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liss bore a conspicuous part in this engagement, particularly the 9th and 10th Va cavalry, and received for their gallant services the thanks and congratulations of the general commanding for their conduct. The following is a correct list of the casualties, kindly furnished me by our Adjutant in the 10th Virginia cavalry. J S H. Headqr's 10th Va cavalry,June 28th, 1864. Report of the casualties in the late engagement (June 24th) at Samaria Church: Company A.--Killed: Trooper J L Davis, Jr Wounded: Troopers J Ketes, D N Morris, G N Crump. Company B.--Killed: Trooper J L Wagner. Wounded: Troopers J H Henbee, P Koonts, J Clodfelter. Company F.--Wounded: Capt J H Dettor, Trooper J R Herndon. Company H.--Wounded: 1st Lt S K Newham, Corp J R Foltz. Killed: Trooper P Calhoun. Company H.--Wounded: Trooper H Blackmare, Company I.--Killed: Trooper J N Gary. Recapitulation: Killed4 Wounded11 M J Dimmock, Adj't 10th Virginia cavalry.