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I am astonished, furthermore, at those who are persuaded that Alcibiades is a lover of democracy, that form of government which more than any other would seem to make equality its end. They are not using his private life as evidence of his character, in spite of the fact that his greed and his arrogance are plain to them. On his marriage with the sister of Callias he received a dowry of ten talents; yet after HipponicusFor Hipponicus and Callius cf. Andoc. 1.115, 130. had lost his life as one of the generals at Delium,In 424 B.C. Demosthenes and Hippocrates planned a joint invasion of Boeotia. The scheme miscarried; and the Athenians were heavily defeated at Delium. he exacted another ten, on the ground that Hipponicus had agreed to add this further sum as soon as Alcibiades should have a child by his daughter.
that his greed and his arrogance are plain to them. On his marriage with the sister of Callias he received a dowry of ten talents; yet after HipponicusFor Hipponicus and Callius cf. Andoc. 1.115, 130. had lost his life as one of the generals at Delium,In 424 B.C. Demosthenes and Hippocrates planned a joint invasion of Boeotia. The scheme miscarried; and the Athenians were heavily defeated at Delium. he exacted another ten, on the ground that Hipponicus had agreed to add this further sum as soOn his marriage with the sister of Callias he received a dowry of ten talents; yet after HipponicusFor Hipponicus and Callius cf. Andoc. 1.115, 130. had lost his life as one of the generals at Delium,In 424 B.C. Demosthenes and Hippocrates planned a joint invasion of Boeotia. The scheme miscarried; and the Athenians were heavily defeated at Delium. he exacted another ten, on the ground that Hipponicus had agreed to add this further sum as soon as Alcibiades should have a child by his daughter.
I am astonished, furthermore, at those who are persuaded that Alcibiades is a lover of democracy, that form of government which more than any other would seem to make equality its end. They are not using his private life as evidence of his character, in spite of the fact that his greed and his arrogance are plain to them. On his marriage with the sister of Callias he received a dowry of ten talents; yet after HipponicusFor Hipponicus and Callius cf. Andoc. 1.115, 130. had lost his life as one of the generals at Delium,In 424 B.C. Demosthenes and Hippocrates planned a joint invasion of Boeotia. The scheme miscarried; and the Athenians were heavily defeated at Delium. he exacted another ten, on the ground that Hipponicus had agreed to add this further sum as soon as Alcibiades should have a child by his daughter.