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Athens (Greece) 228 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 222 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 110 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 58 0 Browse Search
Thermopylae 38 0 Browse Search
Thebes (Greece) 38 0 Browse Search
Attica (Greece) 32 0 Browse Search
Greece (Greece) 30 0 Browse Search
Athens (Greece) 28 0 Browse Search
Macedonia (Macedonia) 26 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Demosthenes, For the Megalopolitans. Search the whole document.

Found 9 total hits in 2 results.

Megalopolis (Greece) (search for this): speech 16, section 30
Then again I think that you must bear this in mind, that if you reject the Megalopolitans and they are overthrown and decentralized,By destroying their metropolis and compelling them to live in scattered and unwalled villages. the Lacedaemonians can at once be a great power, or if they do escape destruction—for such miracles have happened before now—they are bound to be the staunch friends of Thebes; but if you accept them as allies, Megalopolis will indeed owe its immediate deliverance to you, but we must put on one side all calculation of risk, and consider what will be the effect upon our relations with Thebes and Spar
led villages. the Lacedaemonians can at once be a great power, or if they do escape destruction—for such miracles have happened before now—they are bound to be the staunch friends of Thebes; but if you accept them as allies, Megalopolis will indeed owe its immediate deliverance to you, but we must put on one side all calculation of risk, and consider what will be the efemonians can at once be a great power, or if they do escape destruction—for such miracles have happened before now—they are bound to be the staunch friends of Thebes; but if you accept them as allies, Megalopolis will indeed owe its immediate deliverance to you, but we must put on one side all calculation of risk, and consider what will be the effect upon our relations with Thebes and