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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Titus Livius (Livy), The History of Rome, Book 42 (ed. Evan T. Sage, Ph.D. and Alfred C. Schlesinger, Ph.D.). Search the whole document.

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s due to the dignity of the king, the other group, to the reputation of the Roman people, especially since Perseus had sought the conference. A jest from Marcius also influenced the undecided: Let the younger, said he, cross over to his elders, and —for his own personalThe cognomen was sometimes a personal name, or accepted nickname, sometimes an inherited name indicating a branch of the clan or gens; in this case, the name dated back at least to Marcius' grandfather, who triumphed in 281 B.C. Most Marcii had Rex as surname. name was Philip —the son to his father. This solution easily recommended itself to the king. Then another problem arose, as to how large an escort should cross with him. The king thought it proper to cross with his entire suite; the envoys bade him either to come with three attendants, or, if he should bring over so large a train, to give hostages that there would be no treachery during the conference. He gave as hostages Hippias andB.C. 172 Panta