems, of S. C.; Ralei
t of his instructions to bring on a general engagement within the Federal entrenchments, he returned late at night to his former position, leaving his dead and a portion of his wounded behind. His losses were small, not exceeding one hundred in killed and wounded. Through some oversight the ambulances of the corps did not accompany it, or the wounded might have been removed. The real object of the demonstration, however, was fully accomplished; the movement in the right was checked, and Gen. Grant reduced to the condition of the man who receives unexpected news on a journey, and who stops to search his head, being in doubt which way to turn or what to do, whether to go on or return. Since different accounts of the attack upon Johnson's division, of Ewell's corps, on the morning of the 12th have been given to the public, and since all of these accounts probably have more or less of error in them. I have applied to an intelligent officer who was present throughout the battle, an
From Yankeedom. Petersburg, May 24. --Northern dates to the 21st have been received. Grant telegraphs that an effort was made on Thursday evening by Ewell's corps to turn the Yankee right, which was promptly repulsed. Three hundred prisoners fell into Yankee hands, besides many killed and wounded. Yankee loss 600 wounded, 150 killed and missing. Stanton assures the Northern press that over 25,000 veteran reinforcements have been sent to Grant. There are no reports froGrant. There are no reports from Butler. The Red river is blockaded at many points by rebel shore batteries. Gen. Canby, who is about to assume command, promises to remove them early. Sigel has been removed, and Major General Hunter succeeds him. A dispatch from Sherman, dated Thursday night, at Kinston, states that during that day he had pushed a column round Kinston, in pursuit of Johnston, as far as Cassville. A hard fight for Atlanta is looked for. The Herald states that among the passengers on
Grant's Designs. Therein much speculation with regard to the future plans of Grant, whether he will cross the Pamunkey at Jericho and come directly upon Gen. Lee's front, or will keep on upon the old stage road, and pursue the route by Hanover Court House, which brings him to Richmond by the Meadow Bridge road, or whether he Grant, whether he will cross the Pamunkey at Jericho and come directly upon Gen. Lee's front, or will keep on upon the old stage road, and pursue the route by Hanover Court House, which brings him to Richmond by the Meadow Bridge road, or whether he will still continue to incline to the left, until he shall have reached McClellan's old base at West Point, where he may hope to form a junction with Butler. We should think the last the most probable conjecture, did it not imply an acknowledgement of defeat, which the Convention to assemble at Baltimore on the 7th June, could not mistake, and afford to McClellan a triumph, which might be fatal to the pretensions alike of Lincoln and Grant. As it is, we think he will come straight on, either by the Telegraph road, or by the old stage road, or by both. Whatever he may determine on, we entertain no doubt whatever of his signal defeat whenever the next tria
The Daily Dispatch: May 25, 1864., [Electronic resource], Reported Capture of a Blockade Runner. (search)
d the North Anna river, some twenty-five miles due north from Richmond. By reference to the map the reader will see that Grant, having moved to the right of Spotsylvania C. H. across the Ny, the northern branch of the Mattaponi, might safety throw e Ta, the Po and the Ny (from which is derived the name of the common stream which they form, the Mat-ta-po-ny,) afforded Grant a good screen, and enabled him to conduct the with comparative secrecy. South of the Rappahannock, Gen. Lee's propeeive, is behind the North Anna or the Pamunkey. It is stronger than the position at Spotsylvania C. H. from which all of Grant's army was unable to dislodge him; it gives him a shorter line by one half to defend, and two railroads over which to brio Richmond. If the North Anna and Pamunkey be our proper position, why, then, it may be asked, did General Lee fight Grant at the Wilderness and Spotsylvania Court-House? His chief reason. I apprehend, was of a political nature, since he must
r, been like a devout lover of the classics, faithful to the rule of the ancient poets, who did not introduce their gods until the great occasion when human beings had failed to decide the struggle and the balance hung at a poise, neither side being able to gain the preponderance. Just then it became the dignity and supernal power of the god to enter the arena and decide the fate of the day. And so comes in the great Bramlette. The god of Kentucky! The world pauses to take a long breath! Grant's glory is fled. Lee will find it useless to fight against the power that descends from high Olympus; and that great and bloody drama which the world has watched with such deep interest is suddenly to be concluded. When the final blow will fall-- the exact day thereof — is known only to the Kentucky divinity. His advent cannot be far off. Let us, in the meantime, like the old Romans, prepare ourselves to die as decently as possible! We think it was of Charles Mathews that the followi