Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Reynold or search for Reynold in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: July 4, 1864., [Electronic resource], From Georgia — the battle of Kennesaw Mountain. (search)
e necessary orders having been given, Stevenson's division moved forward in two lines of battle, as follows: Brown's brigade of Tennessean on the right, with Cumming's brigade of Georgians on the left, were moved forward in advanced front, while Reynold's North Carolinian and Virginians supported Brown, and Pettus's brigade of Alabamans supported Cumming. These two lines were commanded by Brig Gens Cumming and Pettus, and moved forward in splendid style to the charge. The ridge is on the slightly wounded; Major McGuire, 22d; Adj't Fonte, 26th Tenn, and Capt Mathes, acting Major 3d Tenn, were wounded.--Col Cook commanded Brown's brigade, and is as gallant an officer as there is in our army. I trust he will soon recover. In Reynold's brigade, Col French of the 63d Va, was wounded, as also Majors Harman, of the 54th Va, and Dula, of 58th N C. The only field officers I have heard of in Pettus's brigade as being wounded are Adj't J H Brooks, of the 46th, and Major Davis, of t