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Fort Moultrie (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
time we are considering, it was Plan of Fort Moultrie in December, 1860. explanation of the Dour that was garrisoned. Soutii view of Fort Moultrie. Fort Sumter, then the largest and by) had no power to increase the garrison at Fort Moultrie, and, if he had, the act would be unwise. He had heard that the troops in Fort Moultrie were hostile to the city of Charleston. If so, they6th of December, the women and children in Fort Moultrie, and ample provisions, were placed in vessarters for them. The firing of three guns at Moultrie was to be the signal for them all to be conved two or three other officers were left at Fort Moultrie, with a few men, with orders to spike the keenly, for on the very day when he went from Moultrie to Sumter, a resolution, offered by Mr. Spainseen clouds of heavy smoke rolling up from Fort Moultrie. They had crowded the Battery, the wharvee mounted on them. On the same day when Fort Moultrie was seized, the revenue cutter William Aik[26 more...]
Nebraska (Nebraska, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
reau. December 31, 1860. He assured Major Anderson of the approval of his Government, and that his movement in transferring the garrison from Moultrie to Sumter was in every way admirable, alike for its humanity and patriotism as for its soldiership. Secretary Holt to Major Anderson, January 10, 1861. Anderson's Ms. Letter-book. Earlier than this, words of approval had reached Anderson from the loyal North; and five days after the old flag was raised over Sumter, the Legislature of Nebraska, two thousand miles away toward the setting sun, greeted him, by telegraph, with A happy New year! Other greetings from the outside world came speedily, for every patriotic heart in the land made lips evoke benedictions on the head of the brave and loyal soldier. In, many places guns were fired in honor of the event; and never did a public servant receive such spontaneous praise from a grateful people, for his deed seemed like a promise of safety to the Republic. Pen and pencil celebrate
Fayetteville (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ally, a report of the Committee on Military Affairs, of the House of Representatives, revealed some startling facts. According to that report, so early as the 29th of December, 1859, Secretary Floyd had ordered the transfer of sixty-five thousand percussion muskets, forty thousand muskets altered to percussion, and ten thousand percussion rifles, from the armory at Springfield in Massachusetts, and the arsenals at Watervliet in New York, and Watertown in Massachusetts, to the arsenals at Fayetteville in North Carolina, Charleston in South Carolina, Augusta in Georgia, Mount Vernon in Alabama, and Baton Rouge in Louisiana; and these were distributed during the spring of 1860. The distribution was as follows:--   percussion muskets. altered muskets. Rifles. To Charleston Arsenal 9,280 5,720 2,000 To Fayetteville Arsenal 15,480 9,520 2,000 To Augusta Arsenal 12,380 7,620 2,000 To Mount Vernon Arsenal 9,280 5,720 2,000 To Baton Rouge Arsenal 18,580 11,420 2,000  
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ut only seventy-five were now in the work. For some time a large number of men had been employed in mounting ordnance there, and otherwise putting the fort in order for defense, yet there was no regular garrison to man it. Fort Johnson, on James Island, directly West from Fort Sumter, was of but little account then as a fortification. It was a relic of the old war for Independence. In October, 1860, Colonel Gardner was removed from the command in Charleston Harbor, by Floyd, for attemptifirst care was to remove the women and children, with a supply of provisions, to Fort Sumter. To do so directly and openly would invite an immediate attack. He resolved on strategy. He would give out that they were going to Fort Johnson, on James Island. Wherefore? would be asked by the watchful Charlestonians. His reply might properly be: Because I know you are about to attack me. I cannot hold out long. I wish to have the helpless ones, with food, in safety. This was substantially the
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
nance Corps. These, unlike most other cannon, are cast hollow. The original inventor of the Columbiad (Bomford) died in Boston, in the spring of 1848. and four 32-pounders to be sent immediately Rodman columbiad. from the arsenal at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, to the unfinished fort on Ship Island, off the coast of Mississippi; and seventy-one columbiads and seven 32-pounders to be sent from the same arsenal to the embryo fort at Galveston, which would not be ready for its armament in less than five years. This bold attempt of the conspirator to furnish the enemies of the Government with heavy ordnance was frustrated by the vigilance and prompt action of the people of Pittsburg. When the fact became known that Quartermaster Taliaferro (a Virginian) was about to send these guns from the arsenal, an immense meeting of the citizens, called by the Mayor, was held, and the guns were retained. The conspirators, in Congress and out of it, denounced this exhibition of mob law bitterly.
Sumterville (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
could bring. Anderson could have held out in Sumter for a long time with less than one hundred men, the flag of the Union had been floating over Sumter for four hours. It had been flung to the breezfor Major Anderson's immediate withdrawal from Sumter, and return to Moultrie. The Governor said thd five days after the old flag was raised over Sumter, the Legislature of Nebraska, two thousand milBob, because by order sent; But now you are in Sumter, Bob, because you chose to go, And blessings ould be placed by the side of Major Anderson in Sumter, that officer would have a tried and trusty frhat she might reside in their city, dwell — in Sumter, or wherever she pleased, Mrs. Anderson starte to Richmond), made no resistance, but fled to Sumter. His men so strongly barricaded the door of tovisions for Anderson's garrison. The guns of Sumter looked directly into the dismantled fort, and safely within its walls, while the garrison at Sumter seemed asleep or paralyzed. Sand-bag Batter[5 more...]
Fort Lancaster (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
st year, one hundred and thirty-five thousand four hundred and thirty muskets have been quietly transferred from the Northern arsenal at Springfield alone to those in the Southern States. We are much obliged to Secretary Floyd for the foresight he has thus displayed, in disarming the North and equipping the South for this emergency. Ex-President Buchanan generously assumed, in a degree, the responsibility of these acts. In a letter to the National Intelligencer, dated, Wheatland, near Lancaster, October 28, 1862, in reply to some statements of General Scott, in relation to the refusal to re-enforce the forts on the Southern coast, according to his recommendation, in the autumn of 1860, Mr. Buchanan said :--This refusal is attributed, without the least cause, to the influence of Governor Floyd. All my Cabinet must bear me witness that I was President myself, responsible for all the acts of the Administration; and certain it is, that during the last six months previous to the 29th
Savannah River (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
n Fort Moultrie were hostile to the city of Charleston. If so, they ought to be removed. He hoped there would be no collision. He hoped the troops would simply hold the fort until peaceably transferred to other duty; but if there is danger, he said, permit me here to say that it is because there are troops in it, not because the garrison is too weak. Who hears of any danger of the seizure of forts where there is no garrison? There stand Forts Pulaski and Jackson, at the mouth of the Savannah River. Who hears of any apprehension lest Georgia should seize them? There are Castle Pinckney and Fort Sumter in Charleston harbor. Who hears of any danger to them? The whole danger then, Mr. President, arises from the presence of United States troops. Such was the lullaby with which this arch-conspirator attempted to quiet the just suspicions of the people, that all the public property in the Slave-labor States was, in danger of seizure by disloyal men. There is ample proof that at that
Charleston (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 5
loyalists, 131. Mrs. Anderson's journey to Fort Sumter and back, 133. preparations to attack Fortpower. Floyd had summoned Colonel Huger, of Charleston, to Washington, for the real purpose, no douhad the President ordered re-enforcements to Charleston, to take them from the already small garrisoparent when we consider the ease with which Forts Sumter, Pickens, Taylor, and Jefferson held out wiwe will send no more troops to the harbor of Charleston. But General Cass was firm. These forts, hus one. A guard-boat had been sent out from Charleston just as the last vessel left Sullivan's Islafifty-five artillerists-eighty in all. entered Sumter, their position was an extremely perilous one. without intermission until their arrival in Charleston, late on Saturday night. She neither ate, dr which was filled with rough men hurrying to Charleston to join in an attack on Fort Sumter. They wYork, she replied. Where are you going? To Charleston. Where else? Don't know; get me a carriage[82 more...]
New England (United States) (search for this): chapter 5
ly one of the four that was garrisoned. Soutii view of Fort Moultrie. Fort Sumter, then the largest and by far the best of the strongholds, stands in the middle of the entrance to Charleston Harbor proper, on the southwestern edge of the ship-channel, and nearly three and a half miles from the city. It was a work of solid brick and concrete masonry, a truncated pentagonal in form, and built upon an artificial island resting on a mud-bank. The island was constructed of chips from New England granite-quarries, Plan of Fort Sumter in 1860. explanation of the Diagram.--a, wharf; B, B, esplanade; C, sally-port; D, right gorge angle; E, left gorge angle; F, right flank; G, left flank; it; right shoulder angle; I, left shoulder angle; R, right face; L, left face; M, salient; N, parade. carried there during a period of ten consecutive years, at the cost of half a million of dollars. The fort itself cost another half million. The walls were sixty feet in hight, and from eight
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