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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: June 14, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for William E. Jones or search for William E. Jones in all documents.

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We are indebted to the kindness of a friend for a copy of the New York Herald, of Thursday, the 9th inst. It is full of interesting news, a summary of which we give bellow. The Herald publishes a map of the seat of operations in Western Virginia, and speaking of the Federal success, in which Gen. Wm. E. Jones lost his life, characterizes it as an action which "determines for us a concentration of our forces in Western Virginia." The Baltimore Convention--the nominations — the Platforms, &c. The Convention which met in Baltimore on the 7th, after a session of two days, nominated Abelian and Andy Johnson, the latter of Tennessee, for the Presidency. The Herald occupies several of its columns with the proceedings of the Baltimore Convention, It was characterized by disorder, but the deliberations were generally conducted with decorum. Mr. Delano, of Ohio — I move that this Convention now proceed to the nomination of candidate from President and Vice President of th