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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 6, 1864., [Electronic resource].

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Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 1
eneral John H. Morgan and capturing all of his staff. General Morgan's body was expected to arrive at Bristol last night. From this fact we infer that the enemy do not now hold Greenville. Greenville is fifty miles southwest of Bristol, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, and about seventy miles from Knoxville. "Baldy" Smith relieved. The Petersburg Express states that General Baldy Smith has been relieved from the command of the Eighteenth army corps, and that Lincoln has approved the order. Grant has assigned Major-General E. O. C. Ord to the command of Smith's corps, and Major-General D. B. Birney to the command of the Tenth corps. According to reports of deserters, Smith had indulged in a free criticism of Grant's campaign, saying, among other disparaging remarks, that it was a lamentable failure. This got to Grant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's comma
John H. Morgan (search for this): article 1
ar Vaughan's road as it is deemed prudent to carry them. The enemy has largely increased the number of his pickets at the point last named. Death of General John H. Morgan. Authentic information was received in this city Last night that the enemy surprised Greenville, Tennessee, on Sunday, killing General John H. Morgan General John H. Morgan and capturing all of his staff. General Morgan's body was expected to arrive at Bristol last night. From this fact we infer that the enemy do not now hold Greenville. Greenville is fifty miles southwest of Bristol, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, and about seventy miles from Knoxville. "Baldy" Smith rGeneral Morgan's body was expected to arrive at Bristol last night. From this fact we infer that the enemy do not now hold Greenville. Greenville is fifty miles southwest of Bristol, on the East Tennessee and Virginia railroad, and about seventy miles from Knoxville. "Baldy" Smith relieved. The Petersburg Express states that General Baldy Smith has been relieved from the command of the Eighteenth army corps, and that Lincoln has approved the order. Grant has assigned Major-General E. O. C. Ord to the command of Smith's corps, and Major-General D. B. Birney to the command of the Tenth corps. According t
rom Georgia represent that our army is in line of battle, confronting Sherman's advance, at Lovejoy's station, on the Macon and Western railroad, twenty-nine miles from Atlanta. We have good authority for stating that every effort was made by General Hood to hold Atlanta to the last. In abandoning the place the Army of Tennessee was saved intact, and all the trains were brought off safely. The surplus ordnance and commissary stores were blown up or burned, and the enemy gained nothing but a cors of a change in the command of the Army of Tennessee, but until they assume some definite shape we shall make no further allusion to them. Everything was comparatively quiet on the lines at last accounts. An official dispatch from General Hood, dated Lovejoy's, September 4th, states that the officers and men of the Army of Tennessee feel that every effort was made to hold Atlanta to the last; and that the army is not discouraged. From Petersburg. Nothing of interest is occu
thern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps. The Lynchburg Republican has a statement of a disaster to the Fifty- first Virginia regiment, Wharton's brigade, on the 25th ultimo, derived from a member of the Thirtieth Virginia battalion, from which it would appear that the regiment was ambuscaded, flanked, and badly cut up. Among those reported killed are Lieutenant-Colonel Wolf and Lieutenant Akers. Captain Bowen had a thigh broken, and Captain Allison was mortally wounded — since dead. We have seen no account of this affair in the Yankee papers, which are never backward in raising a shout over any slight advantage. We at east indulge the hope that there is some mistake about it. A raid in North Carolina. On Sunday morning week, a portion of the Sixty-seventh regiment North Carolina State troops, under Major Whitford, struck the Atlanta and Nort
August 30th (search for this): article 1
. C. Ord to the command of Smith's corps, and Major-General D. B. Birney to the command of the Tenth corps. According to reports of deserters, Smith had indulged in a free criticism of Grant's campaign, saying, among other disparaging remarks, that it was a lamentable failure. This got to Grant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's command than that furnished by Northern papers. A dispatch, dated August 30, says that on the previous day General Custar crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps. The Lynchburg Republican has a statement of a disaster to the Fifty- first Virgi
the previous day General Custar crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps. The Lynchburg Republican has a statement of a disaster to the Fifty- first Virginia regiment, Wharton's brigade, on the 25th ultimo, derived from a member of the Thirtieth Virginia battalion, from which it would appear that the regiment was ambuscaded, flanked, and badly cut up. Among those reported killed are Lieutenant-Colonel Wolf and Lieutenant Akers. Captain Bowen had a thigh broken, and Captain Allison was mortally wounded — since dead. We have seen no account of this affair in the Yankee papers, which are never backward in raising a shout over any slight advantage. We at east indul
Breckinridge (search for this): article 1
th had indulged in a free criticism of Grant's campaign, saying, among other disparaging remarks, that it was a lamentable failure. This got to Grant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's command than that furnished by Northern papers. A dispatch, dated August 30, says that on the previous day General Custar crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps. The Lynchburg Republican has a statement of a disaster to the Fifty- first Virginia regiment, Wharton's brigade, on the 25th ultimo, derived from a member of the Thirtieth Virginia battalion, from which it would appear that the
The Petersburg Express states that General Baldy Smith has been relieved from the command of the Eighteenth army corps, and that Lincoln has approved the order. Grant has assigned Major-General E. O. C. Ord to the command of Smith's corps, and Major-General D. B. Birney to the command of the Tenth corps. According to reports of deserters, Smith had indulged in a free criticism of Grant's campaign, saying, among other disparaging remarks, that it was a lamentable failure. This got to Grant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's command than that furnished by NortheGrant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's command than that furnished by Northern papers. A dispatch, dated August 30, says that on the previous day General Custar crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in
star crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps. The Lynchburg Republican has a statement of a disaster to the Fifty- first Virginia regiment, Wharton's brigade, on the 25th ultimo, derived from a member of the Thirtieth Virginia battalion, from which it would appear that the regiment was ambuscaded, flanked, and badly cut up. Among those reported killed are Lieutenant-Colonel Wolf and Lieutenant Akers. Captain Bowen had a thigh broken, and Captain Allison was mortally wounded — since dead. We have seen no account of this affair in the Yankee papers, which are never backward in raising a shout over any slight advantage. We at east indulge the hope that there is so
, and that Lincoln has approved the order. Grant has assigned Major-General E. O. C. Ord to the command of Smith's corps, and Major-General D. B. Birney to the command of the Tenth corps. According to reports of deserters, Smith had indulged in a free criticism of Grant's campaign, saying, among other disparaging remarks, that it was a lamentable failure. This got to Grant's ears, and the consequence was that Smith was relieved. The Northern Border. We have no later news from General Early's command than that furnished by Northern papers. A dispatch, dated August 30, says that on the previous day General Custar crossed the Opequan in the direction of Bunker Hill; but on encountering two divisions of Breckinridge's corps, retired, as it was not intended he should bring on a general engagement. The Northern papers also give accounts of cavalry fights, in which several Yankee officers were killed, among them Dr. W. H. Rulison, Medical Director of Torbert's cavalry corps.
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