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ccurately with known ruins. It has been supposed that Damgham corresponds best with this place; but Damgham is too near the Pylee Caspiæ: on the whole it is probable that any remains of Hecatompylos ought to be sought in the neighbourhood of a place now called Jah Jirm. Smith, art. Hecatompylos.1960 To AlexandreiaNow Herat, the capital of Khorassan. See Smith, art. Aria Civitas. in the country of the Arii (Ariana)4530 Thence to ProphthasiaZarang. in DrangaSigistan. (or according to others 1500)1600 Thence to the city ArachotiUlan Robât, but see Smith, art. Arachotus.4120 Thence to Ortospana on the three roads from BactraBalkh. See Smith.2000 Thence to the confines of India1000 ——— Which together amount to15,300The sum total is 15,210 stadia, and not 15,300 stadia. This latter sum total is to be found again in b. xv. c. ii. § 8, but the passage there referred to has served to correct a still greater error in the reading of this chapter, viz. 15,500. Corrections of the text ha
assigns the following distances from the Caspian Gates to India. Stadia. To HecatompylosThere is great doubt where it was situated; the distances recorded by ancient writers not corresponding accurately with known ruins. It has been supposed that Damgham corresponds best with this place; but Damgham is too near the Pylee Caspiæ: on the whole it is probable that any remains of Hecatompylos ought to be sought in the neighbourhood of a place now called Jah Jirm. Smith, art. Hecatompylos.1960 To AlexandreiaNow Herat, the capital of Khorassan. See Smith, art. Aria Civitas. in the country of the Arii (Ariana)4530 Thence to ProphthasiaZarang. in DrangaSigistan. (or according to others 1500)1600 Thence to the city ArachotiUlan Robât, but see Smith, art. Arachotus.4120 Thence to Ortospana on the three roads from BactraBalkh. See Smith.2000 Thence to the confines of India1000 ——— Which together amount to15,300The sum total is 15,210 stadia, and not 15,300 stadia. This latter sum tot
i and Bactriani by the Oxus; that Tapyri occupy the country between Hyrcani and Arii; that around the shores of the sea, next to the Hyrcani, are Amardi, Anariacæ, Cadusii, Albani, Caspii, Vitii, and perhaps other tribes extending as far as the Scythians; that on the other side of the Hyrcani are Derbices, that the Caducii are contiguous both to the Medes and Matiani below the Parachoathras. These are the distances which he gives. Stadia. From the Caspian Sea to the Cyrus about1800 Thence to the Caspian Gates5600 Thence to Alexandreia in the territory of the Arii6400 Thence to the city Bactra, which is called also Zariaspa3870 Thence to the river Iaxartes, which Alexander reached, about5000 ——— Making a total of22,670 ——— He also assigns the following distances from the Caspian Gates to India. Stadia. To HecatompylosThere is great doubt where it was situated; the distances recorded by ancient writers not corresponding accurately with known ruins. It has be
tely with known ruins. It has been supposed that Damgham corresponds best with this place; but Damgham is too near the Pylee Caspiæ: on the whole it is probable that any remains of Hecatompylos ought to be sought in the neighbourhood of a place now called Jah Jirm. Smith, art. Hecatompylos.1960 To AlexandreiaNow Herat, the capital of Khorassan. See Smith, art. Aria Civitas. in the country of the Arii (Ariana)4530 Thence to ProphthasiaZarang. in DrangaSigistan. (or according to others 1500)1600 Thence to the city ArachotiUlan Robât, but see Smith, art. Arachotus.4120 Thence to Ortospana on the three roads from BactraBalkh. See Smith.2000 Thence to the confines of India1000 ——— Which together amount to15,300The sum total is 15,210 stadia, and not 15,300 stadia. This latter sum total is to be found again in b. xv. c. ii. § 8, but the passage there referred to has served to correct a still greater error in the reading of this chapter, viz. 15,500. Corrections of the text have be