Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hanes or search for Hanes in all documents.

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Henley APriv6HWinder5 Howard BPriv2KWinder5 Hicks LPriv21FWinder5 Harman W HPriv37EWinder5 Holder APriv5AWinder5 Halterman J APriv33AWinder5 Hinsen JPriv20KWinder5 Hager R TPriv23KWinder5 Hatley NPriv27FWinder5 Hooks W HPriv15IWinder5 Hill JPriv27GWinder5 Halloway J APriv22FWinder5 Herrings JPriv66CWinder5 Haynes BPriv2DWinder5 Haws EPriv20GWinder5 Hales HPriv32KWinder5 HollingsworthPriv45AWinder5 Harris J JPriv43GWinder5 Hasper W HCorpl35DWinder5 Hursh WPrv38AWinderNo. 6 Hanes S NPrv38GWinder6 Hines J BPrv28BWinder6 Haries GPrv26HWinder6 Heless T HPrv1 cvCWinder6 Hubbard JPrv43KWinder6 Honycutt JPrv42HWinder6 Hampton R FPrv27BWinder6 Harris W OPrv11AWinder6 Hicks GPrv33HWinder6 Hennis P BCorpl22HWinder6 Helms A CPrv37DWinder6 Harding APrv26CWinder6 Horne N CPrv43HWinder6 Hays S WSergt5BWinder6 Hopkins ESergt43FWinderNo. 7 Holston APrv63AWinder7 Henry J APrv14CWinder7 Harrington C TPrv51FWinder7 Hebner BPrv23AWinder7 Holden H FPrv55IWinder7 Hagg