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Russia (Russia) (search for this): article 1
has told them. They do not deserve to be trusted with any more secrets. As to other continental Powers, they can keep nothing from the hundred eyes and trumpet tongues of the London press. They do not even pretend to.-- The Paris letter-writers know their policy before they know it themselves, and publish it accordingly. Sometimes they admonish them in solemn tones of the errors of their way, and castigate them sharply if they do not reform. They swing the knout over the Emperor of Russia with as little reluctance as he would employ it upon one of his own serfs. We believe that if the Czar Peter were alive, they would not hesitate, upon proper occasion, to scarify his tough epidermis. We should like to see him scratching himself after one of these flagellations. Of course, it would not be expected that these high and mighty potentates should be ignorant of the purposes of England and France towards this benighted hemisphere. France and England are going to recognize b
France (France) (search for this): article 1
Paris letter — writers. A Paris letter, published in the Northern papers two weeks ago, furnishes a report that France and England intend, after the 4th of March next, to recognize Lincoln as the President of the Northern States, and to recognize the South as an independent nation. We have not a word to say against the after one of these flagellations. Of course, it would not be expected that these high and mighty potentates should be ignorant of the purposes of England and France towards this benighted hemisphere. France and England are going to recognize both Lincoln and Jeff. Davis. Napoleon has told the letter-writers so in one of thoFrance and England are going to recognize both Lincoln and Jeff. Davis. Napoleon has told the letter-writers so in one of those cozy, confidential tete a-tetes which they have over their wine in the hotel Pouissin.--What an artless, gossipping old gentleman! And how abominable that his confidence should be so abused! But perhaps it is their sweet simplicity which has been victimized. Perhaps the venerable Slyboots was in his cups, and was joyously ch
Louis Napoleon (search for this): article 1
m. He deserved to be promoted to the Paris-letter staff. The Paris letter-writers do not earn their bread in idleness. They manage the affairs of all Europe. They have uninterrupted access to all the Cabinets, especially the Cabinet of Louis Napoleon. That impassive and inscrutable monarch, whose purposes the shrewdest diplomatists endeavor in vain to fathom, unbosoms himself with the artlessness of a child to the Paris letter-writers. In their presence he relaxes that grim secretivenes Of course, it would not be expected that these high and mighty potentates should be ignorant of the purposes of England and France towards this benighted hemisphere. France and England are going to recognize both Lincoln and Jeff. Davis. Napoleon has told the letter-writers so in one of those cozy, confidential tete a-tetes which they have over their wine in the hotel Pouissin.--What an artless, gossipping old gentleman! And how abominable that his confidence should be so abused! But p
Jefferson Davis (search for this): article 1
uctance as he would employ it upon one of his own serfs. We believe that if the Czar Peter were alive, they would not hesitate, upon proper occasion, to scarify his tough epidermis. We should like to see him scratching himself after one of these flagellations. Of course, it would not be expected that these high and mighty potentates should be ignorant of the purposes of England and France towards this benighted hemisphere. France and England are going to recognize both Lincoln and Jeff. Davis. Napoleon has told the letter-writers so in one of those cozy, confidential tete a-tetes which they have over their wine in the hotel Pouissin.--What an artless, gossipping old gentleman! And how abominable that his confidence should be so abused! But perhaps it is their sweet simplicity which has been victimized. Perhaps the venerable Slyboots was in his cups, and was joyously chaffing these pretty carrier pigeons. We have a faint recollection of having heard reports of Recognition
difficulty in refreshing themselves after the arduous labors of their correspondence, and leading, on the whole, a luxurious and effervescent life. Of course, they are expected to render a quid pro quo; not to be altogether lilies of the valley — to be useful not less than ornamental. The English breakfast table, with its tea and toast, would furnish meagre entertainment but for side dishes of gossip and scandal set forth by the newspaper. The letter writers are expected to entertain Mr. Bull with a sensation before he goes to Change. Public affairs and private affairs must be served hot, smoking and savory. There is no such chef de cuisine in all Paris as "Our Own Correspondent." He will make the best of soups out of bones, and convert a frog into a chicken. We remember an attache of a London press, who visited the Confederacy in the beginning of the war. Up to that time, we had supposed no one could approach an American letter-writer in fishing up minnows, and, by fertility
Abraham Lincoln (search for this): article 1
Paris letter — writers. A Paris letter, published in the Northern papers two weeks ago, furnishes a report that France and England intend, after the 4th of March next, to recognize Lincoln as the President of the Northern States, and to recognize the South as an independent nation. We have not a word to say against the Paris letter writers. We recognize their independence without hesitation. They are independent in their income, and have never owed allegiance to truth or probabilitne of these flagellations. Of course, it would not be expected that these high and mighty potentates should be ignorant of the purposes of England and France towards this benighted hemisphere. France and England are going to recognize both Lincoln and Jeff. Davis. Napoleon has told the letter-writers so in one of those cozy, confidential tete a-tetes which they have over their wine in the hotel Pouissin.--What an artless, gossipping old gentleman! And how abominable that his confidence
Paris letter — writers. A Paris letter, published in the Northern papers two weeks ago, furnishes a report that France and England intend, after the 4th of March next, to recognize Lincoln as the President of the Northern States, and to recognheir income, and have never owed allegiance to truth or probabilities at any time. A more comfortable berth than that of Paris letter writer for a London journal is not easily found. Paris is not a dear city. Twenty years ago a letter-writer coulParis is not a dear city. Twenty years ago a letter-writer could live quite comfortably there for twenty dollars a month. The salary even of subordinates was three guineas a week. Expenses are heavier in Paris now, but salaries have probably risen. Four hours a day would be a large allowance of work for them, and the remainder of the twenty-four hours is disposable for loafing and lying. In such a city as Paris, young men of education, who have found the bar in England a rather rough and toilsome way of climbing to distinction find no difficulty in re
April, 3 AD (search for this): article 1
Paris letter — writers. A Paris letter, published in the Northern papers two weeks ago, furnishes a report that France and England intend, after the 4th of March next, to recognize Lincoln as the President of the Northern States, and to recognize the South as an independent nation. We have not a word to say against the Paris letter writers. We recognize their independence without hesitation. They are independent in their income, and have never owed allegiance to truth or probabilits in his cups, and was joyously chaffing these pretty carrier pigeons. We have a faint recollection of having heard reports of Recognition before. Nevertheless, the letter-writers give a date this time. We are to be recognized "after the 4th of March next"--after, we doubt not, and when we are no longer able to recognize ourselves. In the meantime, we shall try to be patient, hopeful and belligerent. Our faith is a very robust and vigorous faith. There are few achievements which it is