Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Hughes or search for Hughes in all documents.

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ms HPriv48AWinder3 Hooks JPriv42DWinder3 Hipp JPriv31GWinder3 Helton WPriv54BWinder3 Harrison P MPriv66HWinder3 Holbrook WPriv7KWinder3 Harvill JPriv52GWinder3 Hall W JPriv47CWinder3 Hall T WPriv23CWinder3 Harrison JPriv17AWinder3 Hayes LPriv47GWinder3 Holmes OCorpl46IWinder3 Hamilton J TPriv13DWinder3 Hegler PPriv48IWinder3 Holt D APriv5EWinderNo. 4 Haynes RPriv11IWinder4 Hynseiman J SPriv5GWinder4 Harrison HPriv51EWinder4 Holland JPriv43IWinder4 Hoffer JnoPriv32BWinder4 Hughes JPriv48FWinder4 Herrin JPriv66CWinder4 Hawkine J SPriv22KWinder4 Hawkins A FPriv22KWinder4 Haggin J FPriv52GWinder4 Harrell GPriv52CWinder4 Henry B GPriv11HWinder4 Harris W HPriv2 cvLWinder4 Harris J APriv66GWinder4 Hedgepath APriv27GWinder4 Hill WmPriv48IWinder4 Hagian J MPriv48IWinder4 Hall N CPriv11HWinder4 Holder J WPriv46GWinderNo. 5 Hoover J MPriv46FWinder5 Hup W HPriv15FWinder5 Hooker J WPriv2 batAWinder5 Hamrick EPriv12EWinder5 Harvey RPriv45KWinder5 Hoyt MPriv30HW