Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 30, 1865., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for City Point (Virginia, United States) or search for City Point (Virginia, United States) in all documents.

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d in handling his division, which behaved with great skill in this, its first, engagement. John G. Parke, Major-General. Stanton, at a later hour, communicates the following supplementary dispatches from General Grant: City Point, Virginia, March 25--8 A. M. Hon. Edwin M. Stanton, Secretary of War: The number of prisoners received by the provost-marshal is twenty-two hundred, taken by the Ninth corps, and five hundred by the Second corps. There may be still some more to be brought in. U. S. Grant. City Point, March 25--7:30 P. M. Hon. E. M. Stanton, Secretary of War: I am not yet able to give the result of the day accurately, but the number of prisoners captured proves larger than at first reported. The slaughter of the enemy at the point where they entered our lines, and in front of it, was probably not less than three thousand. Our less is estimated at eight hundred, and may prove less. General Humphreys attacked on the left w
cient to throw discredit upon the whole. A correct official report of our losses on the whole line south of the Appomattox on Saturday would be most acceptable to the people, and we hope that such a one will be published. The Petersburg Express says that fifteen monitors, and forty iron-clad vessels, and a large fleet of smaller boats, are now in the James river. Commodore Porter is in command of the James River fleet. General Grant's headquarters are at Dr. Eppes's house, at City Point. Movements of the enemy in East Tennessee. The advance of Thomas's army — namely, the Fourth army corps, under Langley, are reported to have been at Carter's, twenty miles from Bristol, on Sunday evening. A subsequent report that they were falling back is not believed. From North Carolina. We have nothing very recent from North Carolina through Confederate sources. The Yankees slur over Sherman's defeat at Bentonsville, on the 19th, with bare mention that there was some