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New York (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 13
st Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. Thomas Dunham, Merchant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secretary Welles's reply. Navy Department, Washington, November 14, 1863. gentlemen: The Department duly received your communication of the twenty-eighth ultimo, in reference to the depredations committed upon American commerce by the Alabama and other rebel cruisers. The pursuit and capture of these vessels is a matter that the Department has constantly in view, and swift steamers have been constantly in search of them, and at times very close on to them. T
United States (United States) (search for this): chapter 13
New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. Thomas Dunham, Merchant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secretary Welles's reply. Navy Department, Washington, November 14, 1863. gentlemen: The Department duly received your communication of the twenty-eighth ultimo, in reference to the depredations committed upon American commerce by the Alabama and other rebel cruisers. The pursuit and capture of these vessels is a matter that the Department has constantly in view, and swift steamers have been constantly in search of them, and at times very
Washington (United States) (search for this): chapter 13
Doc. 11.-rebel Privateers. Letter of New-York Merchants. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C.: sir: The continued depredations of the rebel cruisers on the mercantile marine of the country have not only destroyed a large amount of the active capital of the merchants, but seriously threaten the very existence of that valuable part of our commerce. Apart from the loss of so much individual wealth and the destruction of so valuable a source of material power chant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secretary Welles's reply. Navy Department, Washington, November 14, 1863. gentlemen: The Department duly received your communication of the twenty-eighth ultimo, in reference to the depredations committed upon American commerce by the Alabama and other rebel cruisers. The pursuit and capture o
Peter Duncan (search for this): chapter 13
Neptune Insurance Company. F. S. Lathrop, President Union Mutual Insurance Company. M. H. Grinnell, President Sun Mutual Insurance Company. Robt. L. Taylor, Merchant Ship-Owner. C. H. Marshall, Merchant Ship-Owner. A. A. Low & Bro., Merchant Ship-Owners. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Duncan, Sherman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. T
value of successful commerce at this time of great national expenditure, and a paralysis of so important an interest cannot be contemplated without horror at this period of our national struggle. We beg leave, also, to inclose an extract from the Commercial Advertiser, of the twenty-sixth instant, and to request your attention to the paragraph marked. We are, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servants, Richard Lathers, President Great Western Insurance Company. J. P. Tappan, President Neptune Insurance Company. F. S. Lathrop, President Union Mutual Insurance Company. M. H. Grinnell, President Sun Mutual Insurance Company. Robt. L. Taylor, Merchant Ship-Owner. C. H. Marshall, Merchant Ship-Owner. A. A. Low & Bro., Merchant Ship-Owners. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Du
James G. King (search for this): chapter 13
A. Low & Bro., Merchant Ship-Owners. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Duncan, Sherman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. Thomas Dunham, Merchant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secreta
Archibald Gracie (search for this): chapter 13
ers. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Duncan, Sherman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. Thomas Dunham, Merchant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secretary Welles's reply. Navy Depa
. Tappan, President Neptune Insurance Company. F. S. Lathrop, President Union Mutual Insurance Company. M. H. Grinnell, President Sun Mutual Insurance Company. Robt. L. Taylor, Merchant Ship-Owner. C. H. Marshall, Merchant Ship-Owner. A. A. Low & Bro., Merchant Ship-Owners. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Duncan, Sherman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Mer
Thomas Dunham (search for this): chapter 13
herman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Merchant Ship-Owners. John H. Earle, President New-York Mutual Insurance Company. Isaac Sherman, Merchant Ship-Owner. W. A. Sale & Co, Merchant Ship-Owners. Thomas Dunham, Merchant Ship-Owner. Spofford, Tileston & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Babcock Bros. & Co., Bankers. J. P. Morgan & Co., Bankers. E. D. Morgan, United States Senator. New-York, October 28, 1863. Secretary Welles's reply. Navy Department, Washington, November 14, 1863. gentlemen: The Department duly received your communication of the twenty-eighth ultimo, in reference to the depredations committed upon American commerce by the Alabama and other rebel cruisers. The pursuit a
Charles Newcomb (search for this): chapter 13
graph marked. We are, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servants, Richard Lathers, President Great Western Insurance Company. J. P. Tappan, President Neptune Insurance Company. F. S. Lathrop, President Union Mutual Insurance Company. M. H. Grinnell, President Sun Mutual Insurance Company. Robt. L. Taylor, Merchant Ship-Owner. C. H. Marshall, Merchant Ship-Owner. A. A. Low & Bro., Merchant Ship-Owners. Grinnell, Minturn & Co., Merchant Ship-Owners. Wilson G. Hunt, Merchant. Chas. Newcomb, vice-President Merchants' Mutual Insurance Company. Brown Bros. & Co., Bankers. W. T. Frost, Merchant Ship-Owner. Bogert & Kneeland, Merchants. Duncan, Sherman & Co., Bankers. Buckltn & Crane, Merchant Ship-Owners. E. E. Morgan, Merchant Ship-Owner. Wm. Whitlock, Jr., Merchant Ship-Owner. Geo. Opdyke, Mayor of New-York City. August Belmonts & Co., Bankers. Jas. G. King's sons, Bankers. Archibald Gracie, Merchant. Howland & Frothingham, Merchant Ship-Owners. Williams & Guion, Mer
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