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Weehawken (New Jersey, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
machine-shop. The names of the monitors and their respective commanders were as follows: Weehawken, Captain John Rodgers; Passaic, Captain Percival Drayton; Montauk, Commander John L. Worden; P noon the next day, April 7, 1863 when it advanced in a prescribed manner of line ahead, the Weehawken, Captain Rodgers, leading, the others following in the order named in note 3, page 192. The shem — a silence which created the most painful forebodings and suspense — was explained. The Weehawken, its bow furnished with a contrivance for exploding torpedoes and removing obstructions, went of the tide. The other vessels were drawing nearer and nearer, their people wondering why the Weehawken hesitated, when suddenly the silence was broken, as the heavy barbette guns of Fort Sumter pout was well that he was stopped, for had he gone into the open way through one of the rows, the Weehawken would doubtless have been blown to atoms by the monster torpedo just mentioned. Meanwhile D
Rock City (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
t there. On Sunday morning we rode out to the National barracks, on the top of the mountain, where an institution of learning for young men and women was about to be opened, through the liberality of Christopher R. Roberts, of New York, under the charge of the Rev. Edward F. Wililiams, who, with a corps of teachers, had arrived at Summertown the previous evening. Passing on, we visited the sites of the encampments of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth regular infantry, one of which occupied Rock City, already mentioned. Still farther on, at a distance of about five miles from Summertown, we came to Lula's Creek, and visited the famous Lula's Lake and Falls, and Lula's Bath, in the midst of the forest, and among scenery of the wildest grandeur. That stream, and its picturesque surroundings with Lula's Lake, and Falls, and Bath, were famous in the legends and romances of the Cherokees, which told of the strange events of the life of Lula, a charming Indian maiden. We cannot stop Sig
Suffolk, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
Carolina. Richmond with the Carolinas, and then forming a junction with the National forces at Suffolk and Norfolk. He moved on without much hinderance, other than that of felled trees and broken by further attempts of Foster to establish communication with the National forces at Norfolk and Suffolk, and he was compelled to content himself with sending out raiding expeditions to keep the Confeeneral D. H. Hill. That leader was directed to make a diversion in favor of Longstreet, before Suffolk, See page 48. when he marched in force upon New Berne, and with twenty guns attacked an unfied post by water. He left General Palmer in command at New Berne, and sent to General Peck, at Suffolk, for aid. Hill soon invested the place, and on the 30th of March 1863. demanded its surrender. drove him into the interior of the State, when he marched to re-enforce Longstreet in front of Suffolk. See page 41. Foster continued to send out raiding parties, who made many captures, brok
Coosawhatchie (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
of Hilton Head Island, and were making the desolated plantation of Drayton (whose mansion-house, deserted and ruined, stood near) quite as productive as when its owner was master of scores of slaves upon it. See page 118, volume II. When Mitchel had settled the policy of affairs near Headquarters, he prepared to use his military force with vigor. He planned an advance, not directly upon Charleston, but having that city as the final objective. He projected an expedition to the Coosawhatchie River, to destroy the Charleston and Savannah railway at Pocotaligo and vicinity. But before his arrangements were completed he was smitten by disease similar to yellow fever, when he was conveyed to the more healthful locality of Beaufort. There, in one of the fine mansions of that deserted town, he died on the 30th of October. 1862. General Brannan, meanwhile, had perfected the a arrangements and attempted to carry out Mitchel's plans. With an effective force of about four thousand fi
Keokuk, Iowa (Iowa, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
nald M. Fairfax; Nahant, Commander John Downes, and Keokuk, Lieutenant-Commander Alexander C. Rhind. The gun-dy, during the afternoon, Commander Rhind, with the Keokuk, The Keokuk was a double-turreted vessel, which Keokuk was a double-turreted vessel, which had lately been built at New York. The turrets were immovable, the guns being arranged so as to be pivoted frrk. Lieutenant-Commander Rhind then ran the little Keokuk within five hundred yards of the fort, and hurled ushot, while others made severe bruises. The weaker Keokuk suffered most, having been hit ninety times. Both eighteen inches in diameter. The turrets of the Keokuk were made of iron, nearly six inches in thickness, ee thousand five hundred shots. Dupont, seeing the Keokuk nearly destroyed, half his other vessels injured, twenty-five were wounded, principally on board the Keokuk and Nahant. and only one vessel (the Keokuk), the rKeokuk), the remainder of his squadron being in a condition to be easily repaired. He was blamed by the inexpert and zealou
Pollard (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
wo hundred dead and wounded, including two colonels — McElroy, of the Thirteenth Mississippi, and Thomas, of the Sixteenth Georgia--killed. In this terrible ditch, says a Confederate historian, the dead were piled eight or ten feet deep. In comparatively an instant of time we lost 700 men, in killed, wounded, and prisoners. Never, excepting at Gettysburg, was there in the history of the war a disaster adorned with the glory of such devoted courage, as Longstreet's repulse at Knoxville. --Pollard's Third Year of the War, 168. The National loss in the fort was only eight killed and seven wounded. Pollard says: The Yankees lost not more than twenty men killed and wounded. The entire Union loss in the assault was about one hundred. Longstreet had promised his soldiers that they should dine in Knoxville that day; but they were otherwise engaged, in burying their dead outside of its defenses, by permission of General Burnside, who lent them ambulances to remove the bodies of their comra
Bridgeport, Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
o its bomb-proof magazine in the mound beneath it. It was constructed of hewn logs from 16 to 20 inches in thickness, with which walls from three to four feet in thickness were constructed. The lower story was pierced for cannon, and the upper story, or tower, for musketry. among the ruins of a once pleasant town, on a slope at the foot of a high rocky mountain. Passing on from Stevenson, we observed many earth-works and block-houses; and at each end of the temporary railway bridge at Bridgeport, where we crossed the Tennessee River, we noticed heavy redoubts. At Shellmound we entered the mountain region south of the Tennessee. The road gradually ascended, and in some places skirted the margin of the river, high above its bed. We soon reached one of the deep mountain gorges through which Hooker passed, See page 152. and crossed it upon delicate trestle-work two hundred feet in air above the stream that passed through it,, the, whole trembling fearfully as our heavy train move
Le Roy (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
e over the bar, when the Palmetto State, acting as a ram, struck the Mercidita, Captain Stellwagen, with full force, amidships, and at the same time fired a 7-inch rifled shell into her side, that went crashing through her machinery, releasing steam that scalded many men, and so completely disabling her that she could neither fight nor fly. The victor then attacked the Keystone State, Captain Le Roy, and sent a shell into her forehold, setting it on fire. As soon as the flames were put out, Le Roy attempted to run down his antagonist (the Keystone State having a full head of steam), but was foiled by a huge shot sent by the Palmetto State, which went through both steam-chests of his vessel, and so utterly disabled her that, like the Mercidita, she was surrendered. Ten rifled shells had struck her, and two of them had burst on her deck. The Mercidita had three men killed and four wounded. The Keystone State had twenty men killed, chiefly by the steam, and twenty wounded. Day wa
Crawfish Spring (Idaho, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
irst marking the graves found, and then disinterring the remains. Having thus swept in one direction, they wheeled, making the man next the space just gone over, the pivot, and in the same manner moving in the other direction. In this way the entire battle-field was traversed. We passed through Rossville Gap, and traveled the Lafayette road, visiting on the way the position of General Thomas, near Kelly's Farm, See page 134. and Lee and Gordon's Mill. See page 134. We rode on to Crawfish Spring, See page 133. and there, in the cool shadow of the trees, by the side of that wonderful fountain of sweet water, we lunched and rested. Then we returned by another road a part of the way, but again passed through Ross's Gap, when the sketch of the eminent chief's house on page 126 was made. We returned to Chatta-nooga in time to make Block-House at Chattanooga. a drawing of the superb block-house there, near the railway station, the most extensive and beautiful of any built by
Three Trees (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
, about; a mile from it, was old Castle Pinckney, which had been strengthened by banking earth against its walls on the outside. In the channel, between Sullivan's and Morris Islands, stood Fort Sumter, See page 128, volume I. the most formidable of all the works to be assailed, grimly guarding the entrance to the inner harbor. On the southern side of the harbor, near the city, was the Wappoo Battery, on James's Island, which commanded the mouth of the Ashley River. Next to this was Fort Johnson; and between it and Castle Pinckney was Fort Ripley, constructed on a submerged sand-bank, called the Middle ground, of heavy timber, and armed with large guns. It was sometimes called the Middle-Ground Battery. On Cummings's Point of Morris Island was Battery Gregg, and about a mile south of it, commanding the main channel, was a very strong and extensive work, called Fort Wagner. A little farther south, at Light-House inlet, which divides Folly and Morris Islands, was a battery that
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