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Martinique (search for this): chapter 48
of-war had followed the same tracks, they would have picked up the bold adventurer before lie had been many days at sea. About this time the Alabama was approaching another track of commerce, across which it was intended to run on her way to Martinique, viz., the track of homeward-bound East Indiamen, and the day after getting in the track she fell in with and captured the T. B. Wales, of Boston. Captain Semmes now liberally construed the Confederate prize-law, that No person in the Navy sde them as comfortable as circumstances would permit. About the 16th of November the Alabama sighted the island of Dominica, the first land she had made since leaving Terceira in the Azores. Semmes now put his vessel under steam and ran for Martinique — where he expected to meet his coalship — passed close by the harbor of St. Pierre, to see that there were no United States ships-of-war there, and then into the harbor of Port de France, where he came to anchor. Here the Alabama landed her
ral anxious weeks at Nassau waiting for an opportunity to return to Europe. The 290, then fitting out in England, was nearly ready for sea — he grain-ships of the North might be picked up when on their way to Europe to feed the great multitudes there who depended on American grain f was now right in the track of the grain trade between New York and Europe with not a single Federal man — of war in the neighborhood to inter gave him much pleasure, as a million or so of dollars deposited in Europe would naturally aid him in his operations upon the sea. On Novem lusty cheers. The Malays were great pirates themselves, and many European and American ships have been plundered and destroyed and their creof so much of the naval glory of our race, and that the eyes of all Europe are at this moment upon you. The flag that floats over you is that vessels-of-war on a par with those of other nations. The powers of Europe accorded belligerent rights to the Confederates, and proclaimed. t
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
believed to favor the Federal Government. He accordingly requested Semmes to leave as soon as possible. This request Semmes politely ignored; amusing himself with traveling about the country, and perfecting plans with the commanding officer of the Georgia for the destruction of United States commerce on the coast of Brazil. After the Alabama bade farewell to the Georgia at Bahia, she was put under press of sail, and quickly overhauled the Gilderslieve, of New York, and the Justina, of Baltimore. The latter, being a Maryland ship, was converted into a cartel, and after taking all Semmes' prisoners on board and giving a ransom-bond, was allowed to depart. The other vessel was loaded with coal; but as the captain had no sworn certificate of ownership by British subjects, and as the Alabama did not need it, Semmes' Admiralty Court decreed that the Gilderslieve should be converted into a bonfire. The next day, the Jabez Snow, of Bucksport, Maine, laden with Cardiff coal, was capt
Aquae Sulis (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 48
, as the devil may be supposed to make after holy water! This good humor saved the captives from imprisonment, and they were allowed to take their boats with provisions and start for Singapore. After the usual cremation services, the Alabama steamed out past the light-ship, and was once more in the Indian Ocean. Query, were the two ships above-named burned in neutral waters? The Alabama now proceeded to the Bay of Bengal, and on the 11th of January captured and burned the Emma Jane. of Bath. Maine. This was the last vessel burned by Captain Semmes in that quarter. Further continuance in the East Indies did not promise much profit and the Alabama finally proceeded towards the Cape of Good Hope. But even in that quarter there were no prizes to be found. American vessels that were not laid up in port or transferred to the British flag avoided the beaten track. On the 20th of March Semmes went into Cape Town for coal and provisions, and there found the Tuscaloosa, which vesse
California (California, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
ice told those in charge of the steamer that they were entirely in the power of their pursuer, and that they had better stop before another shot was sent crashing through the stern among the women and children. The walking-beam of the engine began to move more slowly, and the bell in the engine-room soon signalled to stop. The Alabama slowed down, ranged up alongside, and took possession of her prize. But now Captain Semmes experienced a keen disappointment. Instead of a homeward-bound California steamer, with a couple of millions of dollars in her safes, he discovered that his prize, the Ariel, was outward-bound and lad as passengers some 500 women and children. Here was an elephant on his hat hands that he had not bargained for, and he did not know what to do with his prize. He could not take her into a neutral port, for that was forbidden by the Orders in Council; he could not land the passengers, and lie could not take them on board the Alabaman. The best he could hope to do
Hallowell (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
at the tollgate, even though many passed through without paying toll. He captured the ship Washington from the Chincha Islands with a cargo of guano, bound to Antwerp. Finding difficulties in the way of destroying her neutral cargo. he put his prisoners on board, and let her go on a ransom-bond. The fact was, he was anxious to get rid of his prisoners who were eating him out of house and home. On the morning of the 1st of March the Alabama captured the fine ship John A. Parks, of Hallowell, Maine. Her cargo, consisting of lumber for Montevideo, was. covered by the seals of the British consul, and was as neutral as any cargo could be. But the ship was burned, nevertheless. A large quantity of newspapers were taken from the Parks. which, as they contained many unflattering notices of the Alabama, gave her officers and crew something to sharpen their appetites upon until they overhauled another prize. The next vessel taken was the Bethiah Thayer, last from the Chinchas with a
Recife (Pernambuco, Brazil) (search for this): chapter 48
ut any objection from the Governor, yet the Government of Brazil subsequently pretended to be very indignant at the violation of neutrality whereby the Confederate cruiser Florida was taken from one of her ports. There was no end to the indignities heaped upon the United States and its commerce while the Alabama remained at this colony of criminals. Semmes changed his mind about sending his prisoners to the United States, and engaged the master of a Brazilian schooner to convey them to Pernambuco. No feeling of humanity at the sufferings so many persons crowded into a small and filthy vessel must undergo troubled Semmes. The apologist for Wirtz, the Andersonville jailer, did not stick at trifles. The Cory suffered the same fate as the Hatch, Semmes being careful to burn both beyond the marine league, so as not to offend the delicate susceptibilities of the Governor of Fernando de Noronha, and to pay due respect to the Empire of Brazil, the great ally of the Confederacy. On
Mobile Bay (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 48
els was bad, however, and the Confederate finally escaped with but one man killed and seven wounded--a small loss compared to their great gain. During the whole war there was not a more exciting adventure than this escape of the Florida into Mobile Bay. The gallant manner in which it was conducted excited great admiration, even among the men who were responsible for permitting it. We do not suppose there was ever a case where a man, under all the attending circumstances, displayed more energe notable ones of the war. He lighted the seas wherever he passed along, and committed such havoc among American merchantmen, that, if possible, he was even more dreaded than Semmes. We have only to say, that his being permitted to escape into Mobile Bay, and then to get out again, was the greatest example of blundering committed throughout the war. Every officer who knew Maffitt was certain that he would attempt to get out of Mobile, and we are forced to say that those who permitted his escape
Brazil (Brazil) (search for this): chapter 48
d from Jamaica on the 25th of January, 1863, bound for the coast of Brazil. Captain Semmes had been treated with every possible attention by self. The Island of Fernando de Noronha is a penal settlement of Brazil. Few vessels stopped there, though many sighted it, to take a fresize, without any objection from the Governor, yet the Government of Brazil subsequently pretended to be very indignant at the violation of neunor of Fernando de Noronha, and to pay due respect to the Empire of Brazil, the great ally of the Confederacy. On the 22d of April, the Alaorgia for the destruction of United States commerce on the coast of Brazil. After the Alabama bade farewell to the Georgia at Bahia, she waimately seek that great thoroughfare of vessels, along the coast of Brazil. At Cape St. Roque the ocean highway becomes so narrow by the inflthe Tuscaloosa, which vessel lie had sent to cruise on the coast of Brazil and which had been seized by the British authorities and afterwards
Department de Ville de Paris (France) (search for this): chapter 48
n without coming to an anchor, and took a station off the breakwater, in order to prevent the Alabama from escaping. It was evidently not Semmes' intention to fight anybody, for he was about to go into dock and give his men two months leave, when they would have scattered to parts unknown; but as Cherbourg was exclusively a naval port, the French Admiral would not admit the Alabama into drydock until he obtained permission from the Emperor, then absent at Biarritz. Had the latter been in Paris, the fight with the Kearsarge would never have taken place. Under the circumstances, it would not have done to decline the combat which the Kearsarge offered; and Captain Semmes. after so long warring on peaceful merchant vessels, directed the Confederate agent in Cherbourg to request Captain Winslow to wait for him and he would give him battle as soon as he could get some coal on board. The Captain of the Alabama occupied four days in preparations for battle, filling the bunkers so tha
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