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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 40 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.). Search the whole document.

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e columns and the military standards of every sort which were affixed to them. Marcus Fulvius contracted for additional works and of greater utility: a harbourIt was probably near the bridge. B.C. 179 and the piles for a bridge over the Tiber, the piles on which many years later Publius Scipio Africanus and Lucius Mummius in their censorship contracted for the construction of arches,The bridge is the pons Aemilius, finished by Scipio Aemilianus and Mummius in their censorship in 142 B.C. The single arch still standing in the river may belong to it. a basilica behind the new shops of the silver-smithsOn the north side of the Forum. Originally called basilica Fulvia or Aemilia et Fulvia, its restorations by later Aemilii have caused it to be known as basilica Aemilia. For the earlier basilica Porcia cf. XXXIX. xliv. 7 and the note. and a fish-marketIt lay to the north of the basilica and was probably identical with the macellum of XXVII. xi. 16. with shops about it which he s