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Winchester, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
oon. Kershaw posts a regiment on picket at the ford on the south fork on the Winchester road and one on the Berryville road, a mile from town. August 15 Enemy from the vicinity of Berryville. August 18 Move soon after daylight for Winchester, where we meet General Early. Fitz. Lee's cavalry is thrown out to the front 30 Without change. August 31 Bryan's brigade moves at daylight into Winchester to watch a probable movement of the enemy on Winchester from Berryville, wherWinchester from Berryville, where he seems to be in force. In the afternoon the whole division moves and takes its former camp near town. September 1 Some cavalry skirmishing on the Berryvillbody of enemy's cavalry attack his rear. September 3 Move at 12 M. from Winchester for Berryville by the pike. Strike the enemy about four miles from Berryvillthe enemy's position too strong to be forced. Septembr 5 Retire towards Winchester. Some skirmishing at the Opequon between Early's rear guard and the enemy's
Front Royal (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
aw's division and Cuttshaw's battalion of artillery, we move from Mitchell's station soon after sunrise and halt at Culpeper at midday. At 4. P. M. Kershaw moves for Hazel run, on the Graded road, followed by the artillery battalion, and camped for the night on Hazel river. Fitz. Lee's division moves from Culpeper Courthouse, and passes the infantry at night. August 13 March resumed. Camp two miles north of Flint Hill. August 14 March continues at sunrise. Troops arrive at Front Royal in afternoon. Kershaw posts a regiment on picket at the ford on the south fork on the Winchester road and one on the Berryville road, a mile from town. August 15 Enemy reported to have a brigade of cavalry at Cedarville, on the Winchester pike, and an infantry force on the Berryville road. The enemy sends a scouting party across Island ford, which, however, soon retires. August 16 About 12 noon information is received of the advance of four brigades of the enemy's cavalry to
Gaines Mill (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
he enemy. Kershaw's salient is weak, but is supported by Anderson's and Law's brigades of Field's division. Heavy skirmishing continues during the whole day on our line. In the evening the Second corps under Early moves out by its left, except Ramseur's division, and attacks the enemy's right. He gains some advantages and forces back the enemy's right. In the morning Breckinridge is posted on the heights to the right of Hoke, and A. P. Hill, with two divisions, moves to that point by Gaines' mill. The enemy gives us a furious cannonade late. June 3d The expected battle begins early. Early renews his attack, but appears to cease in about two hours without gaining much. Meantime the enemy is heavily massed in front of Kershaw's salient. Anderson's, Law's and Gregg's brigades are there to support Kershaw. Assault after assault is made, and each time repulsed with severe loss to the enemy. At eight o'clock A. M. fourteen had been made and repulsed (this means, I suppose, f
South River (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
Post and returns towards Berryville. Enemy's infantry reported crossing the Opequon and advancing; Our troops turned out to meet them. Enemy retire across the Opequon. Object of the movement supposed to be a reconnoissance. September 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Without change. September 15 Move at sunrise with Kershaw and Cuttshaw up the Valley pike and camp on North fork of Shenandoah, opposite Buckton. September 16 Move at sunrise, cross North fork at Buckton ford, cross South fork at McCoy's ford, and camp at Bentonville. September 17 Move at sunrise on the Mud turnpike, from which we turned off four miles north of Luray and camped four miles from Luray on the Sperryville and Luray pike. September 18 Move at sunrise, cross Thornton's gap, pass through Sperryville, Woodville and camp two miles east of the latter. September 19 Move at sunrise and arrive at Culpeper in time to meet a Yankee raiding party, Sixteenth New York cavalry, which is found
Shenandoah county (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
September 6 Without change. September 7 A division of Yankee cavalry moves up as far as White Post and returns towards Berryville. Enemy's infantry reported crossing the Opequon and advancing; Our troops turned out to meet them. Enemy retire across the Opequon. Object of the movement supposed to be a reconnoissance. September 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Without change. September 15 Move at sunrise with Kershaw and Cuttshaw up the Valley pike and camp on North fork of Shenandoah, opposite Buckton. September 16 Move at sunrise, cross North fork at Buckton ford, cross South fork at McCoy's ford, and camp at Bentonville. September 17 Move at sunrise on the Mud turnpike, from which we turned off four miles north of Luray and camped four miles from Luray on the Sperryville and Luray pike. September 18 Move at sunrise, cross Thornton's gap, pass through Sperryville, Woodville and camp two miles east of the latter. September 19 Move at sunrise an
Richmond (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
the evening orders are received to take position on Three Mile creek. June 15th Gary reports the enemy advancing and passed Nance's shop. Movement suspended in consequence. June 16th Pickett and Field move at 3 and 5 A. M., cross James river at Drewry's Bluff, and move down the turnpike towards Petersburg to occupy the line abandoned by General Beauregard. We found a picket of the enemy on the turnpike near Chester, and the line occupied by the enemy. Reconnoitering, and an effoe. Usual shelling and picket firing. July 23 Kershaw moves at 6.30 A. M. for Chaffin's Bluff. July 24, 25, 26 Affairs unchanged. July 27 At 1.30 o'clock P. M., we received orders to move our headquarters to the north side of James river. Heth's division moved over. We arrived at Chaffin's at 8.30 P. M. Before our arrival four guns of the Rockbridge artillery, on the left of Kershaw, had been captured by the enemy. July 28 In the morning we move with four brigades-Conn
Buckton (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
hout change. September 7 A division of Yankee cavalry moves up as far as White Post and returns towards Berryville. Enemy's infantry reported crossing the Opequon and advancing; Our troops turned out to meet them. Enemy retire across the Opequon. Object of the movement supposed to be a reconnoissance. September 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 Without change. September 15 Move at sunrise with Kershaw and Cuttshaw up the Valley pike and camp on North fork of Shenandoah, opposite Buckton. September 16 Move at sunrise, cross North fork at Buckton ford, cross South fork at McCoy's ford, and camp at Bentonville. September 17 Move at sunrise on the Mud turnpike, from which we turned off four miles north of Luray and camped four miles from Luray on the Sperryville and Luray pike. September 18 Move at sunrise, cross Thornton's gap, pass through Sperryville, Woodville and camp two miles east of the latter. September 19 Move at sunrise and arrive at Culpepe
Darbytown (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
d Conner move down to Darby's to occupy, with skirmishers, the junction of the Long Bridge and Darbytown roads. Field's division is sent to us from the south side and arrives at Tussell's mill aboutlery at work. Montague is left on the New Market road and Law is posted in the salient on the Darbytown road. October 2 Law and Montague are moved back to Chaffin's farm. October 3, 4, 5 Field and Hoke are taken out of the trenches and sent to the vicinity of Curry's house, on the Darbytown road. Law's brigade was previously sent over to Gary. October 7 At sunrise we move down the Darbytown road with Field and Hoke. The former encounters Kautz's cavalry in the exterior trenches. With Anderson's and Bratton's brigades and Gary and Law on the Charles City road, the cavalrft and endeavors to turn it. The Texas and Law's brigade are thrown rapidly to the left of the Darbytown road and the others moved up to it, Hoke closing in on Field. The day passes in efforts of th
Seven Pines (Pennsylvania, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
uld be discovered to be withdrawing. June 9th Enemy still in force in front. Early removed from the left, and Field and Pickett extend to fill the old trenches as far as Dickerson's house. June 10th, 11th and 12th No change in our line. Affairs quiet. June 13th The enemy is discovered to have disappeared from our front. The troops are at once put in motion. Kershaw, Pickett and Field crossing the Chickahominy at McClellan's bridge — trains by New bridge. We march by Seven Pines and over to the Charles City road, move down that, turn off at Williams' and bivouac near the battlefield of Frazier's farm. A little skirmishing at Riddle's shop by A. P. Hill. June 14th Quiet. No enemy immediately in front. Supposed to have crossed the James. In the evening orders are received to take position on Three Mile creek. June 15th Gary reports the enemy advancing and passed Nance's shop. Movement suspended in consequence. June 16th Pickett and Field move
Brucetown (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11.83
The picket line of the Fifteenth South Carolina regiment, Kershaw's brigade, breaks, and about a hundred men of it are captured. The enemy soon retires. During the night we hear from Early, who is at Leetown, and it is determined to move for Brucetown at early dawn. August 27 Move at day via Smithfield — McCausland's and Lomax's brigades of cavalry in our rear. Camp near Brucetown. The two cavalry brigades picket the line of the Opequon. Early moves to Bunker Hill. August 28 MBrucetown. The two cavalry brigades picket the line of the Opequon. Early moves to Bunker Hill. August 28 McCausland moves his brigade towards Leetown, under orders from Fitz. Lee. August 29 Early drives the enemy's cavalry through Smithfield. His troops afterwards return to camp. August 30 Without change. August 31 Bryan's brigade moves at daylight into Winchester to watch a probable movement of the enemy on Winchester from Berryville, where he seems to be in force. In the afternoon the whole division moves and takes its former camp near town. September 1 Some cavalry skir
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