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Louisiana (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
who had been severely scalded when the boiler was pierced by a shot in the attack on some Confederate batteries. This was the gunboat that had taken possession of the Red Rover when she was abandoned at Island No.10, little more than two months previously. Before the Red Rover was placed in service, the army had chartered the City of Memphis as a hospital boat to take the wounded at Fort Henry to Paducah, St. Louis, and Mound City. There were several other hospital steamers, such as the Louisiana, the D. A. January, the Empress, and the Imperial, in service. Hospital ships and Smallpox barges. A United States general hospital was constructed at Mound City, on the Ohio, a few miles above its junction with the Mississippi, early in the war. On September 29, 1862, Secretary Welles authorized the construction of a marine hospital also. The place was so named because of the existence of a slightly elevated bit of ground covered with trees, though at the beginning of the war o
Centreville (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
oc already begun, and destroy both the wounded soldiers and those who sought to relieve their agonies. The upper photograph shows Mrs. Spinner's house, between Centreville and the Stone Bridge, which was used as a hospital during the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861. Here the Honorable A. Ely, Member of Congress, and a large number of Federal troops were made prisoners by the Confederate cavalry. The Stone Church at Centreville, shown in the lower picture, had been used as a hospital only three days before, July 18, 1861, after the battle of Blackburn's Ford. The houses upon the field of battle, especially the first year, before the field-hospital systeed, were often utilized for army hospital purposes. Mrs. Spinners house in 1862—used as a hospital in 1861 during the Bull Run battle The stone church at Centreville—a hospital before Bull Run I found an old carriage-and wagon-shop about sixty by one hundred feet, two stories high. It had a good roof, plenty of windows ab
La Chapelle (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
d by special agents of the department, who were very active in the discharge of their duties, and supplies were shipped with commendable regularity. From the time of the occupation of New Orleans by the Federals until the closing of the Mississippi River by the surrender of Vicksburg, considerable amounts of quinine and morphia were brought out of the Crescent City, at night, by fishermen in their small canoes or dugouts. The following incident is quoted from Dr. C. J. Edwards, of Abbeville, Louisiana: Many and daring were the attempts of the distressed Confederates to obtain medicines during the war. In 1863, when Grant was besieging Vicksburg and his gunboats patrolling the Mississippi had cut the Confederacy in twain, my father was detailed from Wright's Arkansas cavalry, an independent command, to procure some quinine, calomel, and opium. He crossed the Mississippi River at Greenville, Mississippi, and proceeded with a buggy and horse to Canton, where he obtained the suppl
Cairo, Ill. (Illinois, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
New Orleans for $30,000 the previous November. A shell had gone through her decks and bottom, but she was repaired at Cairo, Ill., and fitted up as a hospital boat by Quartermaster George M. Wise. The Western Sanitary Commission gave $3,500 for the purpose. Dr. George H. Bixby of Cairo was appointed assistant surgeon and placed in charge. Strange to say, the first serious cases placed on board were those of the commander and men of the gunboat Mound City, who had been severely scalded when was a special charge of the Commission, though not directly under its control. Other camps were established at Memphis, Cairo, and various other points in the West. Some of these rest-lodges are shown above. A hospital at new Berne, N. C. ers or wives seeking their wounded sons or husbands. In the West, a home was established by the Chicago branch at Cairo, Illinois, which was one of the main gateways through which soldiers passed, going toward or returning from the army. Rations
Pittsburg Landing (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
were all moved to Nashville, and placed in the large building on South College Street, built in the summer of 1861 for a gun-factory, where I, as the ranking surgeon, assumed charge of the twelve hundred wounded there assembled from the battlefields of Franklin and Nashville, assisted by nine other Confederate surgeons and assistant surgeons. On January 10, 1865, all the Confederate surgeons in Nashville were relieved by Federal surgeons, and we were sent by way of Louisville, Cincinnati, Pittsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Fortress Monroe, and City Point to Richmond, reaching the capital, January 28th. Remaining three days in Richmond, I visited every morning some part of Chimborazo Hospital, and other hospitals in the city. Leaving the capital, I went to Montgomery, Alabama, having thirty days leave, and while waiting for the Army of Tennessee en route to the Carolinas, frequently visited a hospital there in charge of Doctor John Scott, an Englishman. He had been commissioned
Geneva, N. Y. (New York, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
ranch, demanding Clara Barton—a war-time photograph by Brady Before the Civil War was over, Clara Barton's name had come to mean mercy and help for the wounded in war and peace alike. In the Civil War she took part in the relief work on the battlefields, described at length in the last chapter of this volume, and organized the search for missing men, for the carrying on of which Congress voted $15,000. She was active throughout the Franco-Prussian War, in the adoption of the Treaty of Geneva, in the founding of the National Red Cross in the United States, and in the Spanish-American War. Even later, in spite of advancing years, she appeared as a rescuing angel, bringing practical aid with sympathy to sufferers from the calamities of fire, flood, and famine. articles of food or of clothing, was almost sure to be promptly answered, while Government supplies were to be procured only on requisition, and necessarily passing through several hands, were sometimes much delayed. With t
West Virginia (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
ough them were collected such diverse articles as quilts, blankets, pincush-ions, butter, eggs, sauerkraut, cider, chickens, and many other things. The standard set by the branch for the local-aid societies was a box a month for the soldiers. Quarters of the Sanitary Commission. Besides the active work at the front, departments or special bureaus were established at Washington, New York, Louisville, New Orleans, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Annapolis, and City Point, in addition to West Virginia, Texas, and the South. The report of the treasurer of the Sanitary Commission shows that from June 27, 1861, to July 1, 1865, the receipts from the Sanitary fairs in the principal cities were $4,813,750.64, and the disbursements $4,530,774.95, leaving a balance in the hands of the Commission of $282,975.69. Quarters of the immense sanitary commission organization Brandy Station, Virginia, in 1863 Quarters of the immense sanitary commission organization at Brandy Station were kno
Belle Isle, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
Here, as at the Chimborazo Hospital, it was sometimes difficult to secure food suitable for the sick, and therefore Doctor Lane had two canal-boats constructed, which made regular trips up the Kanawha Canal, bringing back whatever supplies could be found in the country nearer the mountains, as yet undrained by the demands of the armies. The bakery had a capacity somewhat larger than was necessary for the hospital, and at times baked, by contract, a part of the bread for the prisoners in Belle Isle and Libby. From a series of articles prepared by Doctor Samuel H. Stout, Medical Director of the Army of Tennessee, we learn that the change of climate caused much sickness among the troops drawn from the Gulf States to Tennessee and Kentucky during the winter of 1861-62, and that only by the greatest exertions was Medical Director Yandell able to provide for the care of the sick. Most of these were sent to Hospital life. Hospital life for those well enough to enjoy it was fa
Mexico (Mexico, Mexico) (search for this): chapter 1.9
e which came to be required. It included many men whose natural administrative and military abilities, in many cases developed by the experiences of the war with Mexico, if employed in other than the direction of non-combatants, would Assistant surgeons in the Union army who became famous in after life A. A. Woodhull waeeping it properly trimmed. Southern practitioner, vol. 30, page 535. Supplies were brought into the Trans-Mississippi Department across the Rio Grande, from Mexico, close up to the time of General Richard Taylor's surrender to General Canby. Many petticoats were quilted in the shadow of the dome of the Capitol at Washingtonounce or more in weight. These wounds differed in some important and very material characteristics from all gunshot wounds in preceding wars, including that with Mexico; as well as those in our later experience with Spain, and those inflicted by the improved army-gun of the present day. The old round ball, of low velocity, caused
Seven Pines (West Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 1.9
d. In April, 1861, he resigned from the United States army, and on June 21st proceeded to Richmond. The following day he offered his services to President Davis, and was appointed surgeon in the Confederate States army. June 24th he was ordered to report to General Beauregard as medical director of the (Confederate) Army of the Potomac. He continued to hold this same position after General Joseph E. Johnston took command of the army. When General Johnston was wounded at the battle of Seven Pines, General Lee succeeded to the command. His medical director ranked Dr. Williams in the old army and therefore relieved him. Dr. Williams was afterward appointed medical director and inspector of hospitals in Virginia, and made his headquarters in Danville. He established nearly all the large hospitals in Virginia except at Richmond and Petersburg, and after a few months he was transferred to Richmond and put in charge of the Medical Purveyors' Department, in which position he remained a
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