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John Adams (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow?Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of U
John Quincy Adams (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? ures on English poets, Hazlitt's, 251. Lee, Richard Henry, 44. Lessons of a Preceptress, Hannah Webster's, 92. Letters from a farmer in Pennsylvania, Dickinson's, 54. Letters from New York, Mrs. Child's, 126. Letters from Silesia, J. Q. Adams's, 66. Lettersfrom under a Bridge, Willis's, 261. Lewis, Estelle Anne, 210. Lewis and Clark, 239. Lexington, Battle of, 41, 59. Library of American biography, Sparks's, 71. Life and light, White's, 263. Life of Columbus, Irv
Joseph Addison (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ur
Amos Bronson Alcott (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ury
Louisa M. Alcott (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ur
John Alden (search for this): chapter 14
Index. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ury
Thomas Bailey Aldrich (search for this): chapter 14
ndex. Adams, John, 53, 56, 63, 221. Adams, Mrs., John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs.er of Saltoun, 263. Flight of the Duchess, Browning's, 215. Flint, Timothy, 239. Franklin, Benjamin, 7, 61, 55, 56-65, 108, 117, 221. Franklin, James, 58. Franks, Rebecca, 53, 80, 81. Fraser's magazine, 95, 261. Fredericksburg sonnet, Aldrich's, 264. Freneau, Philip, 36-39. Fuller, H. B., 255. Fuller (Ossoli), Margaret, 179, 180, 232. Garland, Hamlin, 254. Garrison, William Lloyd, 124, 148, 151. Godwin, William, 67, 72. Golden legend, Longfellow's, 144. Goodrich, Samuel
, Colonel, 235. Perkins, Eli, 243. Peter Rugg, the Missing man, Austin's, 187-189. Phi Beta Kappa, 155. Philanthropist, 149, 150. Phillips, Katharine, 12. Phillips, Wendell, 10, 43, 270. Piatt, John James, 264. Pickard, Samuel T., 150. Pickering, Thomas, 65. Pickwick papers, Dickens's, 90. Pinkney, Edward C., 216. Pioneers, Cooper's, 239. Pit, Norris's, 255. Poe, Edgar Allan, 90, 118, 143, 165, 190, 206-215, 231. Poor Richard's Aimanac, Franklin's, 58, 59. Pope, Alexander, 9, 40, 108, 158, 166, 219. Portfolio, 65-69. Power of Dullness, Trumbull's, 40. Prairie, Cooper's, 236. Prescott, William Hickling, 71, 73, 74, 87, 117. Prince of the house of David, Ingraham's, 129, 262. Problem, Emerson's, 229. Proud music of the storm, Whitman's, 232. Puritanism, 15, 186, 266-268. Quarterly Review, 164. Quebec, Capture of, 121. Quincy, Edmund, 88. Quincy, Josiah, 169. Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 90. Radcliffe, Mrs., 72. Ramona, Mrs. Jackson's,
the night, Longfellow's, 142. Walden, Thoreau's, 191. Wallace, Horace Binney, 72. Wallace, Lew, 129. Walpole, Horace, 45, 49. Ward, Artemus, 243. Warner, Charles Dudley, 88, 124. Warville, Brissot de, 52. Washington, 51, 63, 94, 117, 221. Wasson, David A., 264. Waverley novels, Scott's, 93, 274. Webster, Daniel, 43, 110, 111, 112-114. Webster, Hannah, 92. Webster, John, 258. Webster, Noah, 82. Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers, Thoreau's, 191, 195. Welby, Mrs. Amelia B., 210. Wellington, Duke of, 123. Wendell, Barrett, 18, 109, 161. Wheeler, Charles Stearns, 261. When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloomed, Whitman's, 232. Whipple, Edwin Percy, 124, 125. White, Blanco, 263. White, Maria, 161. Whitman, Walt, 220, 221, 223, 227-234, 264. Whittier, Elizabeth, 240. Whittier, John Greenleaf, 128, 136, 137, 145-153, 197, 264. Whittier, Thomas, 147. Wieland, Brown's, 70. Wigglesworth, Michael, 14, 20. Willis, N. P., 105, 190, 210, 261. Wi
, John, 52, 56. Adams, John Quincy, 66. Addison, Joseph, 84, 108, 257. Al Aaraaf, Poe's, 214. Alcott, Amos Bronson, 179, 180-182. Alcott, Louisa M., 126. Alden, Capt., John, 139. Aldrich, Thomas Bailey, 264. All's well, Wasson's, 264. Americanism, 3, 159. American Humor, 242, 243. American poetical Miscellany, 68. Ames, Fisher, 4, 46. Ames, Nathaniel, 58. Ancient Mariner, Coleridge's, 68. A New home, Who'll follow? Mrs. Kirkland's, 240. Appeal for that class of Americans called Africans, Mrs. Child's, 125. Areopagitica, Milton's, 165. Arnold, Matthew, 266, 283. Arthur Gordon Pym, Poe's, 208. Arthur Mervyn, Brown's, 70. Astoria, Irving's, 240. Astronomical diary and almanac, Ames's, 58. Atlantic monthly, 106, 132, 133, 158, 162. Audubon, John James, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ury, Whittier's, 147. Barlow, Joel, 38. Battle of the
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