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Carrollton (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
he destroyed the military school and other public property there, and leaving Tuscaloosa, burned the bridges over the Black Warrior, and pushed on southwesterly, to Eutaw, in Greene County. There he was told that Wirt Adams was after him, with two thousand cavalry. He was not strong enough to fight them, so he turned back nearly to Tuscaloosa, and pushing northeastward, captured Talladega. Near there he encountered and dispersed a small Confederate force. He kept on his course to Carrollton, in Georgia, destroying iron-works and factories in the region over which he raided, and then turned southeastward, and made his way to Macon. With his little force he had marched, skirmished, and destroyed, over a line six hundred and fifty miles in extent, in the space of thirty days, not once hearing of Wilson and the main body during that time. He found no powerful opposition in soldiery or citizens, anywhere, excepting at a place called Pleasant Ridge, when on his way toward Eutaw, where
Dead River (United States) (search for this): chapter 19
had time to visit and sketch Fort Tyler, the scene of Colonel La Grange's achievements a year before. See page 521. That gallant Michigan officer was kindly spoken of by the inhabitants of West Point, who remembered his courtesy toward all non-combatants. Between West Point and Montgomery we saw several fortifications, covering the passage of streams by the railway; and ruins of station-houses everywhere attested the work of raiders. At Chiett's Station, near a great bend of the Tallapoosa River, whose water flowed full thirty feet below us, we saw many solitary chimneys, monuments of Wilson's destructive marches. His sweep through that region was almost as desolating as were the marches of Sherman, but in a narrower track. But among all these scathings of the hand of man, the beneficent powers of Nature were at work, covering them from human view. Already rank vines were creeping over heaps of brick and stone, or climbing blackened chimneys; and all around were the white bl
La Grange (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
Confederates, 513. an important cavalry expedition organized, 514. its triumphant March through Alabama, 515. it moves on Selma, 516. capture of Selma, 517. destruction of property in Selma, 518. capture of Montgomery and Columbus, 519. La Grange's expedition to West Point capture of Fort Tyler, 520. Croxton's destructive raid, 521. the author's journey from Savannah to Montgomery, 522. a day at Montgomery the State capital, 523. at Selma, Mobile, and New Orleans, 524. departure son was about to fight Croxton, and from a subsequent dispatch from the latter to himself, that, instead of going on to Tuscaloosa, he should endeavor to fight Jackson and prevent his joining Forrest, Wilson ordered McCook to move rapidly, with La Grange's brigade, to Centreville, cross the Cahawba there, and push on by way of Scottsville to assist Croxton in breaking up Jackson's column. McCook found Jackson at Scottsville, well posted, with intrenchments covering his column. Croxton had not
Spanish Fort (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
nce of the National forces, 509. attack on Spanish Fort, on Mobile Bay, 510. fortifications at Bladistance of not more than twenty miles from Spanish Fort, the heaviest of the fortifications to be aRiver and its vicinity. The works known as Spanish Fort, erected by the Confederates, extended alonon the next day were in the neighborhood of Spanish Fort, seven miles due east from Mobile. Canby ping it off from communication with Mobile. Spanish Fort was garrisoned by nearly three thousand menral R. L. Gibson. It was soon found that Spanish Fort proper, with its near neighbors and depende the two forts, and fled. The defense of Spanish Fort was skillfully and gallantly conducted, undand then push on to Mobile. By the fall of Spanish Fort, the water communications of Blakely, with th additional cannon brought up from before Spanish Fort. Hawkins's dusky followers were on its rigf about three weeks, During the siege of Spanish Fort and Blakely, General Lucas went out with al[2 more...]
Tombigbee River (United States) (search for this): chapter 19
s a little east of south, until they reached the waters of the Black Warrior River. Upton marched for Sanders's Ferry on the west fork of the Black Warrior, by way of Russellville and Mount Hope, to Jackson, in Walker County. Long went by devious ways to the same point, and McCook, taking the Tuscaloosa road as far as Eldridge, turned eastward to Jasper, from which point the whole force crossed the Black Warrior River. There, in the fertile region watered by the main affluents of the Tombigbee River, the columns simultaneously menaced Columbus, in Mississippi, and Tuscaloosa and Selma, in Alabama. At that time General Forrest, in command of the Confederate cavalry, was on the Mobile and Ohio railway, west of Columbus, in Mississippi, and so rapid was Wilson's march through Alabama, that the watchful and .expert enemy could not reach him until he was far down toward Selina. Forrest put his men in instant motion, to meet the danger. He sent Chalmers by way of Bridgeville toward
Landing (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
The name may be found in the poems of Ossian. We left Selma toward evening, and at sunset our vessel was moored a few minutes at Cahawba, to land a passenger whose name has been mentioned, as the entertainer of Wilson and Forrest. See page 518. Our voyage to Mobile did not end until the morning of the third day, when we had traveled, from Montgomery, nearly four hundred miles. In that fine City of the Gulf we spent sufficient time to make brief visits to places of most Ruins at the Landing place, Selma. historic interest, within and around it. Its suburbs were very beautiful before they were scarred by the implements of war; but the hand of nature was rapidly covering up the foot-prints of the destroyer. Although it had been only a year since the lines of fortifications were occupied by troops, the embankments were covered with verdure and the fort or redoubt, delineated on page 507, was white with the blossoms of the blackberry shrub, when the writer sketched it. It was
Stone Mountain (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
beginning of the more picturesque hill-country of Georgia, which seemed to be peculiarly charming in the region of Crawfordsville, the home of Stephens, the Vice-President of the Confederacy, whose house we saw on an eminence to the right. As we approached Atlanta, we noticed many evidences of the devastating hand of Sherman, when he began his march to the sea, in the ruins of railway stations, twisted iron rails, and charred ties, along the road-side. Toward evening the grand dome of Stone Mountain, a heap of granite fifteen hundred feet in height, loomed up a mile or so north of us. From Decatur onward, the earth-works of both parties were seen in thickening lines, and at twilight we were in the midst of the ruined city of Atlanta, then showing some hopeful signs of resurrection from its ashes. We passed a rainy day in Atlanta, the writer leaving the examination of the intrenchments and the battle-fields around it until a second visit, See page 404. which he intended to make
Campbellton, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
e Confederate ram Jackson, which mounted six 7-inch guns, and burned one hundred and fifteen thousand bales of cotton, fifteen locomotives, and two hundred and fifty cars; also a large quantity of other property used by the enemy, such as an arsenal, manufactory of small-arms, four cotton factories, three paper-mills, military and naval founderies, a rolling-mill, machine-shops, one hundred thousand rounds of artillery ammunition, and a vast amount of stores. The Confederates burned the Chattahoochee, another of their iron-clad gun-boats, then lying twelve miles below Columbus. In the mean time, La Grange had pushed on to West Point, April 16, 1865. where he found a strong bastioned earth-work, mounting four guns, on a commanding hill, named Fort Tyler, in honor of its then commander, who built it, and had in it a garrison of two hundred and thirty-five men, including officers. It was surrounded by a dry ditch, twelve feet wide and ten deep, and commanded the approaches to the b
Mississippi (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
when the writer sketched it in April, 1866. the picket fence indicates the line of Dauphin Street. The movable forces under Canby's command, had been organized into brigades, called the Reserve Corps of the Military Division of the West Mississippi, and numbered about ten thousand effective men. Early in January, 1865. these were concentrated at Kenner, ten miles above New Orleans, and General F. Steele See page 252. was assigned to take command of them. A part of this force was soos, and were nearly three miles in extent. They were thoroughly built, and were armed with forty guns. The garrison consisted of the militia brigade of General Thomas, known as the Alabama reserves, and a brigade of veterans from Missouri and Mississippi, of Hood's army, under General Cockerell. The two brigades numbered about three thousand men, commanded K by General St. John Lidell. Ever since Steele's arrival from Pensacola, his troops, and particularly Hawkins's negro division, had he
Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 19
troops at New Orleans, 508. advance of the National forces, 509. attack on Spanish Fort, on Mobile Bay, 510. fortifications at Blakely, 511. battle of Blakely, 512. evacuation of Mobile by the Can of campaign for the winter and spring of 1865. The capture of the forts at the entrance to Mobile Bay Aug., 1864. was a necessary preliminary movement. Had Farragut then known how weakly Mobile nt page. besides several which guarded the entrances to the rivers that flow into the head of Mobile Bay. Along the shore, below the city, were Batteries Missouri, Mound and Buchanan. Just below the latter, and terminating the middle line of fortifications, was Fort Sidney Johnston. In the harbor were two floating batteries and four stationary ones, named, respectively, Tighlman, Gladden, Cae received but two shots as she went by, from batteries there, the vessels of war being yet in Mobile Bay. The Webb was pursued by gun-boats from above, and was hurrying toward the Gulf, when she enc
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