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Irwin McDowell (search for this): chapter 32
t would be best to move Porter's corps upon Upton's Hill, that it may occupy Hall's Hill, etc.; McDowell's to Upton's Hill; Franklin's to the works in front of Alexandria; Heintzelman's to the same vide at once to Munson's Hill. About the time I reached there the infantry of King's division of McDowell's corps commenced arriving, and I halted them and ordered them into position. Very soon — withes--a regiment of cavalry appeared, marching by twos, and sandwiched in the midst were Pope and McDowell with their staff officers. I never saw a more helpless-looking headquarters. About this time d coolly preceded the troops, leaving them to get out of the scrape as best they could. He and McDowell both asked my permission to go on to Washington, to which I assented, remarking at the same tim But when in the afternoon, at Upton's Hill, the farthest — out fortification, he met Pope and McDowell leading the retreat into Washington, and heard the sound of artillery-firing on the Army of the
e Langley road. By the time I reached that road the firing had ceased, with the exception of perhaps a dropping shot occasionally. It was after dark — I think there was moonlight — by the time I met the first troops, which were, I think, of Morell's division, 5th corps; Porter had gone on a little while before to make arrangements for the bivouac of his troops. I was at once recognized by the men, upon which there was great cheering and excitement; but when I came to the regular division (Sykes's) the scene was the most touching I had up to that time experienced. The cheers in front had attracted their attention, and I have been told since by many that the men at once pricked up their ears and said that it could only be for Little Mac. As soon as I came to them the poor fellows broke through all restraints, rushed from the ranks and crowded around me, shouting, yelling, shedding tears, thanking God that they were with me again, and begging me to lead them back to battle. It was
George Brinton McClellan (search for this): chapter 32
tal Pope defeated the President appeals to McClellan he accepts command alarm in Washington enmount purpose was to take the army away from McClellan, since they had been unable to persuade Mr. Lincoln to take McClellan from the army. McClellan had been ordered to return, for the purpose, aslegrams inspired at the War Department, that McClellan was delaying the advance of troops to Pope. wing is Halleck's testimony: On his [Gen. McClellan's] arrival at Alexandria he was told to tas in regard to the works. On the same day McClellan telegraphed Halleck: You now have every man on receipt of Halleck's despairing telegram, McClellan replied: I am ready to afford you any assisth he acquiesced and approved the order; that McClellan could now shield himself, should anything god his apprehension that the reinstatement of McClellan would prove a national calamity. Mr. Mon the Army of the Potomac --a command which Gen. McClellan had not held by any authority since Aug. 3[90 more...]
S. Williams (search for this): chapter 32
arters should receive the countersign issued to the guards at the Long bridge. I was stopped late night before last, returning to camp, and compelled to go to your office for the countersign. Lieut.-Col. Colburn, going to the city last night on important business requiring despatch, was stopped at this end of the bridge and had to go back to Fort Albany. On both occasions the officers of the guards, though aware of our positions, said they had no discretion. On the 30th, Assist. Adj.-Gen. Williams telegraphs Gen. Wadsworth: In the absence of orders defining the limits of his command Gen. McClellan issues a countersign to-day to the troops of the Army of the Potomac in this vicinity. It is Malvern. If yours is different he will be obliged to you to communicate it, and also to instruct the guards at the Long bridge to recognize ours. Do you know what command furnishes the guard for the Virginia end of the Long bridge? A duplicate of the first part of this same despatch was s
H. Hammerstein (search for this): chapter 32
Chapter 32: Recalled to save the capital Pope defeated the President appeals to McClellan he accepts command alarm in Washington enthusiasm of the army the capital safe the order of Sept. 2 Halleck's testimony Stormy cabinet meeting. Late at night of Aug. 31, I think, Maj. Hammerstein One of my aides, whom I had sent to the front to bring me news as to the real state of affairs — returned, bringing a despatch from Pope, which was to be sent to Halleck by telegraph. The information Hammerstein brought proved that Pope's despatch was false throughout. On the 1st of Sept. I met Gen. Halleck at his office in Washington, who by verbal order directed me to take charge of Washington and its defences, but expressly prohibited me from exercising any control over the active troops under Gen. Pope. At this interview I told him what I had every reason to know to be the true state of affairs. He doubted the accuracy of my information and believed the statements
William B. Franklin (search for this): chapter 32
2. Maj.-Gen. John Pope, Commanding Army of Virginia: general: Gen. Halleck instructed me to repeat to you the order he sent this morning to withdraw your army to Washington without unnecessary delay. He feared that his messenger might miss you, and desired to take this double precaution. In order to bring troops upon ground with which they are already familiar, it would be best to move Porter's corps upon Upton's Hill, that it may occupy Hall's Hill, etc.; McDowell's to Upton's Hill; Franklin's to the works in front of Alexandria; Heintzelman's to the same vicinity; Couch to Fort Corcoran, or, if practicable, to the Chain bridge; Sumner either to Fort Albany or to Alexandria, as may be most convenient. In haste, general, very truly yours, Geo. B. Mcclellan, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. In a very short time I had made all the requisite preparations and was about to start to the front in person to assume command as far out as possible, when a message came to me from Gen. Halleck inf
George B. McClellan (search for this): chapter 32
this double precaution. In order to bring troops upon ground with which they are already familiar, it would be best to move Porter's corps upon Upton's Hill, that it may occupy Hall's Hill, etc.; McDowell's to Upton's Hill; Franklin's to the works in front of Alexandria; Heintzelman's to the same vicinity; Couch to Fort Corcoran, or, if practicable, to the Chain bridge; Sumner either to Fort Albany or to Alexandria, as may be most convenient. In haste, general, very truly yours, Geo. B. Mcclellan, Maj.-Gen. U. S. A. In a very short time I had made all the requisite preparations and was about to start to the front in person to assume command as far out as possible, when a message came to me from Gen. Halleck informing me that it was the President's order that I should not assume command until the troops had reached the immediate vicinity of the fortifications. I therefore waited until the afternoon, when I rode out to the most advanced of the detached works covering the c
James S. Wadsworth (search for this): chapter 32
olume. Thus, on the 29th of Aug. Gen. S. Williams, A. A. G. at McClellan's camp near Alexandria, telegraphed Brig.-Gen. James S. Wadsworth, military governor of Washington: It is important that these headquarters should receive the countersign issus, though aware of our positions, said they had no discretion. On the 30th, Assist. Adj.-Gen. Williams telegraphs Gen. Wadsworth: In the absence of orders defining the limits of his command Gen. McClellan issues a countersign to-day to the troops hint of any order placing McClellan in command of the fortifications. On the same day McClellan had telegraphed to Gens. Wadsworth, Barnard, and Slough: Gen. McClellan commands so few troops that he declines issuing a countersign, but he will be oinued certainly till Sept. 8, when Mr. Hiram Barney, Collector of the Port of New York, told Mr. Chase that Stanton and Wadsworth had advised him to leave for New York this evening, as communication with Baltimore might be cut off before to-morrow (
Montgomery Blair (search for this): chapter 32
, in answer to an inquiry from Mr. Chase, confirmed what Stanton had stated. General regret was expressed, and Stanton, with some feeling, remarked that no order to that effect had issued from the War Department. The President, calmly but with some emphasis, said the order was his, and he would be responsible for it to the country. . . . Before separating the Secretary of the Treasury expressed his apprehension that the reinstatement of McClellan would prove a national calamity. Mr. Montgomery Blair, Postmaster-General, in private letters, from which, now in the hands of the editor, the following extracts are taken, says: Under date April 22. 1870: The bitterness of Stanton on the reinstatement of McClellan you can scarcely conceive. He preferred to see the capital fall. . . . McClellan was bound to go when the emergency was past, and Halleck and Stanton furnished a pretence. Under date April 3, 1879: The folly and disregard of public interests thus exhibited wo
John D. Wilkins (search for this): chapter 32
w that Gen. McClellan had been relieved of all command, I should say that he was one of that party, adding immediately, I do really believe it is he! Nonsense! said the colonel; what would Gen. McClellan be doing out in this lonely place, at this time of night, without an escort? The two horsemen passed on to where the column of troops was lying, standing, or sitting, as pleased each individual, and were lost in the shadowy gloom. But a few moments had elapsed, however, when Capt. John D. Wilkins, of the 3d Infantry (now colonel of the 5th), came running towards Col. Buchanan, crying out: Colonel! Colonel! Gen. McClellan is here! The enlisted men caught the sound Whoever was awake aroused his neighbor. Eyes were rubbed, and those tired fellows, as the news passed down the column, jumped to their feet and sent up such a hurrah as the Army of the Potomac had never heard before. Shout upon shout went out into the stillness of the night; and, as it was taken up along the
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