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City Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ce of the National Navy), reported his loss at fifteen. Rodgers fell back to City Point. The appearance of this flotilla in the James, simultaneously with the advmes River, in the vicinity of Turkey Bend. The view southward was bounded by City Point in the distance. The old mansion was of brick, and had a modern addition of residence of Dr. Starke when the war broke out. It is about five miles below City Point, on the opposite side of the river . There President Harrison was born. The ames River, looking southward from Malvern Hills mansion. From that position City Point (its place denoted by the three birds on the left) was visible, and the countegree the deserted fortifications that line them all the way from Richmond to City Point. Water was flowing gently through the Dutch Gap Canal; and City Point, whereCity Point, where a year before a hundred vessels might be seen at one time, now presented but a solitary schooner at its desolated wharf. At about noon we passed James Island, with
Long Island City (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
ssachusetts and Sixty-second New York; but all were pressed back to Fair Oaks Station, where they joined the First U. S. Chasseurs, under General John Cochran, and Thirty-first Pennsylvania, who were stationed there, and fought desperately under the orders of Generals Couch and Abercrombie. The embankments of the railway there formed a good breastwork for the Nationals. With the assistance of Generals Devens and Naglee, Keyes formed a line at the edge of the woods, composed of the First Long Island and Thirty-sixth New York. In the mean time Heintzelman had pressed forward with re-enforcements, and at a little past, four o'clock Kearney appeared with Berry and Jameson's brigades. At about the same time General Peck led the Ninety-third and One Hundred and, Second Pennsylvania across an open space exposed to an awful shower of balls, to assist the terribly smitten right; and for an hour he sustained a sharp contest near the Seven Pines, when he was forced to fall back. The Tenth
Drewry's Bluff (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. Naval attack on Drewry's Bluff, 402. the Army of the Potomac on the Chickahominy, 403. skirmish at Ellison's Mill an inspiriting order, 404. inactivity of the Army of the Potomac, 4h no serious impediment until it confronted ,a formidable battery on a bank nearly two hundred feet in height, called Drewry's Bluff, at a narrow place in the river, about eight miles from Richmond. Below this battery were two separate barriers, fornkey, and approach Richmond from the north. It was eleven days before that dispatch was sent that Rodgers went up to Drewry's Bluff; and General Barnard, the Chief Engineer of the Army of the Potomac, says that the decision to make the depot of suppeadquarters near Cool Arbor. On the following morning May 30, 1866. we crossed the James River and drove down to Drewry's Bluff. That day's experience will be considered hereafter, when we .come to the record of events on the south side of the
Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
e faced his column about, recalled the cavalry sent in pursuit of the routed Confederates, and sent the Thirteenth and fourteenth New York, with Griffin's battery, directly to Martindale's assistance. The Ninth Massachusetts and Sixty-second. Pennsylvania were sent to take the Confederates on the left flank, while Butterfield, with the Eighty-third Pennsylvania and Sixteenth Michigan, hastened through the woods still farther to the left of the foe. Warren, who had been delayed in repairing bridtency as the leader of a great army, which was apparent from time to time throughout the war, was hidden as much as possible, and no one was allowed to publicly find fault because of his military blunders, such as his invasions of Maryland and Pennsylvania. But on the occasion we are now considering, the outspoken D. H. Hill, in his report to the Assistant Adjutant-General, ventured to say--Notwithstanding the tremendous odds against us, and the blundering arrangements of the battle, we inflict
Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
440. We left the Army of the Potomac within a few miles of Richmond, its advance light troops at Bottom's Bridge, and the Headquarters of its commander at Cool Arbor. When Huger fled from Norfolk, and the Merrimack was blown into fragments, the Confederate gun-boats in the James River retired to Richmond, closely followed by a flotilla of armed vessels under the command of Commodore John Rodgers, whose flag-ship was the ironclad Galena. She was accompanied by the Monitor, Aroostook, Port Royal, and Naugatuck. They moved up the stream with great caution, for it was known that the Confederates had erected batteries on the shores at different points, and it was believed that guerrillas were abundant on the banks. From an armored look-out near the nast-head of the leading vessel, a vigilant watch for these was kept, but the squadron met with no serious impediment until it confronted ,a formidable battery on a bank nearly two hundred feet in height, called Drewry's Bluff, at a narro
Lynchburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
a general expectation that Richmond would be in the hands of McClellan within a few days. Every preparation was made by the Confederate authorities to abandon it. The archives of the Government were sent to Columbia, in South Carolina, and to Lynchburg. The railway tracks over the bridges were covered with plank, to facilitate the passage of artillery. Mr. Randolph, the Secretary of War, said to an attendant and relative, You must go with my wife into the country, for tomorrow the enemy wilby his two Philadelphia friends already alluded to, visited the theater of events recorded in this chapter at the close of May, 1866. After a delightful railway-journey of about two days from Greenville, in East Tennessee stopping one night at Lynchburg, we arrived at Richmond on the 26th. When the object of our journey was made known to Major-general Alfred H. Terry, then in command at Richmond, he kindly furnished us with every facility for an exploration of the battle-grounds in that vicin
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
rection, in a way that would be easily discovered by the National scouts. As we have observed, the movement was successful, and Jackson suddenly appeared at Ashland on the 25th of June. McClellan had promptly informed the Secretary of War June 18, 1863. of the rumored movement of Whiting, but on the same day, possessed of other information, he telegraphed to him that a general engagement might take place at any hour, and adding--After to-morrow we shall fight the Rebel army as soon as Providence will permit. Two days later he informed the President that his defensive works would be completed the next day, and then expressed a desire to lay before the Executive his views as to the present state of military affairs throughout the whole country, and also, he said, to learn the disposition, as to numbers and positions, of the troops not under my command in Virginia and elsewhere. To this request, so extraordinary and inexplicable under the circumstances, the President kindly replied
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
said: I only wait for the river to fall to cross with the rest of the force and make a general attack. Anxious to give him every possible support, the President ordered five regiments at Baltimore to join him; placed the disposable force at Fortress Monroe at his service, and notified him that McCall's division of McDowell's corps would be sent to him by water from Fredericksburg as speedily as possible. In reference to that notification the General said in a dispatch: June 7, 1862. I shall if he had a million of men it would be impossible to get them to him in time for the emergency. He frankly informed McClellan that there were no men to send, and implored him to save his army, even if he should be compelled to fall back to Fortress Monroe, adding, with faith--we still have strength enough in the country, and will bring it out. On the next day, McClellan telegraphed for fifty thousand fresh troops, when the President assured him that there were not at his disposal sufficient
Hanover Court (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
Chapter 16: the Army of the Potomac before Richmond. Naval attack on Drewry's Bluff, 402. the Army of the Potomac on the Chickahominy, 403. skirmish at Ellison's Mill an inspiriting order, 404. inactivity of the Army of the Potomac, 405. skirmishes near Hanover Court House, 406. McClellan calls for re-enforcements raids on railways, 407. the Confederates prepare to attack the Nationals General Casey's position, 408. battle of the seven Pines, 409. battle near Fair Oaks Station, 410. Sumner crosses the Chickahominy, 411. Second battle of Fair Oaks Station the Confederate Commander-in chief wounded, 412. Hooker looks into Richmond and is called back, 413.--Stonewall Jackson joins the Confederate Army near Richmond General Robert E. Lee in command, 414. public expectation disappointed hopes excited, 415. bold raid of General J. E. B. Stuart, 416. Richmond quietly besieged, 417. Lee preparing to strike McClellan, 418. battle at Mechanicsville, 419. the
Harper's Ferry (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 17
tory; still, if it was a total rout, I am puzzled to know why the Richmond and Fredericksburg railway was not seized again, as you say you have all the railroads but that. I am puzzled to see how, lacking that, you can have any excepting the scrap from Richmond to West Point. The scrap of the Virginia Central, from Richmond to Hanover Junction, without more, is simply nothing. That the whole of the enemy is concentrating on Richmond, I think cannot be certainly known to you. Saxton at Harper's Ferry informs us that large forces, supposed to be Jackson's and Ewell's, forced his advance from Charlestown to-day. General King telegraphs us from Fredericksburg, that contrabands give certain information that 15,000 left Hanover Junction Monday morning, to re-enforce Jackson. I am painfully impressed with the importance of the struggle before you, and shall aid you all I Can, consistently with my view of due regard to all points. --Lincoln's dispatch to McClellan, May 28, 1862. Havin
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