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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume II.. Search the whole document.

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Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
d batteries on the heights in their rear, which were being strengthened by additional intrenchments; that, during our advance from the Accotink to the Occoquan, our right flank becomes exposed to an attack from Fairfax Station, Sangster's, and Union Mills; that it would not do to divide our army by leaving a portion in front of Centerville while the rest crosses the Occoquan; that the roads in this quarter were liable, for some time yet, to be obstructed by rains and snow, so that it seems cert0 cannon. He states in his official Report that the chief of his secret service corps, Mr. E. J. Allen, reported, on the 8th of March, that the forces of the Rebel Army of the Potomac at that date were as follows: At Manassas, Centerville, Bull Run, Upper Occoquan, and vicinity80,000men. At Brooks's Station, Dumfries, Lower Occoquan, and vicinity18,000men. At Leesburg and vicinity4,500men. In the Shenandoah Valley13,000men.    Total number115,500men. On the other hand, those who were
Fortress Monroe (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
he ultimately decided, having its base at Fortress Monroe; but either of these, and indeed any apprly secure retreat down the Peninsula upon Fortress Monroe, with our flanks perfectly covered by thehe worst coming to the worst, we can take Fortress Monroe as a base, and operate with complete secuhore in a gale when within a few miles of Fortress Monroe. He Approaches to Richmond. note.-But the enemy ran past, as if heading for Fortress Monroe, and came around in the channel by which oon afterward stood down the Roads toward Fortress Monroe; but the Merrimac and her tenders did noton the 1st of April, arriving next day at Fortress Monroe. Of his army, 58,000 men and 100 guns we Ohio Railroad, to garrison Baltimore and Fortress Monroe, and leave 20,000 for the defense of Washore, that ultimately decided on by way of Fortress Monroe and the Peninsula — involved a division oan's embarking the bulk of his forces for Fortress Monroe, to make a rush upon Washington from behi[10 more...]
Yorktown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
in these numbers. Gen. J. B. Magruder, at Yorktown, watched this ominous gathering in his front f the next day, Gen. Heintzelman, in front of Yorktown, and Gen. Keyes, before Winn's Mill, Callem its mouth, some six or eight miles west of Yorktown; whereas it actually heads within a mile of tere intently watching for McClellan before Yorktown. the reappearance down the Elizabeth of that part of them to reduce the water batteries at Yorktown and Gloucester. The Commodore does not seem gest it), my opinion now is that the lines of Yorktown should have been assaulted. There is reason advance as skirmishers until they reached the Yorktown road, he threw forward into the cleared field Gen. McClellan, from his camp in front of Yorktown, remonstrated; April 5. saying: I am nis Army April 30th, while it was still before Yorktown, makes its aggregate 130,378, whereof 112,392Peninsula, until Magruder saw fit to evacuate Yorktown. But a General, in such a position as his the[16 more...]
Strasburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
th sides of the Valley road between here and Strasburg, their loss in killed must have been about 5d, and tied up on the line of Winchester and Strasburg, and could not leave it without again exposing ascertained that Banks had fallen back to Strasburg. Being joined near Newmarket by Ewell's diven. Banks remained quiet and unsuspecting at Strasburg, with no enemy in his front, and no sign of n, compelling our rear-guard to fall back to Strasburg, making a circuit thence to the north, whereere was some fighting with our rear-guard at Strasburg, and again at Newtown, eight miles from Wincnded into the Valley, reaching and occupying Strasburg on the evening of June 1st, just in time to energy in pushing it on from Front Royal to Strasburg, and adds, that he sent forward Gen. Shieldsh express orders to go on the direct road to Strasburg, and not cross the North Fork of the Shenand. and sent it forward by the direct road to Strasburg. I then went to see where Gen. Shields was,[1 more...]
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
he Peninsula siege of Yorktown battle of Williamsburg fight at West Point advance to the Chickahominy recovery of Norfolk strength of our Rappahannock, landing at Urbana, and making a secondary base of West Point, at the head of York river; and this would seem, whether regardedther occupied nor observed by the enemy; it is but one march from West Point, the key of that region, and thence but two marches to Richmond. Urbana, on the Rappahannock, and advancing thence on Richmond by West Point, at the head of York river, making this a secondary base. This msupervise the embarkation of Gen. Franklin's and other troops for West Point. Fort Magruder, just in front of Williamsburg, at the junctione he was superintending the dispatching of Franklin's division to West Point — was induced, after some delay, to ride to the front, reaching Hbefore, had been preparing to move from Yorktown up York river to West Point; where its 1st brigade, under Gen. Newton, landed unopposed next
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
but he found, two days earlier, that Magrluder had abandoned his works, including Yorktown, during the preceding night, retreating up the Peninsula. Gen. John G. Barnard, Gen. McClellan's chief engineer through the Peninsula campaign, in a report to his commander at the close of that campaign, says: At the time the Army of the Potomac landed on the Peninsula, the Rebel cause was at its lowest ebb. Its armies were demoralized by the defeats of Port Royal, Mill Spring, Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Roanoke Island, and Pea Ridge; and reduced by sickness, loss in battle, expirations of period of service, etc.; while the conscription law was not yet even passed. It seemed as if it needed but one vigorous gripe to end forever this Rebellion, so nearly throttled. How, then, happened it, that the day of the initiation of the campaign of this magnificent Army of the Potomac was the day of the resuscitation of the Rebel cause, which seemed to grow pari passu with the slow progress of it
Newtown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
the fight of next morning; while the 5th New York, Col. De Forrest, made its way through the mountains to the Potomac, bringing in a train of 32 wagons and many stragglers. There was some fighting with our rear-guard at Strasburg, and again at Newtown, eight miles from Winchester; but our men retreated with moderate loss, and our infantry and artillery were again concentrated at Winchester by midnight. Here they were allowed a rest of two or three hours, broken at brief intervals by the ratte paroled and left in the hospitals when he retreated, sending some 2,300 up the Valley. He attributes his failure to crush Banks entirely to the misconduct of Ashlby's cavalry, who stopped to pillage our abandoned wagons between Middletown and Newtown, and could not thereafter be brought to the front till too late. Speaking of our retreat from Winchester, he says: The Federal forces, upon falling back into the town, preserved their organization remarkably well. In passing through i
Gordonsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
n Valley; but he was soon startled by tidings that Gen. Milroy, with the advance of Gen. Schenck's division of Fremont's West Virginia force, was threatening Staunton from the direction of Monterey. As a junction of Fremont's and Banks's commands would have involved the fall of Staunton, and the complete possession of the Valley by our troops, Jackson resolved to prevent it by striking a swift and hard blow at Fremont's advance. Leaving Ewell, whose division had recently joined him from Gordonsville, to observe and check Banks. Jackson moved rapidly to Staunton, being reenforced by the division of Gen. Edward Johnson, which he dispatched May 7 in advance of his own, against Milroy; who, being decidedly overmatched, retreated westwardly across Shenandoah Mountain, concentrating his command at McDowell, and sending to Schenck for assistance. Schenck was at Franklin, 34 miles north, which distance he traversed, with his brigade, in 23 hours, joining Milroy at 10 A. M. of the 8th; b
Chickahominy (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
ding two Captains and two Lieutenants; while the Rebel loss was trifling. Gen. Stoneman, with the advance of our main army, moved from Williamsburg on the 8th to open communication with Gen. Franklin, followed by Smith's division on the direct road to Richmond. Rain fell frequently; the roads were horrible; so that Gen. McClellan's headquarters only reached White House on tile 16th, Tunstall's Station on the 19th, and Coal Harbor on the 22d. Our advanced light troops lad reached tile Chickahominy at Bottom's Bridge two days before. The movement of our grand army up the Peninsula, in connection with Burnside's successes and captures in North Carolina, See pages 73-81. had rendered the possession of Norfolk by the Rebels no longer tenable. To hold it by any force less than an army would be simply exposing that force to capture or destruction at the pleasure of our strategists. Gen. Wool, commanding at Fortress Monroe, having organized an expedition designed to reduce that i
Harrisonburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 6
treated up the Valley, pursued by Gen. Banks, to the vicinity of Harrisonburg. Jackson, after holding some days a strong position near Mount is troops a brief rest, and then resumed May 17. his march to Harrisonburg, having ascertained that Banks had fallen back to Strasburg. BeWashington to hasten across the main range of the Alleghanies to Harrisonburg, hardly 50 miles distant, and thus intercept the retreat of JackShields to crush him. There is a direct road from Franklin to Harrisonburg, not absolutely impassable by an army, though it crosses four didirectly down the North Fork, by Woodstock and Mount Jackson, to Harrisonburg. The advance of each was greatly embarrassed by the many streamhe more important of those in front of Shields. Passing through Harrisonburg, June 5. Jackson diverged from the great road leading southwastant, ready to be sent up as required. Fremont pushed out of Harrisonburg at 6 o'clock next morning, June 8. and before 9 his advance w
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