Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Pate or search for Pate in all documents.

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The late Election. --The following is the official vote of Chesterfield county, including that of the army, for member of the House of Delegates: William Ambers.348 A. H. Drewry148 Ambers's majority200 It is stated that William M. Burwell is re-elected to the House of Delegates from Bedford county. This county sends two delegates; and the contest between Messrs. Jordan and Pate, for the remaining seat, is very close, though it is believed Mr. Jordan is elected. John Staples is re-elected to the House of Delegates from Patrick county, and Mr. Mullins from Henry county. Sutherlin has about 200 majority over McElhenny for Board of Public. Works, in Patrick, and about the same majority in Henry. The vote of Lynchburg for Commissioner of the Board of Public Works stands; Sutherlin, 130; McElhenny, 106. Colonel A. C. Cummings and George Graham are re-elected to the House of Delegates from Washington county, and Colonel William P. Sheppard is electe