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ressing resignation to his fate. He made a profession of religion some three or four days before his execution. The enlistment of negro soldiers is here, as elsewhere, the chief subject of interest at present. Late in the evening of the 15th instant, an order was received from General Evans, in Terry's brigade, to take the vote of the soldiers on the question of the enlistment of negro troops by volunteering, in separate commands, and to send up the report that night. The men were calledsing necessity, without first consulting the views of the soldiers, that this measure is now daily becoming more popular in the army, and that many who, a few days ago, were opposed to it, and who did not vote, or voted against this measure on the 15th, are now decidedly in favor of it. The fact is significant, that notwithstanding the disadvantages under which the vote of the men was taken, a decided majority were in favor of organizing at once an effective force of volunteer negro troops
Five hundred dollars reward. --Ran away from Greensboro', North Carolina, on the 15th of this month, a negro man, named Lewis. Said negro is about twenty-four years old, five feet ten op-eleven inches high, black complexion, and weighs one hundred and ninety-two pounds. He was bought on the 3d of February from Dr. R. H. Christian. I will pay the above reward for his delivery to me. Robert Lumpkin. Richmond, Virginia. fe 16--1m*
Martin a report that the Federal infantry was crossing the Gostanaula, near Calhoun, on a pontoon bridge. The instructions to Lieutenant-General Hood were revoked, and Walker's division sent to the point named by Major-General Martin. On the 15th, there was severe skirmishing on the whole front. Major-General Walker reported no movement near Calhoun. Lieutenant-General Hood was directed to prepare to move forward, his right leading, supported by two brigades from Polk's and Hardee's corp the Chattahoochee, skirmishing became less severe. On the 14th, a division of Federal cavalry crossed the river by Moore's bridge, near Newman, but was driven back by Armstrong's brigade, sent by Brigadier-General Jackson to meet it. On the 15th, Governor Brown informed me, orally, that he hoped to reinforce the army before the end of the month with near ten thousand State troops. On the 17th, the main body of the Federal army crossed the Chattahoochee between Roswell and Powers' fer