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Trinity (Texas, United States) (search for this): chapter 111
f the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and sentence of these three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be invest
Portsmouth, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 111
lowing: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and
Cape Hatteras (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 111
Doc. 108.-rebel retaliation. In the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealt
J. A. Butler (search for this): chapter 111
the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to
John I. Ringfield (search for this): chapter 111
erend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and sentence of these three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully as
Doc. 108.-rebel retaliation. In the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwea
sposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwealth be, and he is hereby requested to invite the attention of the confederate government to the arrest and sentence of these three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be investigated; and, if found as stated and believed, that three citizens of the Federal States (if there be such in the hands of the confederate authorities) be held at hard labor, one with ball and chain, on the public streets, as hostages for Messrs. Bain, Hodges, and Wingfield. The rules having been suspended, the preamble and resolution were unanimously passed and ordered to be communicated to the House.
George M. Bain (search for this): chapter 111
Doc. 108.-rebel retaliation. In the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, e three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be investigated; and, if found as stated and believed, that three citizens of the Federal States (if there be such in the hands of the confederate authorities) be held at hard labor, one with ball and chain, on the public streets, as hostages for Messrs. Bain, Hodges, and Wingfield. The rules having been suspended, the preamble and resolution were unanimously passed and ordered to be communicated to the House.
Doc. 108.-rebel retaliation. In the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, by order of Major-General Butler, or some other officer of the Federal Government, for alleged fraudulent disposal of the funds of their banks; and that the Reverend John I. Ringfield, Rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, Portsmouth, had been put to hard labor in the public streets of that city, with a ball and chain to his leg, because he refused to renounce his allegiance to his native State; therefore, Be it enacted by the General Assembly, That the Governor of the Commonwea
William H. H. Hodges (search for this): chapter 111
l retaliation. In the Virginia State Senate on March tenth, Mr. Grice offered the following: Whereas, The General Assembly of Virginia have learned that the Reverend George M. Bain, Cashier of the Portsmouth Savings Bank Society, and William H. H. Hodges, Cashier of the Merchants and Mechanics' Savings Bank, citizens of Portsmouth, Virginia, the first-named being over sixty years of age, and the other a cripple, have been arrested and sentenced to hard labor at Hatteras, North-Carolina, bye three worthy citizens of this State, and to respectfully ask that the facts may be investigated; and, if found as stated and believed, that three citizens of the Federal States (if there be such in the hands of the confederate authorities) be held at hard labor, one with ball and chain, on the public streets, as hostages for Messrs. Bain, Hodges, and Wingfield. The rules having been suspended, the preamble and resolution were unanimously passed and ordered to be communicated to the House.
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