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Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II..

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ere with your laws, constitutionally established, your institutions of any kind whatever, your property of any sort, or your usages in any respect. Maj.-Gen. Buell, soon after establishing himself at Nashville, Tenn., thus demonstrated his undoubted devotion to the constitutional guaranties; making no distinction between Rebels and loyal citizens: headquarters Department of the Ohio. Nashville, March 6, 1862. dear Sir: I have had the honor to receive your communication of the 1st instant, on the subject of fugitive slaves in the camps of the army. It has come to my knowledge that slaves sometimes make their way improperly into our lines; and in some instances they may be enticed there; but I think the number has been magnified by report. Several applications have been made to me by persons whose servants have been found in our camps; and, in every instance that I know of, the master has recovered his servant and taken him away. I need hardly remind you that there w
onters, under Stannard, and Reynolds's (1st, now Doubleday's) corps held the face of Cemetery hill, looking toward Gettysburg and Early's division, but menaced also by Johnson's division on its right, and by Hill's corps, facing its left. The 12th corps (Slocum's) held our extreme right, facing Johnson's division of Ewell's corps, and had recently been strengthened by Lockwood's Marylanders, 2,500 strong; raising it to a little over 10,000 men. Buford's cavalry, pretty roughly handled on the 1st, was first sent to the rear to recruit, but confronted Stuart on our extreme right before the close of the 2d; Kilpatrick's division being posted on our left. Meade had resolved to fight a defensive battle; beside, as Sedgwick's strong corps (15,400) had not yet come up, while the whole Rebel army might fairly be presumed present, it was not his interest to force the fighting. Yet he had given orders to Slocum, commanding on our right, for an attack on that wing with the 12th, 5th, and 6t
Burnside's mine, his corps was, without discussion, allowed to furnish the column of assault. His inspecting officer had reported that, of its four divisions, that composed of Blacks was fittest for this perilous service; but Grant, discrediting this, had directed that one of the three White divisions should be chosen. Thereupon, the leaders of these divisions were allowed to cast lots to see which of them should go in — or rather, which two of them should stay out — and the lot fell on the 1st, Brig.-Gen. Ledlie--and no man in the army believed this other than the worst choice of the three. It need hardly be added that no preparation had been made during the night preceding the explosion, by quietly removing (or opening paths through) the abatis, &c., which protected our front from sudden dashes of the enemy, for the instant advance in force of our column of assault. The explosion had occurred; the Rebel fort had been hoisted 200 feet, and had fallen in fragments; our guns had
. The position of the mortar-boats on the 18th was as follows: 6 mortars on the left bank, between G and J, 3,900 to 4.500 yards from Fort Jackson ; 14 mortars on the right bank, from 1 to 5, distant 2,000 to 3,190 yards from Fort Jackson. On the 19th, they were all on the right bank, 3,010 to 4,100 yards from Fort Jackson, and remained nearly in the same position through the 20th and 21st. The large steamers and gunboats were placed from 1/4 to 1 1/4 miles below the mortar-boats. On the first day, the small steam sloops and gunboats went up to abreast of the smoke-stack, where they engaged the forts and the enemy's steamers. of Jackson, distant 2 1/2 to three miles; all were under orders to concentrate their fire on Fort Jackson, that being the larger and more important work, whose fall necessarily involved that of Fort St. Philip. At 9 A. M., before our mortar vessels were ready, Fort Jackson opened fire; but her balls struck the water 100 yards short of our gunboat Owasco,
ct now raged with great fury; the enemy obstinately and desperately contesting the ground until their Gens. Kearny and Stevens fell in front of Thomas's brigade; after which, they retired from the field. By the following morning, the Federal army had entirely disappeared from our view; and it soon appeared, by a report from Gen. Stuart, that it had passed Fairfax Court House and had moved in the direction of Washington city. Pope's retreat from Centerville had in effect commenced on the 1st, when he found himself flanked by Jackson; and was continued throughout that and the following day, without further annoyance from the enemy, until his whole army was drawn back within the intrenchments which, along the south bank of the Potomac, cover the approaches to Washington; when he resigned his command, and was succeeded by Gen. McClellan. Gen. Lee officially claims to have captured, during his campaign against Pope, more than 7,000 prisoners, beside 2,000 of our wounded left in
must withdraw or modify it. This, Gen. F. declined to do, unless openly directed by his superior; hence the following order: Washington, D. C., Sept. 11, 1861. Maj.-Gen. John C. Fremont:: Sir:--Yours of the 8th, in answer to nine of the 2d inst., is just received. Assured that you, upon the ground, could better judge of the necessities of your position than I could at this distance, on seeing your proclamation of August 30, I perceived no general objection to it; the particular clause,bner Doubleday, being placed in command of the defenses of Washington, answered, April 6, 1862. through his Adjutant, to an inquiry on the subject, as follows: Sir:--I am directed by Gen. Doubleday to say, in answer to your letter of the 2d instant, that all negroes coming into the lines of any of the camps or forts under his command are to be treated as persons, and not as chattels. Under no circumstances, has the commander of a fort or camp the power of surrendering persons claimed a
the Rebel killed were Brig.-Gens. Barksdale, Miss., and Garnett, Va. Among their wounded, Maj.-Gens. Hood, Trimble, Heth, and Pender, the latter mortally: Brig.-Gens. Pettigrew, Kemper, Scales, G. T. Anderson, Hampton, J. M. Jones, Jenkins, Armistead, and Semmes: the two latter mortally.--our men fighting on the defensive, somewhat protected by breastworks, and having the advantage of position. Doubtless, our loss was much the greater on the first day, a little more than the enemy's on the second, and far the less on the third. Probably, 18,000 killed and wounded, with 10,000 unwounded prisoners, would pretty fairly measure the Confederate losses during their Pennsylvania campaign. During the 2d and 3d, the cavalry of either army, hovering around its flanks, ready to make a dash at the trains or camps of its adversary if opportunity should serve, had had several slight collisions, but no serious contest. On the 3d, an attempt of Hood, by a movement on the Emmitsburg road, to tu
ave at a fearful cost. Johnston did not try it; but was operating farther down the Black, with probable intent Gen. Hugh S. Ewing reports that he caught, on the 3d, a spy attempting to force his way through his lines into Vicksburg, on the strength of a pass from one of our Generals; who, when searched, was found to have passemberton with assurances that he would speedily advance to his rescue. Johnston, in his report, confirms Ewing's suspicions, as follows: On the night of the 3d, a messenger was sent to Gen. Pemberton with information that an attempt to create a diversion would be made, to enable him to cut his way out, and that I hoped to d his Adjutant-General, Col. Gordon Rear, were on the field, acting as volunteer aids to Holmes. Having arrived within five miles of Helena on the morning of the 3d, with his front well covered by cavalry, who permitted no one to pass them riverward, no matter on what pretext, he rested his men till midnight; when they were mov
if not warned of the changed condition of affairs. Magruder reports his entire loss in this fight at 26 killed, 117 wounded, and the steamer Neptune--her crew and guns being saved. He says he captured (beside the Harriet Lane, with all her armament, the schooner and barques), 350 prisoners, beside officers ; while our losses include the Westfield also, with her splendid battery of eight heavy rifled guns. He came very near entrapping the steamship Cambria, which arrived off the bar on the 3d, containing (he says) E. J. Davis and many other apostate Texans, beside several hundred troops, and 2,500 saddles for the use of native sympathizers. Her captain, however, was seasonably warned to escape. One Galveston Unionist, named Thomas Smith, who was landed from her yawl, he caught, tried, and shot as a deserter from the Rebel service. And that was the sum of his spoils --Com. Farragut, soon after, sending vessels to reestablish the blockade, before the Harriet Lane could be got read
rtally.--our men fighting on the defensive, somewhat protected by breastworks, and having the advantage of position. Doubtless, our loss was much the greater on the first day, a little more than the enemy's on the second, and far the less on the third. Probably, 18,000 killed and wounded, with 10,000 unwounded prisoners, would pretty fairly measure the Confederate losses during their Pennsylvania campaign. During the 2d and 3d, the cavalry of either army, hovering around its flanks, ready to make a dash at the trains or camps of its adversary if opportunity should serve, had had several slight collisions, but no serious contest. On the 3d, an attempt of Hood, by a movement on the Emmitsburg road, to turn our left — which Gen. Meade regarded as our weak point — was defeated by Merritt's cavalry brigade, then coming up from Emmitsburg with intent to strike the rear and flank of the Rebel right, and by Farnsworth's brigade, which was guarding our own flank in that quarter. Gregg'
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