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Natick (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
rsons and the other female nurses were obliged to return to St. Louis. For a few weeks after her return she suffered from an attack of malarious fever, and on her recovery was assigned to duty as superintendent of female nurses at the Benton Barracks Hospital, the largest of all the hospitals in St. Louis, built out of the amphitheatre and other buildings in the fair grounds of the St. Louis Agricultural Society, and placed in charge of Surgeon Ira Russell, an excellent physician from Natick, Mass. In this large hospital there were often two thousand patients, and besides the male nurses detailed from the army, the corps of female nurses consisted of one to each of the fifteen or twenty wards, whose duty it was to attend to the special diet of the feebler patients, to see that the wards were kept in order, the beds properly made, the dressing of wounds properly done, to minister to the wants of the patients, and to give them words of good cheer, both by reading and conversation-sof
Fort Donelson (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
hospital could be provided for, she was supremely happy. The soldiers were ready to do anything in their power for her, while the contrabands regarded her almost as a divinity, and would fly with unwonted alacrity to obey her commands. We are not certain whether she was an assistant in one of the hospitals, or succored the wounded in any of the battles in Kentucky or Missouri, in the autumn of 1861; we believe she was actively engaged in ministering to the wounded after the fall of Fort Donelson, and at Shiloh after the battle she rendered great and important services. It was here, or rather at Savannah, Tennessee, where one of the largest hospitals was established, soon after the battle, and placed in her charge, that she first met Mrs. Eliza C. Porter, who was afterward during Sherman's Grand March her associate and companion. Mrs. Porter brought from Chicago a number of nurses, whom she placed under Mrs. Bickerdyke's charge. The care of this hospital occupied Mrs. Bicker
Baltimore, Md. (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
eing sent to the hospitals at Washington and Baltimore. The building used as a hospital, and whichet out for the West, stopping a few weeks at Baltimore on her way. Then she commenced her hospital remnant of strength and courage she went to Baltimore to join the afflicted family of Colonel Port Tyler. Residence in Boston removal to Baltimore Becomes Superintendent of a Protestant Sistone day in each week to visiting the jail of Baltimore, at that time a crowded and ill-conducted pr by a fierce and angry mob in the streets of Baltimore, and several of its men were murdered; and te of their country, to which the citizens of Baltimore, their assailants, were equally pledged. f the Camden Street Hospital, in the city of Baltimore. Her experience in the management of the laland's testimony at Camden Street Hospital, Baltimore Antietam Smoketown Hospital associated wiemporarily of the Camden Street Hospital, at Baltimore, the matron of which had been stricken down [9 more...]
Long Island Sound (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
, all of whom took great interest in fitting her for the important duties she proposed to undertake, and gave her every opportunity to practice, with her own hands, the labors of a good hospital nurse. Dr. Warren and Dr. Townshend, two distinguished surgeons, took special pains to give her all necessary information and the most thorough instruction. At the end of one year and a half of combined teaching and practice, she was recommended by Dr. Townshend to Fort Schuyler Hospital, on Long Island Sound, where she went in October, 1862, and for two months performed the duties of hospital nurse, in the most faithful and satisfactory manner, when she left by her father's wishes, on account of the too great exposure to the sea, and went to New York. While in New York Miss Parsons wrote to Miss Dix, the agent of the Government for the employment of women nurses, offering her services wherever they might be needed, and received an answer full of encouragement and sympathy with her wishe
Knoxville (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
he room of the Sanitary Commission, she saw the battery pass in which were her boys. It was raining, and mud-bespattered and drenched, her son rode by in an ague chill, and could only give her a look of recognition as he passed on to the camp two miles beyond. The next morning she went out to his camp, but missed him, and returning found him at the Sanitary Rooms in another chill. The next day she nursed him through a third chill, and then parting she sent her sick boy on his way toward Knoxville and Chattanooga. After a short stay at Vicksburg she once more returned to Illinois to plead with Governor Yates to bring home his disabled soldiers, then went back, by way of Louisville and Nashville, to Huntsville, Alabama, where she met and labored indefatigably with Mrs. Lincoln Clark and her daughter, of Chicago, and Mrs. Bickerdyke. After a few weeks spent there in comforting the sick, pointing the dying to the Saviour, and ministering to surgeons, officers, and soldiers, she f
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
each other in attention and kindness to their guest. Hearing of great suffering at Cape Girardeau, she went there about the 1st of August, just as the First Wisconsin Cavalry were returning from their terrible expedition through the swamps of Arkansas. She had last seen them in all their pride and manly beauty, reviewed by her husband, the Governor, before they left their State. Now how changed! The strongest, they that could stand, just tottering about, the very shadows of their former sehospital service, and she was immediately telegraphed to come on at once to St. Louis. At this time, January, 1863, every available building in St. Louis was converted into a hospital, and the sick and wounded were brought from Vicksburg, and Arkansas Post, and Helena up the river to be cared for at St. Louis and other military posts. At Memphis and Mound City, (near Cairo) at Quincy, Illinois, and the cities on the Ohio River, the hospitals were in equally crowded condition. Miss Parsons w
Ringgold, Ga. (Georgia, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
do no better than to give some extracts from her journal, kept during this period, and published without her knowledge in the Sanitary Commission Bulletin. It was commenced on the 15th of May, 1864, as she was following Mrs. Bickerdyke to Ringgold, Georgia. Together they arrived at Sugar Creek, where but two miles distant the battle was raging, and spent the night at General Logan's headquarters, within hearing of its terrific sounds. All night, and all day Sunday, they passed thus, not beieneral Sherman prepared to move on his Atlanta Campaign than he sent word to Mrs. Bickerdyke to cone up and accompany the army in its march. She accordingly left Huntsville on the 10th of May for Chattanooga, and from thence went immediately to Ringgold, near which town the army was then stationed. As the army moved forward to Dalton and Resaca, she sent forward teams laden with supplies, and followed them in an ambulance the next day. On the 16th of May she and her associate Mrs. Porter proce
Taunton (Massachusetts, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
g the honorable and heroic women of New England whose hearts were immediately enlisted in the cause of their country, in its recent struggle against the rebellion of the slave States, and who prepared themselves to do useful service in the hospitals as nurses, was Miss Emily E. Parsons, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, a daughter of Professor Theophilus Parsons, of the Cambridge Law School, and granddaughter of the late Chief Justice Parsons, of Massachusetts. Miss Parsons was born in Taunton, Massachusetts, was educated in Boston, and resided at Cambridge at the beginning of the war. She at once foresaw that there would be need of the same heroic work on the part of the women of the country as that performed by Florence Nightingale and her army of women nurses in the Crimea, and with her father's approval she consulted with Dr. Wyman, of Cambridge, how she could acquire the necessary instruction and training to perform the duties of a skilful nurse in the hospitals. Through his influe
Annapolis (Maryland, United States) (search for this): chapter 8
ends of paroled prisoners her residence at Annapolis obstacles the Annapolis plan abandoned shs, led her to decide to spend some months at Annapolis, among the camps and records of paroled and n and the Christian Commission. On reaching Annapolis, she encountered obstacles that were vexatio the effect that the military authorities at Annapolis might allow her the use of a tent, and its f, and sent home, and nothing would remain at Annapolis but the records. Unfortunately these provedget the names their mother called them. The Annapolis scheme was therefore abandoned, with mortifi Chester a year, and was then transferred to Annapolis, where she was placed in charge of the Navaluent to the superintendency of Mrs. Tyler at Annapolis a little paper was published weekly at the hf the war. In January, 1865, they went to Annapolis to do what they could for the returned Andery starved for me-and you. We remained at Annapolis from January to July, when, the war being cl[6 more...]
Mississippi (United States) (search for this): chapter 8
nce at this place which want of space forbids us to repeat. One of her first acts was to telegraph Mr. Yeatman, President of the Western Sanitary Commission, at St. Louis, for hospital stores, and in two days, by his promptness and liberality, she received an abundant supply. After several weeks' stay at Cape Girardeau, during which time the condition of the hospital greatly improved, Mrs. Harvey continued her tour of visitation which was to embrace all the general hospitals on the Mississippi river, as well as the regimental hospitals of the troops of her own State. Her face, cheerful with all the heart's burden of grief, gladdened every ward where lay a Union soldier, from Keokuk as far down as the sturdy legions of Grant had regained possession of the Father of Waters. At Memphis she was able to do great service in procuring furloughs for men who would else have died. Often has the writer heard brave men declare, with tearful eyes, their gratitude to her for favors of this
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