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Orange Court House (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
in numbers, lay north of the Rapidan. On the second of August, Colonel (now Brigadier-General) W. E. Jones, with the Seventh Virginia cavalry, of Robertson's brigade, was sent to take charge of the outposts on the Rapidan. Arriving near Orange Court-House, he found it occupied by a large cavalry force, which, by a bold and vigorous charge, he drove from the town. The enemy rallied, and Colonel Jones was in turn compelled to fall back before superior numbers to the place where the engagementns to force the passage of the Rappahannock and advance upon Richmond. When his army first began to move toward Fredericksburgh, General Jackson, in pursuance of instructions, crossed the Blue Ridge, and placed his corps in the vicinity of Orange Court-House, to enable him more promptly to cooperate with Longstreet. About the twenty-sixth November he was directed to advance toward Fredericksburgh, and, as some Federal gunboats had appeared in the river, at Port Royal, and it was possible that
Leesburg (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
the protection of the fortifications around Washington and Alexandria, the army marched, on the third September, toward Leesburgh. The armies of Generals McClellan and Pope had now been brought back to the point from which they set out on the cam from the presence of Federal soldiers up to the intrenchments of Washington, and soon after the arrival of the army at Leesburgh, information was received that the troops which had occupied Winchester had retired to Harper's Ferry and Martinsburgh.on the second, being in advance, and, between the fourth and seventh of September, crossed the Potomac at the ford near Leesburgh, and encamped in the vicinity of Fredericktown. It was decided to cross the Potomac east of the Blue Ridge, in ordervalry,Robertson'sStuart's,1 1Bull Run, August 21. 2d Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's,33134Manassas, August 30. Leesburgh, Va., September 2. 2d Virginia cavalry,Robertson'sStuart's,4711Poolesville, Md., September 8. Jefferson, Md., September
Upperville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
ward, seizing the passes of the mountains as he progressed. General Jackson's corps was ordered to take position on the road between Berryville and Charlestown, to be prepared to oppose an advance from Harper's Ferry, or a movement into the Shenandoah Valley from the east side of the mountains, while at the same time he would threaten the flank of the enemy should he continue his march along the eastern base of the Blue Ridge. One division of Longstreet's corps was sent to the vicinity of Upperville to observe the enemy's movements in front. About the last of October the Federal army began to incline eastwardly from the mountains, moving in the direction of Warrenton. As soon as this intention developed itself, Longstreet's corps was moved across the Blue Ridge, and, about the third of November, took position at Culpeper Court-House, while Jackson advanced one of his divisions to the east side of the Blue Ridge. The enemy gradually concentrated about Warrenton, his cavalry bein
Pleasant Valley (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
ce on the eleventh, General Hill halting near Boonsboro to prevent the enemy at Harper's Ferry from escaping through Pleasant Valley, and at the same time to support the cavalry. The advance of the Federal army was so slow at the time we left Fred the next day was in readiness to open upon Harper's Ferry. General McLaws encountered more opposition. He entered Pleasant Valley on the eleventh. On the twelfth he directed General Kershaw, with his own and Barksdale's brigade, to ascend the ritward through Weavertown, and northward from Sandy Hook; guarding the pass in his rear, through which he had entered Pleasant Valley, with the brigades of Semmes and Mahone. Owing to the rugged nature of the ground on which Kershaw had to operateoss. The enemy halted at the gap, and, during the night, General McLaws formed his command in line of battle across Pleasant Valley, about a mile and a half below Crampton's, leaving one regiment to support the artillery on Maryland Heights, and tw
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
command. The obscurity of night and the uncertainty of the fords of Bull Run, rendered it necessary to suspend operations until morning, when the cavalry, being pushed forward, discovered that the enemy had escaped to the strong position of Centreville, about four miles beyond Bull Run. The prevalence of a heavy rain which began during the night, threatened to render Bull Run impassable, and impeded our movements. Longstreet remained on the battle-field to engage the attention of the enemyr first, advanced by that road toward Fairfax Court-House. The enemy in the mean time was falling back rapidly toward Washington, and had thrown out a strong force to Germantown, on the Little River turnpike, to cover his line of retreat from Centreville. The advance of Jackson's column encountered the enemy at Ox Hill, near Germantown, about five P. M. Line of battle was at once formed, and two brigades of A. P. Hill's division, those of Branch and Field, under Colonel Breckenbrough, were th
Chambersburgh (Ohio, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
nd moved toward Boonesboro. General Stuart, with the cavalry, remained east of the mountains, to observe the enemy and retard his advance. A report having been received that a Federal force was approaching Hagerstown from the direction of Chambersburgh, Longstreet continued his march to the former place, in order to secure the road leading thence to Williamsport, and also to prevent the removal of stores which were said to be in Hagerstown. He arrived at that place on the eleventh, Generaldirected, if practicable, to enter Pennsylvania and do all in his power to impede and embarrass the military operations of the enemy. This order was executed with skill, address, and courage. General Stuart passed through Maryland, occupied Chambersburgh, and destroyed a large amount of public property, making the entire circuit of General McClellan's army; he recrossed the Potomac below Harper's Ferry without loss. The enemy soon afterward crossed the Potomac east of the Blue Ridge, and a
Varina (North Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
ruder will hold their positions in front of the enemy against attack, and make such demonstrations, Thursday, as to discover his operations. Should opportunity offer, the feint will be converted into a real attack; and should an abandonment of his intrenchments by the enemy be discovered, he will be closely pursued. III. The Third Virginia cavalry will observe the Charles City road. The Fifth Virginia, the First North-Carolina, and the Hampton Legion cavalry will observe the Darbytown, Varina, and Osborne roads. Should a movement of the enemy, down the Chickahominy, be discovered, they will close upon his flank, and endeavor to arrest his march. IV. General Stuart, with the First, Fourth, and Ninth Virginia cavalry, the cavalry of Cobb's Legion and the Jeff Davis Legion, will cross the Chickahominy, to-morrow, and take position to the left of General Jackson's line of march. The main body will be held in reserve, with scouts well extended to the front and left. General Stuar
Port Royal, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
rgh attempted to cut Jackson's communications by destroying the Central Railroad at Beaver Dam. This force did no serious damage; but to prevent the repetition of the attempt, and to ascertain the strength and designs of the enemy, General Stuart was directed to proceed from Hanover Court-House, where he was posted, toward Fredericksburgh. His progress was delayed by high-water until the fourth of August, when he advanced, with Fitz-Hugh Lee's brigade and the Stuart horse artillery, upon Port Royal. Arriving at that place on the fifth, without opposition, he proceeded in the direction of Fredericksburgh, and the next day came into the telegraph road at Massaponax Church, just after two brigades of the enemy had passed that point on the way to the Central Railroad. His vigorous attack caused the expedition to return in haste to Fredericksburgh, and General Stuart retired with the loss of only two men, bringing off eighty-five prisoners and a number of horses, wagons, and arms. No f
Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
on the opposite bank, and an animated fire was kept up during the rest of the day between his artillery and the batteries attached to Jackson's leading division, under Brigadier-General Taliaferro. As our positions on the south bank of the Rappahannock were commanded by those of the enemy, who guarded all the fords, it was determined to seek a more favorable place to cross, higher up the river, and thus gain the enemy's right. Accordingly, General Longstreet was directed to leave Kelly's Fonock at Warrenton Springs. On the twenty-third, General Longstreet directed Colonel Walton, with part of the Washington artillery and other batteries of his command, to drive back a force of the enemy that had crossed to the south bank of the Rappahannock, near the railroad bridge, upon the withdrawal of General Jackson on the previous day. Fire was opened about sunrise, and continued with great vigor for several hours, the enemy being compelled to withdraw with loss. Some of the batteries of
Orlean (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 84
on by threatening him in front, and to follow Jackson as soon as the latter should be sufficiently advanced. Battle of Manassas. General Jackson crossed the Rappahannock at Kinson's Mill, about four miles above Waterloo, and passing through Orlean, encamped on the night of the twenty-fifth near Salem, after a long and fatiguing march. The next morning, continuing his route with his accustomed vigor and celerity, he passed the Bull Run Mountains at Thoroughfare Gap, and proceeding by way oLongstreet. The latter officer left his position, opposite Warrenton Springs, on the twenty-sixth, being relieved by General R. H. Anderson's division, and marched to join Jackson. He crossed at Kinson's Mill in the afternoon, and encamped near Orlean that night. The next day he reached the White Plains, his march being retarded by the want of cavalry to ascertain the meaning of certain movements of the enemy from the direction of Warrenton, which seemed to menace the right flank of his colum
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