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Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
hough my command was not at any time closely engaged, it was three times subjected to a sharp fire, and was, throughout the days of the thirteenth and fourteenth, in constant expectation of being brought into action. Under these circumstances every man remained firm at his post; not a straggler was to be seen leaving the ranks, and all evinced a commendable eagerness to engage the enemy, which needed only opportunity to ripen into the gallantry heretofore so conspicuous in the troops from Louisiana. Lieutenant-Colonel Nolan, commanding the First Louisiana regiment; Lieutenant-Colonel Goodwin, commanding the Fifteenth; Major Grogan, commanding the second; Major Leggett, commanding the Tenth, and Captain Verlander, commanding the Fourteenth,--are deserving of my especial commendation for the coolness and skill with which they commanded their respective regiments, and the promptness and energy with which they executed every order. I should entirely fail in my duty if I did not advert a
Providence, R. I. (Rhode Island, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ft on picket in front. During the engagement of Saturday, the casualties in my brigade were forty-two killed and wounded, and one on Monday. Among the number I regret to enumerate the loss of two valuable officers, Major Lee, of the Forty-sixth, and Captain Fulkinson, of the Sixteenth regiments, both seriously, but, it is believed, not dangerously wounded. The small list of casualties, under so heavy a converging fire from the enemy's numerous batteries, can only be accounted for, under Providence, by the fact that the men were kept lying down closely on the ground, taking advantage of every hill and crest as a protection. A full return of the killed and wounded has already been transmitted to your headquarters. During the entire engagement of five days and nights, both officers and men manifested great patience and endurance, under the hardships and privations, and were eager to the last for a continuance of the fight. The officers of the medical, commissary, and quartermaster
Twymans Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
ore and after his attacks upon Marye's Hill, and that he rendered very efficient service, assisting in the construction of the battery which drove them from that place of shelter. I beg leave to mention also Brigadier-General Cadmus M. Wilcox, and to ask attention to his long-continued and uniformly meritorious conduct in his present grade. I have witnessed his courage, zeal and ability, and have received most efficient cooperation from him, in the battles of Williamsburg, Seven Pines, Gaines's Mill, Frazier's Farm, Second Manassas and Fredericksburg. I earnestly recommend his promotion. Mr. Jett, an engineer attached to my division, rendered good service in the erection of field works making and repairing roads, digging rifle-pits and trenches, and such like work. The reports of the commanders of brigades are here — with submitted. I am, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, R. H. Anderson, Major-General, commanding Division. Report of Major-General McLaws.
Rappahannock (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
rts of commanders of the Donaldsville artillery battery and the Eighth Florida regiment, the only portions of my brigade engaged in the recent battle on the Rappahannock River: The Eighth Florida regiment having been detailed for picket duty and placed temporarily under command of Brigadier-General Barksdale, commanding the pich North Carolina, 221519 Thirty-eighth North Carolina,  11314 Grand Total,31417136170 Report of Colonel Hamilton, commanding brigade. bivouac on Rappahannock River, headquarters Second brigade, A. P. Hill's Light division, December 22, 1862. Major R. C. Morgan, A. A. G.: Major: In obedience to orders from division hof the signal guns; and soon afterwards a courier from Brigadier-General Kershaw notified the Colonel commanding that the enemy were attempting to cross the Rappahannock River, opposite Fredericksburg, and ordered me to occupy its place in the line of battle, previously designated. Accordingly, the regiment was put in motion, and
Deep Creek (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
consisting of two regiments of Brockenbrough's brigade, the brigades of Generals Archer, Lane, and Pender, my extreme right resting upon the road leading from Hamilton's Crossing to the Port Royal road, and my left to within a short distance of Deep Creek. Upon the hill crowning the right of my line, Lieutenant-Colonel Lindsay Walker, my Chief of Artillery, had in position, under his own immediate direction, fourteen rifle and Napoleon guns, composed of the batteries of Pegram and McIntosh, wit the right. The first position of this battery, if retained, would have been very annoying to our troops, who were drawn up under the cover of the woods and in convenient range of its guns. This battery then took position on the other side of Deep Creek, alongside of several other batteries, but its effectiveness was nearly destroyed by its compelled removal of position. Every battery officer received the instruction that he was to fire with great deliberation, and to fire only upon large b
Maryland Heights (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
on the field, in the active discharge of their duties. Lieutenant J. A. Myers, ordnance officer, was at his post promptly replenishing our exhausted ammunition. Lieutenant W. M. Dwight, A. I. G., was disabled, from the injuries received at Maryland Heights, but was on the field, and received a contusion on the head from a shell. Colonel McMillan, commanding Cobb's brigade, rendered valuable assistance, and when offered the alternative of being relieved Saturday night, gallantly claimed the hot and bravery displayed throughout by the officers and men. All seemed to realize the call made upon them, and none failed to respond. The fire the regiment was called upon to sustain was certainly not surpassed by that at Savage Station, Maryland Heights, and Sharpsburg. The command suffered severely in killed and wounded, as the accompanying list will show. There were twenty-five killed and one hundred and forty-two wounded; total loss, one hundred and sixty-seven. Strength--Thirty-six
Hazel River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
the erection of field works making and repairing roads, digging rifle-pits and trenches, and such like work. The reports of the commanders of brigades are here — with submitted. I am, very respectfully, Your most obedient servant, R. H. Anderson, Major-General, commanding Division. Report of Major-General McLaws. Headquarters division, camp near Fredericksburg, December 30, 1862. Major Sorrel, Adjutant-General: Major: My division occupied the front line of defence from Hazel River along the ridge of hills to the right and through the point of woods extending into Mr. Alfred Bernard's field, one brigade being in reserve. The brigades on the right had an extended rifle-pit at the foot of the main ridge from the left of the Telegraph road to a private road near Mr. Howison's barn. The next brigade had rifle-pits along the foot of the hills in front of its position, and others on the crests of the hills. The right brigade constructed rifle-pits and breastworks of lo
Waterford (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
rove them into the rear guard of their infantry and cavalry, capturing two and wounding three. Nobody hurt on our side. I did not deem it prudent to attack their infantry and cavalry combined with my force, and returned to the neighborhood of Waterford, and camped for the night. On the morning of the fourteenth I started for Waterford, where I encountered Sam Means's force, some sixty men; we charged them and drove them through the town, killing one of their lieutenants and capturing theirWaterford, where I encountered Sam Means's force, some sixty men; we charged them and drove them through the town, killing one of their lieutenants and capturing their orderly sergeant and one private; both of whom, together with those already sent to Snickersville, making twenty-two in all, were sent to your headquarters for disposal. We pursued them about five miles in the direction of Point of Rocks. Learning that there was a force of about sixty cavalry in Poolesville, I determined to push forward to that place; sent my worst horses back; sent a squad of men to watch the enemy at Harper's Ferry; they charged the pickets, capturing twenty-six, which wer
Fredericksburg, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
nt, and extending far to the left, towards Fredericksburg. They were deployed in three lines, with Barksdale, commanding the picket forces at Fredericksburg, I am unable to give additional informatiotaken by my command in the engagement near Fredericksburg, on Saturday, December thirteen, 1862: the range of hills from the vicinity of Hamilton's Crossing to Dr. Reynolds's house. On the plateahills that sweep towards the upper part of Fredericksburg, as if for its protection. These position this command in the recent battles around Fredericksburg: One thousand five hundred small arms; the same in the recent engagement at Fredericksburg, Virginia. The regiment was aroused about fiveeas Station, and moved in the direction of Fredericksburg, arriving at Hamilton's Crossing before nof this regiment during the engagement near Fredericksburg, December thirteen, 1862. On the morninls overlooking the valley about and around Fredericksburg, where we remained during the remainder of[117 more...]
Coopers (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 2
heights commence to recede from the river, a lower range of hills commences, which, though also receding from, keeps much nearer, the river. This lower range of hills terminates abruptly with Marye's Hill, immediately in rear of the town of Fredericksburg — the hill then having almost the appearance of a promontory, the low grounds extending about eight hundred yards back to the base of the upper heights. This lower range of hills is much lower than the hills on the Stafford side of the riverfrom the various streets in Fredericksburg, and who were drawn up under the protection of the inequalities of the ground in front of Marye's Hill. The main battle on the left was fought to obtain this hill. Between this hill and the town of Fredericksburg, it is said, the Rappahannock formerly flowed. The conformation of the ground, therefore, enabled the enemy to mask their troops so as to be out of view of our infantry, in position at the foot of Marye's Hill, and even from our artillery on
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