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G. T. Beauregard 3,199 167 Browse Search
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Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
l Beauregard's views and opinions upon the future operations of the enemy in Tennessee and farther South: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Dec. 25th, 1863. Major-Genl. W. H. C. Whiting, Comdg. Dept., Wilmington, N. C.: My dear General,—A merry and lucky Christmas to you! Your letter of the 23d instant has just been received. I got a copy of the same telegram sent you; but I have been deceived every time that same scout, or some other coming from Baltimore, has furnished news of enemy's movements in my Department. Hence I am very cautious to believe his reports now, although, of course, I make my preparations all around, so as not to be caught napping. I sent, in return, pretty much your answer—that I could not defend with success here Savannah and the railroad without additional troops. Defensive works are next to useless if not garrisoned properly. I have therefore applied for the temporary return of Walker's brigade, which is now doin
Pollard (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
g. The harbor, too, remained as impenetrable as it was when the Federal fleet first attempted to enter it; and Charleston, encompassed now and surrounded by a new line of inner defences, was as ready as ever to cope with the combined military and naval attack prepared against it. Fort Sumter had gradually become a new work; Fort Johnson had greatly gained in strength and importance; so had almost every battery on James and Sullivan's islands; and General Beauregard, as was justly said in Pollard's Lost Cause, Page 437. had given another illustration of the new system of defence practised at Comorn and Sebastopol, where, instead of there being any one key to a plan of fortification, there was the necessity of a siege for every battery, in which the besiegers were always exposed to the fire of the others. From Cummings's Point and the other works of Morris Island the bombardment was maintained during the whole of the month of November and up to the 19th or 20th of December. It
Whitemarsh Island (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
I informed the Hon. Secretary of War by telegraph, on the 9th ultimo, I regarded it as imperative to attempt to secure the subsistence resources of Florida. General Finegan was also apprised of these reinforcements on the 11th of February, and instructed to manoeuvre meantime to check or delay the enemy, but to avoid close quarters and unnecessary loss of men. While these reinforcements were en route the enemy again attempted to delay them by a movement with show of force against Whitemarsh Island, near Savannah, and it became a measure of proper precaution to halt at Savannah two of the regiments on the way to General Finegan, for the development of the enemy's plans, one of which regiments, indeed, I felt it but prudent to detain there for the present. The want of adequate rolling-stock on the Georgia and Florida Railroads, and the existence of the gap of some twenty-six miles between the two roads, subjected the concentration of my forces to a delay, which deprived my effort
Dorchester, Mass. (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
as shall be determined by a close reconnoissance by General Walker's Engineer officer. 2d. The line of the Overflows and the works in advance of it along the Stono will be defended by the troops under Brigadier-General Wise, commanding Sixth Military District, together with such additional troops as he may receive from Brigadier-General Taliaferro's command, in the Seventh Military District. 3d. The line in rear of the Ashley River, from Bee's Ferry inclusive, to Bossua Creek, near Dorchester, will be held by troops from the Fifth and the First Military Districts. 4th. The forces under Brigadier-General Robertson are intrusted with the defence of the line from Bossua Creek to Little Lakes, thence across to Givham's Ferry, on the Edisto, and the Four Hole Creek. Colonel Harris, Chief-Engineer, has been directed to throw up certain defensive works across the country, from the Ashley to the Edisto. 5th. The line in rear of the Edisto, from Four Hole Creek to the South Caro
Beach Inlet (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
rs lying in the bottom, tightly grappled together, and the blackened faces of all presented the expression of their despair and agony. After this tragedy I refused to permit the boat to be used again; but Lieutenant Dixon, a brave and determined man, having returned to Charleston, applied to me for authority to use it against the Federal steam sloop-of-war Housatonic, a powerful, new vessel, carrying eleven guns of the largest calibre, which lay at the time in the North Channel, opposite Beach Inlet, materially obstructing the passage of our blockade-runners in and out. At the suggestion of my Chief of Staff, General Jordan, I consented to its use for this purpose, not as a submarine machine, but in the same manner as the David. As the Housatonic was easily approached through interior channels from behind Sullivan's Island, and Lieutenant Dixon readily procured a volunteer crew, his little vessel was fitted with a Lee spar-torpedo, and the expedition was undertaken. Lieutenant Dixon
Jacksonville (Florida, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
pril, 1864, on the St. John's River, Florida, first, the Maple Leaf and, afterwards, the General hunter; and in the Ossabaw Sound the Columbine and the Water Witch. Both the latter were captured by boarding parties, in May and June, 1864. The main incident of this particular period of the war, in General Beauregard's Department, was the battle of Ocean Pond, in Eastern Florida, which took place on the 20th of February, 1864, and shed lustre on the Confederate troops engaged. At Jacksonville, Florida, on the 7th of February, the enemy landed a considerable force of infantry, cavalry, and artillery, which was increased by further arrivals on the 8th. General Finegan, with his well-known energy, immediately issued all necessary orders for the concentration of his scattered troops, and lost no time in notifying General Beauregard of the emergency. From Jacksonville the enemy, unhindered, pressed on to Baldwin; then to Barber's; then to Sanderson, and was, on the 11th, within three
Ohio (United States) (search for this): chapter 9
heads of bureaus at Richmond, a reproduction in this war of that fatal Austrian system with which no eminently successful commander ever had to contend; a pernicious plan of administration which will clog and hamper the highest military genius, whether a Napoleon or a Caesar. I believe the success of the plan of campaign thus sketched, and the utter defeat of the enemy, would be almost certain. The question would next be: whether to pursue the routed enemy with vigor to the banks of the Ohio and the Mississippi, or to return to the several sources whence the army was gathered their respective detachments or quotas for the campaign? This should be left, however, to be determined by the nature of the enemy's operations at the time. I must finally remark that were it possible to concentrate with sufficient expedition, at or about Knoxville, such an army as I have indicated, that would be the better point whence to take the offensive into Middle Tennessee than Dalton—that is, acc
Headquarters (Washington, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
cond Military Districts of South Carolina and the District of Georgia. It read thus: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Nov. 25th, 1863. General,—The following circular had not been forwarded, the following communication was subsequently sent: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Dec. 5th, 1863. General,—I am instrucffer his services to the Confederate Government. The plan referred to was as follows: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Dec. 8th, 1863. Hon. Pierre Soule Richmos and opinions upon the future operations of the enemy in Tennessee and farther South: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., Dec. 25th, 1863. Major-Genl. W. H. C. Whfficial leave of the gallant troops of his Department, he issued to them this address: Headquarters, Department S. C., Ga., and Fla., Charleston, S. C., April 20th, 1864. Officers and Soldie
Mobile, Ala. (Alabama, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
Such strategic points as Richmond, Weldon, Wilmington, Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, and Meridian—or Jackson, Mississippi, at the same time— should be fortified, gnd fully as bold, was prepared and carried out, under Lieutenant Dixon, of Mobile, Alabama, with the submarine torpedo-boat, as it was called, Also called the fismonths later. Mr. Horace L. Hunley, formerly of New Orleans, but then living in Mobile, offered me another torpedo-boat, of a different description, which had been be body of the boat. After the recovery of the sunken boat Mr. Hunley came from Mobile, bringing with him Lieutenant Dixon, of the Alabama Volunteers, who had successfully experimented with the boat in the harbor of Mobile, and under him another naval crew volunteered to work it. As originally designed the torpedo was to be draggeferred to above, General Beauregard received by telegraph from New Orleans, via Mobile and Charleston, the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Beauregard, whom he h
Atlanta (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
es it will be seen that the most injurious blow which the enemy could strike, at present, would be to take possession of Atlanta, thus isolating still more completely the Trans-Mississippi States, and detaching, in a great measure, the States of Mishe energetic, populous State of Georgia, and cripple the great resources of that people. We should, therefore, regard Atlanta as the actual objective point of the large force which the enemy has concentrated about Chattanooga, and the one which wbsistence, munitions of war, ambulances, wagons, horses, etc., should be established at certain points, not too far from Atlanta, for rapid concentration at the proper time. Meanwhile, whatsoever troops could be safely withdrawn from the Departmentrossed in other business to pass upon the merits of this or any other plan of battle. When, about eleven months later, Atlanta fell and was destroyed, and most of the disastrous consequences predicted by General Beauregard ensued, the War Departme
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