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Tiberias (Israel) 178 0 Browse Search
Jerusalem (Israel) 98 0 Browse Search
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Sepphoris (Israel) 48 0 Browse Search
Gischala (Israel) 30 0 Browse Search
Rome (Italy) 12 0 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Flavius Josephus, The Life of Flavius Josephus (ed. William Whiston, A.M.). Search the whole document.

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Berytus (Lebanon) (search for this): section 179
l of Gamala upon the following occasion: When Philip had been informed that Varus was put out of his government by king Agrippa, and that Equieulus Modius, a man that was of old his friend and companion, was come to succeed him, he wrote to him, and related what turns of fortune he had had, and desired him to forward the letters he sent to the king and queen. Now, when Modius had received these letters, he was exceedingly glad, and sent the letters to the king and queen, who were then about Berytus. But when king Agrippa knew that the story about Philip was false, (for it had been given out, that the Jews had begun a war with the Romans, and that this Philip had been their commander in that war,) he sent some horsemen to conduct Philip to him; and when he was come, he saluted him very obligingly, and showed him to the Roman commanders, and told them that this was the man of whom the report had gone about as if he had revolted from the Romans. He also bid him to take some horsemen with