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e whole line of the hill, upon which the enemy was posted, a terrible fire of musketry was now kept up. The roar of the battle was tremendous, bursting along two opposing lines which swept for miles over the rolling fields. Masses of infantry fell back and again marched forward. The summit of the hill was covered with the dead and wounded. Totten's battery on the enemy's side did fearful execution. With the loss of many men and horses, the Federal battery, after a fierce engagement with Woodruff's, was with difficulty withdrawn. Part of it was again planted where it swept the front-part was masked to meet an advance. At this moment, when the fortunes of the day yet hung in doubt, two regiments of Gen. Pearce's command were ordered forward to support the centre. Reid's battery was also brought up and the Louisiana regiment was again called into action on the left of it. The enemy was now evidently giving way. Gen. Lyon had marked the progress of the battle with deep anxiety.
Henry A. Wise (search for this): chapter 9
and wealth of the Western section of Virginia. Wise's command. the enemy in the Kanawha Valley. Wosecrans. affair of Carnifax Ferry. Floyd and Wise fall back towards Sewell Mountain. an unfortune and wealth. In the month of June, Brigadier-General Wise of Virginia was sent into the Kanawha mall force repulsed three Federal regiments, Gen. Wise prepared to give battle to the Federal forceis brigade in motion, taking with him a part of Wise's cavalry; that commander remaining with the lations in his rear, he determined to withdraw to Wise's camp, and unite the two commands. It appeaposing them was superiour in numbers, Floyd and Wise fell back deliberately towards Sewell's Mountaiw Bluff, eighteen miles west of Lewisburg. Gov. Wise followed him only as far as the eastern slopter conferring with him for two days, joined Gen. Wise at Sewell Mountain, on the 22d. The experieoast defences of South Carolina and Georgia. Gen. Wise was ordered to report to Richmond, and was s[9 more...]
George Washington (search for this): chapter 9
Confederacy, as an inducement to remove the capital there. It is remarkable that the statesmen of Richmond did not observe the singular temper of the authorities at Washington, .on the news of their defeat at Manassas. On the very day that Washington was crowded with fugitives from the routed army, the Federal Congress legislated calmly and patiently throughout; and the House of Representatives, passed unanimously the following resolution: Resolved, That the maintenance of the Constitdeclared that he had no Intention of using the military at his command, to cause disturbance. Both recommended the citizens to keep quiet, and attend to their ordinary occupations. But soon after this, Gen. Harney was removed by orders from Washington. Gen. Price continued to busy himself with the duties of his command, and on the 4th of June, issued an address, in which be declared that the people of Missouri should exercise the right to choose their own position in any contest which migh
R. C. Tyler (search for this): chapter 9
rces now approached nearer the enemy, skirmishing with various success. But while thus occupied, it was ascertained that another foe threatened their flank. Col. Tyler, commanding the Seventh Ohio Regiment, of nearly thirteen hundred men, was approaching the Gauley River at Carnifax Ferry, about five miles south of Summervillroops at Pickett's Mills in Fayette County, so as to hold the turnpike, and guard against any aggressive movement of Cox, which might have embarrassed that against Tyler. The enterprise of Gen. Floyd was thoroughly successful. Having crossed the Gauley, he, on the morning of the 26th of August, fell upon Tyler at a place calledTyler at a place called Cross Lanes; defeated and dispersed his force; and inflicted upon him a loss of about two hundred in killed, wounded, and prisoners. After the affair of Cross Lanes, Gen. Floyd proceeded to strengthen his position on the Gauley. Owing to an unfortunate want of concert between Wise and himself, these two Confederate forces in
ed; and it had fifteen pieces of artillery. General Lyon had assembled at Springfield an effective army of nearly ten thousand men, consisting of his own and Col. Totten's forces front Booneville and St. Louis, and the troops heretofore acting under Gens. Sigel and Sturgis and Col. Sweeny. About two thousand were home guards, o swept for miles over the rolling fields. Masses of infantry fell back and again marched forward. The summit of the hill was covered with the dead and wounded. Totten's battery on the enemy's side did fearful execution. With the loss of many men and horses, the Federal battery, after a fierce engagement with Woodruff's, was wiissouri. The Federal line pushed forward, but after a brief encounter was evidently staggered. McCulloch and Price threw forward nearly all their reserves. Totten's dreadful battery at last fell back. Missourians, Arkansians, Louisanians, and Texans pressed forward. The Federal centre gave way; the wings were forced to th
Jefferson Thompson (search for this): chapter 9
orses, a quantity of ammunition, and more than one hundred thousand dollars worth of commissary stores. There was also recovered about $900,000 of coin of which the Lexington Bank had been robbed, in accordance with Fremont's instructions, which Gen. Price ordered to be immediately restored to its owners. The capture of Lexington and the bold and brilliant movements of the Missouri patriots in other parts of the State-among them the operations in Southeastern Missouri of the partisan Jeff. Thompson and his Swamp Fox brigade --excited rage and alarm in the Washington administration. Gen. Fremont, who was severely censured for not having reinforced Mulligan, hoped to recover his position by activity and success; he put himself at the head of the army, and advanced towards Jefferson City, sending back the promise that he would overwhelm Price. It was at this period that Gen. Price found his position one of the greatest emergency. He had received intelligence that the Confederate fo
Arkansas (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
on. the Federals defeated. withdrawal of McCulloch's forces into Arkansas. operations in Northern Missouri. Fremont in command of the Federmy; and where he expected to be joined by Confederate forces from Arkansas under the command of Brig.-Gen. McCulloch. No serious thought wwere three thousand two hundred, coming from Louisiana, Texas, and Arkansas; and there were eighteen hundred Arkansas State troops under GenerArkansas State troops under General Pearce. The total effective force was thus about eleven thousand, of whom nearly six thousand were mounted; and it had fifteen pieces of a Confederate forces, and retired with his army to the frontiers of Arkansas. Late in August, Gen. Price, abandoned by the Confederate forces, southeastern portion of the State. Gen. McCulloch had retired to Arkansas. Gen. Price was left with the only forces in Missouri to confront ountain. That officer, with fifteen hundred troops, chiefly his Arkansas men, had turned the Cheat Summit Fort, and was now in its rear. B
Jackson (Mississippi, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
angle of the State. This was effected on the night of the 3d of July; the column from Lexington forming a junction with Jackson's forces in Cedar County. The plan of campaign was now to get as far as possible from the line of the Missouri River, wuis on the southwestern branch of the Pacific Railroad to Rolla, and had arrived at the town of Carthage, immediately in Jackson's front, thus threatening him with battle in the course of a few hours. About ten o'clock in the morning of the 5th of men to hold his position on the Greenbrier River. On the 3d of October, the enemy, about four thousand strong, attacked Jackson's position. A severe artillery engagement occurred, in which Jackson could not bring more than five pieces in action to return the fire of the enemy's eight. Masses of infantry were then thrown forward on Jackson's right and front, marching up the wooded sides of a hill that rose from the river. The location of the hill was such that they could not fire effectivel
Springfield, Mo. (Missouri, United States) (search for this): chapter 9
of him. excitement in his camp. Price at Springfield. close of the first campaign in Missouri. and Sigel, were about to form a junction at Springfield, it was determined by Price, McCulloch, andached Crane Creek., about thirty miles from Springfield, a consultation was held as to their futurereceived, and offered to march at once upon Springfield, upon condition that he should have the chartillery. General Lyon had assembled at Springfield an effective army of nearly ten thousand meeek, intending to advance upon the enemy at Springfield. But Lyon had anticipated him, and was alrthe hills, rapidly making their way towards Springfield, defeated and driven from the field. Thehich had been left behind in the march from Springfield, was nearly exhausted, and that his men, mom, and the army was ordered to retreat from Springfield. The Federals accordingly left that town iola. From Osceola, Gen. Price fell back to Springfield, to forage his army and obtain supplies. B[1 more...]
Ohio (United States) (search for this): chapter 9
able to rally the people of this region to the support of the State. He established his headquarters at Charleston, and succeeded in raising a brigade of twenty-five hundred infantry, seven hundred cavalry and three batteries of artillery. With subsequent reinforcements his command amounted to four thousand men. It was obvious enough that with this small force, his situation was extremely critical. The enemy had already landed considerable forces at Parkersburg and Point Pleasant on the Ohio River, and was rapidly using his superiour facilities for raising troops in the populous States of Ohio and Indiana, and his ample means of transportation by railroad through those States and by the navigation of the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers, to concentrate a large force in the lower part of the Kanawha Valley. After some desultory movements, and a brilliant affair on Scary Creek, in Putnam County, where Col. Patton with a small force repulsed three Federal regiments, Gen. Wise prepared to giv
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