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Jaroslaw (Poland) (search for this): narrative 390
e. The 21. we came to Skala. The 22. to Slothone, or Sloczow. The 24. to Leopolis which is in Russia alba, and so is the most part of the countrey betwixt Camyenetz and it. And it is a towne very well built, well governed, full of trafique and plentifull: and there we stayed five dayes. The 30. we baited at Grodecz, and that night at Vilna . The 31. we dined at Mostiska, and that night at Rodmena. The first of November in the morning before day wee passed without the Towne of Jaroslaw, where they say is one of the greatest faires in all Poland , and chiefly of horses, and that night to Rosdnoska. The second to dinner at Lanczut, at night to Retsbou. The thirde to Sendxizow, at night to Tarnow , and that night wee mette with the Palatine Laski. The fourth to Vonuez, and that night to Brytska. The fift to Kuhena. The 6. to Cracovia the principall Citie of all Poland : at which time the King was gone to Lituania : for he doeth make his residence one yee
Pola (Croatia) (search for this): narrative 390
Senators were continually shut up together, as the maner is, to chuse a newe duke, which was not yet chosen when we departed from thence. The 2. of August at night wee did embarke our selves upon the Frigate of Cattaro, an haven neere Ragusa . The 3. we came to a towne in Istria called Citta nova. The 4. we came to Parenzo , and so that night to Forcera of the bishop. The 5. we passed by Rovigno: and a litle beyond we met with 3. Galies of the Venetians: we passed in the sight of Pola ; and the same day passed the gulfe that parteth Istria from Dalmatia . The 6. of August we came to Zara in Dalmatia , a strong towne of the Venetians: and so that night to Sebenico , which standeth in a marveilous goodly haven, with a strong castle at the entrie thereof. The 7. we came to Lezina, and went not on shoore, but traveiled all night. The 8. we passed by a very wel seated towne called Curzola , which standeth in an island of that name. The 9. in the morning betimes w
ea, that is to say, fourtie Churches, which in the olde time was a very great City, now full of scattered buildings. The 4. of October wee came to Prouaz, one dayes journey distant from Varna upon the Blacke Sea. The 9. we came to Saxi upon the river of Danubius . The 10. we passed the said river which in that place is about a mile over, and then we entred into the countrey of Bogdania : they are Christians but subjects to the Turke. The 12. we came to Palsin upon the river Prut . The 14. wee came to Yas the principall Towne of Bogdania, where Peter the Vayvoda prince of that Countrey keepeth his residence, of whom wee received great courtesie, and of the gentlemen of his Court: And he caused us to be safe conducted through his said Countrey, and conveyed without coste. The 17. we came to Stepanitze. The 19. we came to Zotschen, which is the last towne of Bogdania upon the river of Neister, that parteth the said countrey from Podolia . The 20. we passed t
Bosnia (Bosnia and Hercegovina) (search for this): narrative 390
other side of the water over against the Citie is the Towne of Pera, where the most part of the Christians do lye. And there also wee did lye. And on the North part of the saide Towne is the Arsenal, where the Galies are built and doe remaine: And on the Southside is all the Ordinance, artilerie, and houses of munition. Note that by the way as wee came from Ragusa to Constantinople, wee left on our right hand the Countreys of Albania, and Macedonia , and on the left hande the countreys of Bosnia , Bulgaria , and the river of Danubius . The 14. of September was the Turkes Beyram, that is, one of their chiefest feastes. The 15. we went to the blacke Sea called Pontus Euxinus, and there upon a rocke we sawe a piller of white Marble that was set up by Pompeius: and from thence we passed to the other side of the water, upon the shore of Asia and there we dined. The 25. we departed from Constantinople. The 29. we came to an ancient Towne called Cherchisea, that is to say,
Bendzin (Poland) (search for this): narrative 390
The fift to Kuhena. The 6. to Cracovia the principall Citie of all Poland : at which time the King was gone to Lituania : for he doeth make his residence one yeere in Poland , and the other in Lituania . Cracovia standeth on the river of Vistula . The 9. wee departed from Cracovia , and that night wee came to a village hard by a Towne called Ilkusch, where the leade Mines are. The 10. wee passed by a Towne called Slawkow: where there are also leade Mines, and baited that day at Bendzin , which is the last towne of Poland towards Silesia ; and there is a toll. Note that all the Countreys of Poland, Russia alba, Podolia , Bogdania, and divers other Countreys adjoyning unto them, doe consume no other salt but such as is digged in Sorstyn mountaine neere to Cracovia which is as hard as any stone; it is very good, and goeth further then any other salt. That night we lay at Bitom, which is the first Towne of Silesia. The 12. we passed by a great towne called Strelit
Albania (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): narrative 390
reof joyne upon the sea: and on the Northeast part of the Citie on the other side of the water over against the Citie is the Towne of Pera, where the most part of the Christians do lye. And there also wee did lye. And on the North part of the saide Towne is the Arsenal, where the Galies are built and doe remaine: And on the Southside is all the Ordinance, artilerie, and houses of munition. Note that by the way as wee came from Ragusa to Constantinople, wee left on our right hand the Countreys of Albania, and Macedonia , and on the left hande the countreys of Bosnia , Bulgaria , and the river of Danubius . The 14. of September was the Turkes Beyram, that is, one of their chiefest feastes. The 15. we went to the blacke Sea called Pontus Euxinus, and there upon a rocke we sawe a piller of white Marble that was set up by Pompeius: and from thence we passed to the other side of the water, upon the shore of Asia and there we dined. The 25. we departed from Constantinople. T
Italy (Italy) (search for this): narrative 390
hat night to bed at Landeck , where there is a toll, and it is the place where Charles the fift and his brother Ferdinand did meet. And there is a table of brasse with Latine letters in memorie thereof. The 13. we passed by Stizen, and dined at Prisena, and so that night to Clusen. The 14. to dinner at Bolsan and to bed at Neumark , and by the way we passed the dangerous place, where so many murthers have bene committed. The 15. to dinner at Trent : That day we entred the borders of Italy , that night to Lenigo. The 16. to dinner at Grigno , where the last toll of the Emperour is: and so we came by Chursa, which is a streight passage. And the keeper thereof is drawne up by a cord into his holde. And that night we went to Capana to bed in the countrey of the Venetians. The 17. to dinner at castle Franco: by the way we stayed at Tarviso, and there tooke coche, and that night came to Mestre to bed. The 18. in the morning we came to Venice , and there we stayed 15. dayes.
Macedonia (Macedonia) (search for this): narrative 390
ea: and on the Northeast part of the Citie on the other side of the water over against the Citie is the Towne of Pera, where the most part of the Christians do lye. And there also wee did lye. And on the North part of the saide Towne is the Arsenal, where the Galies are built and doe remaine: And on the Southside is all the Ordinance, artilerie, and houses of munition. Note that by the way as wee came from Ragusa to Constantinople, wee left on our right hand the Countreys of Albania, and Macedonia , and on the left hande the countreys of Bosnia , Bulgaria , and the river of Danubius . The 14. of September was the Turkes Beyram, that is, one of their chiefest feastes. The 15. we went to the blacke Sea called Pontus Euxinus, and there upon a rocke we sawe a piller of white Marble that was set up by Pompeius: and from thence we passed to the other side of the water, upon the shore of Asia and there we dined. The 25. we departed from Constantinople. The 29. we came to an
Zerbst (Saxony-Anhalt, Germany) (search for this): narrative 390
audzen and Cannitz, and that night to Rensperg. The 20. we passed by Hayn, by Strelen, where we should have passed the river of Elbe , but the boate was not there, so that night we lay at a towne called Mulberg. The 21. we passed the said river, wee went by Belgern , by Torga, by Dumitch; and at night to Bretsch. The 22. wee passed the Elbe againe at Wittenberg , which is a very strong towne, with a good Universitie: and that day we passed by Coswig . The 23. wee passed through Zerbst in the morning, and that night to Magdeburg , a very strong Towne, and well governed as wee did heare. The most part of the Countrey, after wee were come one dayes journey on this side Breslawe to this place, belongeth to the Duke of Saxon. The 24. wee passed by a castle of the Marques of Brandenburg called Wolmerstat, and that night we lay at Garleben. The 25. wee lay at Soltwedel. The 26. at Berg . The 27. we baited at Lunenborg, that night we lay at Winson. The 28. we ca
Lithuania (Lithuania) (search for this): narrative 390
ow, at night to Tarnow , and that night wee mette with the Palatine Laski. The fourth to Vonuez, and that night to Brytska. The fift to Kuhena. The 6. to Cracovia the principall Citie of all Poland : at which time the King was gone to Lituania : for he doeth make his residence one yeere in Poland , and the other in Lituania . Cracovia standeth on the river of Vistula . The 9. wee departed from Cracovia , and that night wee came to a village hard by a Towne called Ilkusch, where tLituania . Cracovia standeth on the river of Vistula . The 9. wee departed from Cracovia , and that night wee came to a village hard by a Towne called Ilkusch, where the leade Mines are. The 10. wee passed by a Towne called Slawkow: where there are also leade Mines, and baited that day at Bendzin , which is the last towne of Poland towards Silesia ; and there is a toll. Note that all the Countreys of Poland, Russia alba, Podolia , Bogdania, and divers other Countreys adjoyning unto them, doe consume no other salt but such as is digged in Sorstyn mountaine neere to Cracovia which is as hard as any stone; it is very good, and goeth further then a
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