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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 2,462 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 692 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 10 516 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 3, 15th edition. 418 0 Browse Search
C. Julius Caesar, Gallic War 358 0 Browse Search
George Bancroft, History of the United States from the Discovery of the American Continent, Vol. 4, 15th edition. 298 0 Browse Search
Hon. J. L. M. Curry , LL.D., William Robertson Garrett , A. M. , Ph.D., Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 1.1, Legal Justification of the South in secession, The South as a factor in the territorial expansion of the United States (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 230 0 Browse Search
H. Wager Halleck , A. M. , Lieut. of Engineers, U. S. Army ., Elements of Military Art and Science; or, Course of Instruction in Strategy, Fortification, Tactis of Battles &c., Embracing the Duties of Staff, Infantry, Cavalry, Artillery and Engineers. Adapted to the Use of Volunteers and Militia. 190 0 Browse Search
C. Edwards Lester, Life and public services of Charles Sumner: Born Jan. 6, 1811. Died March 11, 1874. 186 0 Browse Search
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard) 182 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for France (France) or search for France (France) in all documents.

Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:

It must be acknowledged that a territory like the South is worth fighting for. Eight hundred and fifty thousand square miles, as large as Great Britain, France, Austria, Prussia and Spain, with a most productive soil and a most genial climate, whose staple productions none of those great countries can grow; with three thousand miles of coast line, indented with bays and crowded with islands, and its vast centre watered by the Mississippi, into whose bosom are poured thirty-six thousand miles of tributary streams. Let us see what the "goose that laid the golden egg" was doing before the experiment of "cutting it open" was undertaken by the North. The Census of 1850 and the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury for 1857 show that each inhabitant of the South, of all classes, produced $13.30 more than each individual at the North. The average agricultural production at the South was $58 to each person, when, at the North, it was only $44.70. The total agricultural producti
We extract the following from the New York Herald. It is a revelation of Satanic malignity which deserves to be recorded. We have nothing to say of the precious justification of the burning of people's homes, because the incendiaries had to leave their own homes in order to do it! When, at some future day, the United States has succeeded in provoking England or France into a war, and a bombarding squadron is burning the houses of their people about their ears, they will discover that it is only retaliation for causing the invaders to leave their comfortable homes in Europe! If any one ever doubted the appropriateness of the title once bestowed upon the Herald by a New York contemporary of "the Satanic Press," let him read the following: "South Carolina is honestly hated by the whole North as the prime mover of secession, the head and front of the attempt to destroy our Government — the proudest spirit in the Southern oligarchy, that, in its contemptible pride, had