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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. Search the whole document.

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Bunker Hill (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
o, being outnumbered, made little resistance, but fell back to Martinsburg, and ultimately to Bunker Hill. On the 7th, an order to advance on Winchester was given, but not executed. Finally, on the 15th, Patterson moved forward to Bunker Hill, on the direct road to and nine miles from Winchester, which he occupied without resistance. On the 17th, he turned abruptly to the left, moving away hat delay ensued at Martinsburg; but that the army advanced from that place — on the 15th--to Bunker Hill, nine miles from Johnston's fortified camp at Winchester-Sanford's division moving on the lefd already commenced his movement on Winchester direct from Martinsburg, and had got as far as Bunker Hill; so that the movement which he had formerly suggested, to Charlestown, was suppressed by his act. But that is the pretense now given in his published speech for making the movement from Bunker Hill to Charlestown, which was a retreat, instead of the advance which the movement to Charlestown
Alexandria (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
it of his family. This incident was rightly regarded by many as indicative of the terrible earnestness of the contest upon which the American people were now entering. Gen. McDowell, having firmly established himself on the right bank of the Potomac for several miles opposite to and below Washington, proceeded to fortify his position, but made no further offensive demonstrations for several weeks; whose quiet was broken only by a brisk dash into and through the village of Fairfax Court-Housed to the capital to hide therein their shame behind a cloud of exaggerations and falsehoods. The still effective batteries, the solid battalions, that were then wending their way slowly back to their old encampments along the south bank of the Potomac, depressed but unshaken, dauntless and utterly unassailed, were unseen and unheard from; while the panic-stricken racers filled and distended the general ear with their tales of impregnable intrenchments and masked batteries, of regiments slaugh
Bethel, Me. (Maine, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
XXXIII. East Virginia—Bull Run. Ft. Monroe great Bethel Alexandria occupied Vienna Patterson's advance his flank movement to Charlestown Johnston rashes to Manassas Gen. Sanford's testimony McDowcll advances to Centervills Blackburn's Ford Bull Run Union defeat and flight causes thereof Gen. Scott's plan criticised by Hon. E. P. Blair consequences of our failure. if the North had been, or at least had seemed, obstinately apathetic, because skeptical as to the probability or the imminence of Civil War, it was fully and suddenly undeceived by the developments that swiftly followed the bombardment of Fort Sumter, but especially by the occurrences in Baltimore and the attitude of Maryland. For a few weeks, all petty differences seemed effaced, all partisan jealousies and hatreds forgotten. A few conservative presses sought to stem the rushing tide; a few old Democratic leaders struggled to keep the party lines distinct and rigid; but to little purpose. Twe
Cumberland (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
rted and insisted on for the honor of our country and her people. Gen. Robert Patterson, with about 20,000 men, broke camp at Chambersburg, June 7th, and advanced to Hagerstown, while Col. Lew. Wallace, on his right, took quiet possession of Cumberland, and made a dash upon Romney, which he easily captured. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston, commanding the Rebels, burned the bridge at Point of Rocks on the 7th, and evacuated Harper's Ferry on the 14th, destroying the superb railway bridge over the Potary councils, scattering our forces and paralyzing our efforts. Had any real purpose of suppressing the Rebellion been cherished by Gen. Scott, he would never have scattered our eastern forces along the line of the Potomac and Chesapeake, from Cumberland to Fortress Monroe, divided into three or four distinct armies, under the command of militia officers who had never smelt burning powder, unless in a squirrel-hunt. His advance across the Potomac, after having been put off so long as possible,
Hampton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
the Norfolk Navy Yard. The white population in that slave-holding neighborhood was so generally disloyal that, of a thousand inhabitants of the little village of Hampton, lying just under the guns of the fort, but a hundred remained on the 1st of June. This village was burnt, August 9th, by Magruder's order, that it might no lo stress, the retreat continued until arrested by the energy and resolution of Gen. Bee, supported by Bartow and Evans, just in the rear of the Robinson House, and Hampton's Legion, which had been already advanced, and was in position near it. Imboden's battery, which had been handled with marked skill, but whose men were almost thronged his way, the former was unable to attack the mass of the fast-fleeing, frantic Federalists. Withers's, R. J. Preston's, Cash's, and Kershaw's regiments, Hampton's Legion and Kemper's battery, also pursued along the Warrenton road by the Stone Bridge, the enemy having opportunely opened a way for them through the heavy aba
Stone Bridge (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
ngton; its foremost regiment being about seven miles back from Centerville. The movement of our army was to have commenced at 2 1/2, o'clock A. M., and the battle should have been opened at all points at 6 A. M.; but our raw troops had never been brigaded prior to this advance, and most of their officers were utterly without experience; so that there was a delay of two or three hours in the flanking divisions reaching the point at which the battle was to begin. Gen. Tyler, in front of Stone Bridge, opened with his artillery at 6 1/2 A. M., eliciting no reply; and it was three hours later when Hunter's advance, under Col. Burnside, crossed at Sudley Spring; his men, thirsty with their early march that hot July morning, stopping as they crossed to drink and fill their canteens. Meantime, every movement of our forces was made manifest to Beauregard, watching them from the slope two or three miles west, by the clouds of dust that rose over their line of march; and regiment after regim
Dranesville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
regg, Afterward, Gen. Maxey Gregg; Governor elect of South Carolina; killed at Fredericksburg. who had been for two or three days scouting along our front, with about 800 Rebels, mainly South Carolinians, and who, starting that morning from Dranesville, had been tearing up the track at Vienna, and had started to return to Dranesville when they heard the whistle of Gen. Schenck's locomotive. Several rounds of grape were fired point-blank into the midst of the Ohio boys, who speedily sprang fDranesville when they heard the whistle of Gen. Schenck's locomotive. Several rounds of grape were fired point-blank into the midst of the Ohio boys, who speedily sprang from the cars, and formed under the protection of a clump of trees on the side of the track. The engineer, who was backing the train, and, of course, in the rear of it, instantly detached his locomotive, and started at his best speed for Alexandria, leaving the cars to be burnt by the Rebels, and the dead and wounded to be brought off in blankets by their surviving comrades. The Rebels, deceived by the cool, undaunted bearing of our force, did not venture to advance, for fear of falling into a
Norfolk (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
ginia had formally and North Carolina practically adhered to the Rebellion. Some weeks were required to collect and fit out the vessels necessary for the blockade of even the chief ports of the Rebel States; but the month of May Richmond and Norfolk, the 8th; Charleston, the 11th; New Orleans and Mobile, the 27th; Savannah, the 28th. saw this undertaking so far completed as to make an entrance into either of those ports dangerous to the blockade-runner. On the 3d, the President made a furtd earnest for a fight. They thought they were going to attack Johnston's camp at Winchester. Although I had suggested to Gen. Patterson that there was no necessity for that, the camp being admirably fortified with many of their heavy guns from Norfolk, I proposed to him to place ourselves between Johnston and the Shenandoah, which would have compelled him to fight us there, or to remain in his camp, either of which would have effected Gen. Scott's object. If I had got into a fight, it was ve
Leesburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
camp near Alexandria, with 700 of Col. McCook's 1st Ohio, on a railroad train, and proceeded slowly up the track toward Leesburg, detaching and stationing two companies each at Fall's Church and at two road-crossings as he proceeded. He was nearingted Harper's Ferry on the 14th, destroying the superb railway bridge over the Potomac. He retreated upon Winchester and Leesburg, after having destroyed the armory and shops at the Ferry — the machinery having been already sent off to Richmond. The Shenandoah where it was so deep that he ordered his men to put their cart-ridge-boxes on their bayonets, got out on the Leesburg road, and went down to Manassas. * * * Question by the Chairman: Did Patterson assign any reason for that movement? nd the farm-houses and the ground around were filled with wounded. Pursuit was continued along several routes, toward Leesburg and Centerville, until darkness covered the fugitives. We have captured several field-batteries, stands of arms, and Un
South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 33
erly unsuspicious of danger, when, on emerging from a cut and turning a curve, eighty rods from the village, his train was raked by a masked battery of two guns, hastily planted by Col. Gregg, Afterward, Gen. Maxey Gregg; Governor elect of South Carolina; killed at Fredericksburg. who had been for two or three days scouting along our front, with about 800 Rebels, mainly South Carolinians, and who, starting that morning from Dranesville, had been tearing up the track at Vienna, and had startedthe Rebel loss at 269 killed and 1,533 wounded; So De Kay, a Rebel officer, writing to The Louisville Courier from Manassas Junction, on the 22d, says: Our loss is fully two thousand killed and wounded. Among the killed are Gen. Bee, of South Carolina; Gen. E. K. Smith, [a mistake], Gen. Bartow, of Georgia; Col. Moore and all the Alabama field officers; Col. Fisher and the North Carolina field officers; Adjt. Branch, of Georgia, and a host of other leading men. in all, 1,852; saying noth
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