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Rohrersville (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
scene of joy. The secession expedition had been an entire failure in that quarter; they received no recruits of the slightest consequence and no free — will offerings of any kind. It was soon ascertained that the main body of the enemy's forces had marched out of the city on the two previous days, taking the roads to Boonsborough and Harper's Ferry, thereby rendering it necessary to force the passes through the Catoctin and South Mountain ridges, and gain possession of Boonsborough and Rohrersville, before any relief could be extended to Col. Miles at Harper's Ferry. On the 13th an order fell into my hands issued by Gen. Lee, which fully disclosed his plans, and I immediately gave orders for a rapid and vigorous forward movement. The following is a copy of the order referred to: headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, Sept. 9, 1862. Special Orders, No. 191. The army will resume its march to-morrow, taking the Hagerstown road. Gen. Jackson's command will form the ad
West Point (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
at was in action! He spent the night in the same house that I did. In the course of the evening, when I had prepared the telegram to the President announcing the result of the day, I showed it to Burnside before sending it off, and asked if it was satisfactory to him; he replied that it was altogether so. Long afterwards it seems that he came to the conclusion that I did not give him sufficient credit; but he never said a word to me on the subject. On the next day I had the honor to receive the following very kind despatch from the President: War Department, Washington, Sept. 15, 1862, 2.45 P. M. Your despatch of to-day received. God bless you and all with you! Destroy the rebel army, if possible. A. Lincoln. To Maj.-Gen. McClellan. The following despatch was also received on the 16th: West Point, Sept. 16th, 1862. (received, Frederick, Sept. 16th, 1862, 10.40 A. M.) To Maj.-Gen. McClellan: Bravo, my dear general! Twice more and it's done. Winfield Scot
Lovettsville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
supply. and baggage trains of the army. Gen. McLaws, with his own division and that of Gen. R. H. Anderson, will follow Gen. Longstreet; on reaching Middletown he will take the route to Harper's Ferry, and by Friday morning possess himself of the Maryland Heights and endeavor to capture the enemy at Harper's Ferry and vicinity. Gen. Walker, with his division, after accomplishing the object in which he is now engaged, will cross the Potomac at Cheek's ford, ascend its right bank to Lovettsville, take possession of Loudon Heights, if practicable, by Friday morning; Keys's ford on his left, and the road between the end of the mountain and the Potomac on his right. He will, as far as practicable, co-operate with Gen. McLaws and Gen. Jackson in intercepting the retreat of the enemy. Gen. D. R. Hill's division will form the rear-guard of the army, pursuing the road taken by the main body. The reserve artillery, ordnance and supply-trains, etc., will precede Gen. Hill. Gen. St
Frederick (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
t was in action! He spent the night in the same house that I did. In the course of the evening, when I had prepared the telegram to the President announcing the result of the day, I showed it to Burnside before sending it off, and asked if it was satisfactory to him; he replied that it was altogether so. Long afterwards it seems that he came to the conclusion that I did not give him sufficient credit; but he never said a word to me on the subject. On the next day I had the honor to receive the following very kind despatch from the President: War Department, Washington, Sept. 15, 1862, 2.45 P. M. Your despatch of to-day received. God bless you and all with you! Destroy the rebel army, if possible. A. Lincoln. To Maj.-Gen. McClellan. The following despatch was also received on the 16th: West Point, Sept. 16th, 1862. (received, Frederick, Sept. 16th, 1862, 10.40 A. M.) To Maj.-Gen. McClellan: Bravo, my dear general! Twice more and it's done. Winfield Scot
Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
alleys in all directions, and some fine mountains in the distance. From all I can gather secesh is skedaddling, and I don't think I can catch him unless he is really moving into Pennsylvania; in that case I shall catch him before he has made much headway towards the interior. I am beginning to think he is making off to get out of the scrape by recrossing the river at Williamsport, in which case my only chance of bagging him will be to cross lower down and cut into his communications near Winchester. He evidently don't want to fight me, for some reason or other. . . . I have never injured--, therefore I am not called upon to make any advances to him, as the professor seems to think I ought. As for ever having any friendly relation with him, it is simply absurd. . . . 7.30 P. M. My tent has been pitched some time. I have given all the orders necessary for to-morrow, and they have all gone to the various camps. . . . I believe that I have done all in my power and that the arra
New York State (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
By letter, dated Boston, May 19, 1884, Gen. F. A. Walker called the attention of Gen. McClellan to a statement made by the Comte de Paris in his History of the civil War in America, attributing delay in the advance from Frederick to Gen. Sumner and the 2d corps. The following reply, which I find among the papers relating to South Mountain, indicates Gen. McClellan's intention to embody its substance in his narrative when he should reach this point in his review: 32 Washington Square, N. Y., May 21, 1884. my dear Sir : Yours of the 19th has just reached me. My attention was never called to the point in question. Like yourself, I am fully satisfied as to the candor and honesty of the Comte de Paris, but his work is not free from unintentional errors, of which this is an example. My report shows that at 8.45 P. M. of the 13th the 2d corps was ordered to move at seven A. M. on the 14th by the direct road to Middletown, following Sykes at an hour's interval. Hooker d
South Mountain, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
to follow Sykes closely. May 13th, 8.45 P. M. Turner to move at seven A. M. May 14th, 9 A. M. Sumner ordered to take the Shookstown road to Middletown. By letter, dated Boston, May 19, 1884, Gen. F. A. Walker called the attention of Gen. McClellan to a statement made by the Comte de Paris in his History of the civil War in America, attributing delay in the advance from Frederick to Gen. Sumner and the 2d corps. The following reply, which I find among the papers relating to South Mountain, indicates Gen. McClellan's intention to embody its substance in his narrative when he should reach this point in his review: 32 Washington Square, N. Y., May 21, 1884. my dear Sir : Yours of the 19th has just reached me. My attention was never called to the point in question. Like yourself, I am fully satisfied as to the candor and honesty of the Comte de Paris, but his work is not free from unintentional errors, of which this is an example. My report shows that at 8.4
Middletown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 34
and will form the advance, and after passing Middletown, with such portion as he may select, will taon, will follow Gen. Longstreet; on reaching Middletown he will take the route to Harper's Ferry, ane remainder of his force in the direction of Middletown in pursuit of the enemy. After skirmishinnt corps were as follows: Reno's corps at Middletown, except Rodman's division at Frederick. H.30 P. M. Hooker to march at daylight to Middletown. May 13th, 11.30 P. M. Sykes to move atumner ordered to take the Shookstown road to Middletown. By letter, dated Boston, May 19, 1884, Geven A. M. on the 14th by the direct road to Middletown, following Sykes at an hour's interval. Hpport Gen. Pleasonton, left its bivouac near Middletown at six A. M. The 1st brigade reached the scehe artillery reserve halted for the night at Middletown. Thus on the night of the 14th the whole ard uncared for. I had reached the front at Middletown about noon, or a little before noon, and whi[1 more...]
en detached, will join the main body of the army at Boonsborough or Hagerstown. Each regiment on the march will habitually carry its axes in the regimental ordnance-wagons, for use of the men at their encampments, to procure mood, etc. By command of Gen. R. E. Lee. R. H. Chilton, Assist. Adj.-Gen, Maj.-Gen. D. H. Hill, Commanding Division. On the morning of the 13th Gen. Pleasonton was ordered to send Reynolds's brigade and a section of artillery in the direction of Gettysburg, and Rush's regiment towards Jefferson to communicate with Franklin, to whom the 6th U. S. Cavalry and a section of artillery had previously been sent, and to proceed with the remainder of his force in the direction of Middletown in pursuit of the enemy. After skirmishing with the enemy all the morning, and driving them from several strong positions, he reached Turner's Gap of the South Mountain in the afternoon, and found the enemy in force and apparently determined to defend the pass. He sent bac
J. F. Reynolds (search for this): chapter 34
kson, McLaws, and Walker, after accomplishing the objects for which they have been detached, will join the main body of the army at Boonsborough or Hagerstown. Each regiment on the march will habitually carry its axes in the regimental ordnance-wagons, for use of the men at their encampments, to procure mood, etc. By command of Gen. R. E. Lee. R. H. Chilton, Assist. Adj.-Gen, Maj.-Gen. D. H. Hill, Commanding Division. On the morning of the 13th Gen. Pleasonton was ordered to send Reynolds's brigade and a section of artillery in the direction of Gettysburg, and Rush's regiment towards Jefferson to communicate with Franklin, to whom the 6th U. S. Cavalry and a section of artillery had previously been sent, and to proceed with the remainder of his force in the direction of Middletown in pursuit of the enemy. After skirmishing with the enemy all the morning, and driving them from several strong positions, he reached Turner's Gap of the South Mountain in the afternoon, and fou
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