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South Carolina (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
are superior. The cheers with which they rushed to the fight frequently rang above the din of the battle. Their numbers were not ascertained, but it is estimated at upwards of 5,000 South Carolinians, under command of Gen. M. L. Bonham, of South Carolina. Their artillery was of the best kind. A shot from one of their batteries severed a bough from a tree quite two miles distant, and but a few feet from where the vehicles of two Congressmen were standing. One ball fell directly in the mide led by Generals Bonham and Longstreet, and numbered eight thousand. In the attack the Yankees were repulsed with great slaughter, while the Confederate loss was very trifling. The War Department furnished no particulars. The Virginia and South Carolina troops were the principal sufferers, they being in the advance of our forces. No officers of distinction were killed. Richmond, July 19.--Beauregard achieved a great victory to-day. At daybreak this morning the enemy appeared in force at
Connecticut (Connecticut, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
following account comes through our occasional correspondent at Washington, on whom we have great reliance: The following account of the battle at Bull Run is given by the Hons. Wm. A. Richardson, John A. McClernand, of Ill., and John W. Noel, of Missouri, (all members of the House,) who were eye-witnesses of the battle, and aided in several instances in bearing from the field members of the New York 12th, who were wounded. The action commenced under the direction of Gen. Tyler, of Connecticut, at 1 1/2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, at Bull Run, three miles from Centreville, between several companies of skirmishers attached to the Massachusetts 1st, and a masked battery situated on a slight eminence. The skirmishers retreated rapidly, and were succeeded in the engagement by Sherman's battery and two companies of regular cavalry, which, after continuing the contest for some time, were supported by the New York 12th, 1st Maine, 2d Michigan, 1st Massachusetts, and a Wisconsin re
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
Tyler, of Connecticut, at 1 1/2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, at Bull Run, three miles from Centreville, between several companies of skirmishers attached to the Massachusetts 1st, and a masked batgnitude of the earthworks, intrenchments, &c., erected by the Confederates from Alexandria to Centreville and beyond. They were all of the most formidable and extensive character. It is thought b column under Gen. McDowell fell back at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, a short distance from Centreville, where they encamped. They were joined during the evening by Heintzelman's command, and on tnesday, which resulted in the Federals occupying the town, the Confederate forces retiring to Centreville. On Thursday a general engagement occurred, extending along the line from Centreville to BulCentreville to Bull Run. The enemy's column numbered twenty thousand, and was under the command of Major-General McDowell and two brigadiers. The confederate forces were led by Generals Bonham and Longstreet, and nu
Illinois (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
ng another attack on the 19th, but I have not heard whether there was one or not. My wound is getting on very well — pains me but little. I hope you are all well — wish I could see you. My love to all. Good-bye. Howard Tulle. Baltimore exchange narrative. The following account comes through our occasional correspondent at Washington, on whom we have great reliance: The following account of the battle at Bull Run is given by the Hons. Wm. A. Richardson, John A. McClernand, of Ill., and John W. Noel, of Missouri, (all members of the House,) who were eye-witnesses of the battle, and aided in several instances in bearing from the field members of the New York 12th, who were wounded. The action commenced under the direction of Gen. Tyler, of Connecticut, at 1 1/2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, at Bull Run, three miles from Centreville, between several companies of skirmishers attached to the Massachusetts 1st, and a masked battery situated on a slight eminence. The ski
Bull Run, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
says:--We have just learned that a sanguinary battle took place at Bull Run, near Manassas Junction, on yesterday, July 18, in which the enemyion last night at sundown. Our troops had very severe fighting on Bull Run, about three miles distant from the Junction, nearly all day yesteleans Washington Artillery) were stationed on a small creek called Bull Run, five miles north of Manassas Junction. On the morning of the 17 Tyler, of Connecticut, at 1 1/2 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, at Bull Run, three miles from Centreville, between several companies of skirmi engagement occurred, extending along the line from Centreville to Bull Run. The enemy's column numbered twenty thousand, and was under the cy to-day. At daybreak this morning the enemy appeared in force at Bull Run, and attempted to cross the stream. A severe battle ensued, threegreat execution. The fight extended all along the whole line from Bull Run nearly a mile. Wm. Singser, rifleman, killed a federal officer of
Middleburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
place at Bull Run, near Manassas Junction, on yesterday, July 18, in which the enemy met with terrible loss. The following letter, from a perfectly reliable gentleman, was sent to us at seven o'clock this morning, July 19. We will endeavor to give to our friends from time to time the latest information from the scene of action. Two passengers, who also left the Junction yesterday evening, confirm the statements of our correspondent, and say that the victory was overwhelming: near Middleburg, July 19, 1861. I left Manassas Junction last night at sundown. Our troops had very severe fighting on Bull Run, about three miles distant from the Junction, nearly all day yesterday. The artillery was in full play from nine A. M. until between four and five P. M., with two or three intervals of about one hour each. The enemy's loss is thought to be very heavy. Ours is comparatively light. Marye, of the Alexandria Riflemen, and Sangster, of the same company, are killed. A good man
Fairfax, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
eased at five. The enemy repulsed three times. They retreated in confusion, having suffered a considerable loss. Our casualties were small. The First and Seventeenth Virginia regiments were prominent in the fight. Col. Moore was slightly wounded. The Washington Artillery, of New Orleans, did great execution. The fight extended all along the whole line from Bull Run nearly a mile. Wm. Singser, rifleman, killed a federal officer of high rank, and took seven hundred dollars in gold from his person. Capt. Delaney, of the Seventh Virginia regiment, was slightly wounded. A shot passed through the kitchen of a house in which Beauregard was at dinner. The enemy fired into the Confederate hospital, notwithstanding the yellow flag waved from it. later — Apparently reliable advices from Fairfax, say the Federalists advanced this morning, ten thousand strong, and after a four hours fight were repulsed by seven thousand Confederates under Gen. Bonham, and retired toward Alexandria.
Wisconsin (Wisconsin, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
ngagement by Sherman's battery and two companies of regular cavalry, which, after continuing the contest for some time, were supported by the New York 12th, 1st Maine, 2d Michigan, 1st Massachusetts, and a Wisconsin regiment, when the battle was waged with great earnestness, continuing until 5 o'clock. The Federal troops were then drawn back in great confusion beyond the range of the Confederate batteries, where they bivouacked for the night. During the conflict the Michigan, Maine, and Wisconsin regiments held their ground with a fortitude which, in view of the galling fire to which they were exposed, was most remarkable, but the New York 12th and the Massachusetts 1st regiments retired in great disorder from the field, a portion of them throwing away knapsacks and even their arms, in their flight. A number of the members of the former regiments openly asserted that their confused retreat was the fault of their officers, who evinced a total lack of courage, and were the first to
Hainesville (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
ly be penetrated by severe fighting. All the intrenchments evidence consummate skill in their construction. The entire column under Gen. McDowell fell back at 8 o'clock on Thursday evening, a short distance from Centreville, where they encamped. They were joined during the evening by Heintzelman's command, and on the succeeding morning by that of Col. Burnside, all of which troops are encamped there. Later in the evening, Gen. Schenck's brigade of Ohio troops was sent forward on the Hainesville road to flank the batteries, but no tidings had been heard of them up to 8 o'clock yesterday (Friday) morning, when the Congressmen left Gen. McDowell's Headquarters, bringing with them his despatches to the War Department. These despatches put the loss of the Federalists in killed at 5, but Mr. McClernand states that he himself saw a greater number than that killed. All of these gentlemen agree in estimating the number killed at 100. The disparity between the statements of the gentl
Leesburg (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 115
Secession accounts of the fight. The Leesburg Democratic Mirror extra of July 19, says:--We have just learned that a sanguinary battle took place at Bull Run, near Manassas Junction, on yesterday, July 18, in which the enemy met with terrible loss. The following letter, from a perfectly reliable gentleman, was sent to us at seven o'clock this morning, July 19. We will endeavor to give to our friends from time to time the latest information from the scene of action. Two passengers, who also left the Junction yesterday evening, confirm the statements of our correspondent, and say that the victory was overwhelming: near Middleburg, July 19, 1861. I left Manassas Junction last night at sundown. Our troops had very severe fighting on Bull Run, about three miles distant from the Junction, nearly all day yesterday. The artillery was in full play from nine A. M. until between four and five P. M., with two or three intervals of about one hour each. The enemy's loss is though
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