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sum of three hundred dollars, with Stephen Mason as surety. D. D. Mott was charged with stealing a watch, valued at twenty dollars, fromity. Mr. Ames testified that, about the first of last month, he let Mott have the watch for the purpose of selling it; that two or three days afterwards, noticing that Mott did not have the watch, he questioned him, and was told that he had sold it. A gentleman came in and accused Mott of pawning the watch and falling to redeem it, and hard words passed between them. Mott had repeatedly promised to get the money for witMott had repeatedly promised to get the money for witness, but had never done so. (The witness was cross-examined by Mott, who conducted his own defence, but nothing of importance was elicited.) Mott, who conducted his own defence, but nothing of importance was elicited.) Mr. Richardson testified to the fact that the watch was pawned to him by Mott as security for a claim he held against him; also, that none of Mott as security for a claim he held against him; also, that none of the parties concerned attributed any dishonorable motive to the accused at the time of the transaction. The Mayor, after hearing this stateme