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Shakespeare (search for this): chapter 14
Thaxter's, 264. Sandys, George, 8, 9. Sartor Resartus, Carlyle's, 261. Saturday Review, 268. Scarlet letter, Hawthorne's, 185. Scots wha hae wia Wallace bled, Burns's, 18. Scott, Sir, Walter, 36, 85, 90, 93, 96, 97, 98, 187, 259, 269, 274, 275, 277. Scudder, Horace E., 134. Sedgwick, Catharine Maria, 126, 148. Self-culture, Channing's, 114. Serene I Fold my hands, Burroughs's, 264. Seven Pines, Battle of, 217. Sewall, Samuel, 27-35. Seward, Miss, Anna, 75, 259. Shakespeare, 1, 108, 138. Shelley, 72, 177, 183, 215, 223, 258, 261, 277, 280. Shelley, Mrs., 71. Shepard, Thomas, 19. Sherman, Gen. W. T., 101. Simms, William Gilmore, 204, 206. Skeleton in armor, Longfellow's, 142. Sketch book, Irving's, 85, 86, 90, 103. Sky Walk, Brown's, 70. Smith, Capt., John, 7. Smith, Joseph, 69. Smoke, Thoreau's, 264. Snow-bound, Whittier's, 264. Society of Friends, 146. Song of the broad-axe, Whitman's, 229. Southey, Robert, 258. Sparkling and
Walter Pater (search for this): chapter 14
eep, Trumbull's, 40. Odyssey, Bryant's, 104. Old Manse, 184. Old Sergeant, Willson's, 264. Oratory, printed, 41-45. Ormond, Brown's, 70. Orpheus C. Kerr, 243. Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, 179, 180, 232. Outre-Mer, Longfellow's, 140. Ovid, 8. Paine, Thomas, 54, 55. Palfrey, John Gorham, 117. Paracelsus, Browning's, 262. Paradise lost, Milton's, 15. Parker, Theodore, 176, 178, 179, 233, 270. Parkman, Francis, 98, 118-121. Peter, 239. Parton, James, 119. Pater, Walter, 166. Pathfinder, Cooper's, 99. Pendennis, Thackeray's, 258. Penn, William, 74, 147. Pepper, Colonel, 235. Perkins, Eli, 243. Peter Rugg, the Missing man, Austin's, 187-189. Phi Beta Kappa, 155. Philanthropist, 149, 150. Phillips, Katharine, 12. Phillips, Wendell, 10, 43, 270. Piatt, John James, 264. Pickard, Samuel T., 150. Pickering, Thomas, 65. Pickwick papers, Dickens's, 90. Pinkney, Edward C., 216. Pioneers, Cooper's, 239. Pit, Norris's, 255. Poe, Edg
Harriet Beecher Stowe (search for this): chapter 14
enser, Edmund, 260, 253. Spinning, Mrs. Jackson's, 264. Spofford, Harriet Prescott, 264. Spy, Cooper's, 103. Stanley, Wallace's, 72. Stedman, Edmund Clarence, 153, 264. Stirrup-Cup, Hay's, 264. Story of man, Buel's, 263. Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 126-130, 272. Stuart, Gilbert, 1. Supernatural and fictitious composition, Scott's, 90. Swinburne, A. C., 220. Swift, Jonathan, 67, 108. Symphony, Lanier's, 221. Tacitus, 175. Tales of a Traveller, Irving's, 86, 87. Tales, 145, 168, 179, 196. True relation of Virginia, Smith's, 7. Trumbull, John, 38, 39-41. Tupper, M. F., 228. Twain, Mark, 236, 245, 246, 247. Twice-told tales, Hawthorne's, 184, 190. Tyler, Moses Coit, 14, 38, 57. Uncle Tom's cabin, Mrs. Stowe's, 126, 127, 128, 241. Unitarianism, 110, 154. Vanished, Emily Dickinson's, 264. Van Wart, Henry, 89. Verplanck, Gulian C., 81. Vining, Miss, 80. Vision of Sir Launfal, Lowell's, 164. Voices of the night, Longfellow's, 142.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge (search for this): chapter 14
sles, M. Philarete, 244. Chastellux, Marquis de, 54. Chatham, Lord, 44, 45. Child, Lydia Maria, 125, 126. Choate, Rufus, 112. Christabel, Coleridge's, 219. Christianus per Ignem, Mather's, 17. Christus: a Miystery, Longfellow's, 144. Clara Howard, Brown's, 70. Clarissa Harlowe, Richardson's, 251. Clemens, Samuel M. See Mark Twain. Cliff-dwellers, Fuller's, 255. Closed gate, Mrs. Moulton's, 264. Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr., 262. Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 43. Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 35, 46, 66, 68, 69, 211, 219, 258. Coleridge, Sara, 142. Collins, Wilkie, 208. Columbus, Irving's Life of, 87, 119. Commemoration Ode, Lowell's, 225, 264. Common sense, Paine's, 55. Concord, Battle of, 41. Congress, Continental, 49. Congress, General, 45, 79. Conspiracy of Pontiac, extract from Parkman's, 121. Constitution, Federal, 51, 52. Contemplations, Anne Bradstreet's, 12. Conversation of gentlemen, Shepard's, 19. Cooper, James Fenimore, 92-10
Joseph Rodman Drake (search for this): chapter 14
ian period, 174. Daughters of time, Emerson's, 264. Dawn, Lanier's, 225. Day of doom, Wigglesworth's, 14. Death of the old year, Tennyson's, 210. Declaration of rights and Grievances, Gay's, 44. Dennett, John Richard, 106. Denny, Joseph, 65. De Vere, Aubrey, 142. Dial, 132, 168, 173, 178, 179, 262. Dialogue of Alcuin, Brown's, 70, 72. Dickens, Charles, 74, 186, 203. Dickinson, Emily, 126, 130, 131, 264, 281. Dickinson, John, 44, 54. Dismal Swamp, 200, 201. Drake, Joseph Rodman, 104. Drayton, Michael, 8. Drewry's Bluffs, Battle of, 217. Drum Taps, Whitman's, 233. Dunning, Lord, 60. Dwight, Timothy, 38. Edgar Huntly, Brown's, 70. Edinburgh Review, 69, 99, 164. Edwards, Jonathan, 15, 19, 20-23, 114. Eidolons, Whitman's, 233. E Lia, Lamb's, 261. Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 115, 118, 131, 137, 145, 146, 168-177, 192, 196, 215, 229, 232, 234, 235, 261, 264, 265, 283. English novel and its development, Lanier's, 221. English traits, Emerson's, 1
Brissot De Warville (search for this): chapter 14
Hawthorne's, 184, 190. Tyler, Moses Coit, 14, 38, 57. Uncle Tom's cabin, Mrs. Stowe's, 126, 127, 128, 241. Unitarianism, 110, 154. Vanished, Emily Dickinson's, 264. Van Wart, Henry, 89. Verplanck, Gulian C., 81. Vining, Miss, 80. Vision of Sir Launfal, Lowell's, 164. Voices of the night, Longfellow's, 142. Walden, Thoreau's, 191. Wallace, Horace Binney, 72. Wallace, Lew, 129. Walpole, Horace, 45, 49. Ward, Artemus, 243. Warner, Charles Dudley, 88, 124. Warville, Brissot de, 52. Washington, 51, 63, 94, 117, 221. Wasson, David A., 264. Waverley novels, Scott's, 93, 274. Webster, Daniel, 43, 110, 111, 112-114. Webster, Hannah, 92. Webster, John, 258. Webster, Noah, 82. Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers, Thoreau's, 191, 195. Welby, Mrs. Amelia B., 210. Wellington, Duke of, 123. Wendell, Barrett, 18, 109, 161. Wheeler, Charles Stearns, 261. When Lilacs last in the Dooryard Bloomed, Whitman's, 232. Whipple, Edwin Percy, 124, 1
Moses Coit Tyler (search for this): chapter 14
216, 225, 231, 264, 280. Thou art mine, Thou hast given thy word, Stedman's, 264. Ticknor, George, 111, 117, 216. Timrod, Henry, 204-206, 216. To-morrow, Ellery Channing's, 264. Tour of the prairies, Irving's, 240. Transcendentalism, 110, 167, 168, 178, 186. Transcendentalists, 132, 145, 168, 179, 196. True relation of Virginia, Smith's, 7. Trumbull, John, 38, 39-41. Tupper, M. F., 228. Twain, Mark, 236, 245, 246, 247. Twice-told tales, Hawthorne's, 184, 190. Tyler, Moses Coit, 14, 38, 57. Uncle Tom's cabin, Mrs. Stowe's, 126, 127, 128, 241. Unitarianism, 110, 154. Vanished, Emily Dickinson's, 264. Van Wart, Henry, 89. Verplanck, Gulian C., 81. Vining, Miss, 80. Vision of Sir Launfal, Lowell's, 164. Voices of the night, Longfellow's, 142. Walden, Thoreau's, 191. Wallace, Horace Binney, 72. Wallace, Lew, 129. Walpole, Horace, 45, 49. Ward, Artemus, 243. Warner, Charles Dudley, 88, 124. Warville, Brissot de, 52. Washington, 51, 6
umbull's, 41. Madison, James, 38. Magazines, New England, 131-133. Alagnalia Christi Americana, Mather's, 17. Main-Travelled Roads, Garland's, 254. Malvern Hill, Battle of, 217. Marble Faun, Hawthorne's, 185. Marennes, Billaud de, 82. Marie Antoinette, 80. Mark Twain, 236, 245, 246-247. Marmion, Scott's, 37. Marshes of Glynn, Lanier's, 264. Massachusetts to Virginia, Whittier's, 152. Masson, David, 165. Mather, Cotton, 12, 15, 18-20, 269. Merry wives of Windsor, 1. .Metamonphoses, Ovid's, Sandys's translation of, 8, 9. Midnight Mass for the dying year, Longfellow's, 210. Milton, 15, 35, 165, 277. Mitchell, Rev., John, 269. Mitchell, Dr., S. Weir, 155. Mocking bird, Hayne's, 204. Montagu, Lady, Mary, 13. Monthly magazine and American Review, 70. Morris, G. P., 105. Morris, William, 220. Mosses from an old Manse, Hawthorne's, 185. Mother Goose, 220, 224. Motley, John Lothrop, 87, 91, 118, 156. Moulton, Mrs., Louise Chandler
ames, 239. Austin, William, 187. Autocrat of the breakfast table, Holmes's, 157, 158. Bancroft, George, 87, 111, 117, 143. Barclay of Ury, Whittier's, 147. Barlow, Joel, 38. Battle of the Kegs, Hopkinson's, 55. Baudelaire, 208. Beauclerc, Lady, Diana, 168. Beautiful story, Buel's, 262. Beleaguered City, Longfellow's, 142. Bells, Poe's, 211. Bells and Pomegranates, Browning's, 261. Ben Ezra, Browning's, 229. Ben-Hur, Wallace's, 129, 262. Benjamin, Park, 95. Biglow papers, Lowell's, 164. Billings, Josh, 242, 243. Bishop Blougram's apology, Brown. Blackburn, Senator, 235. Black penitents, 241. Blackwood's magazine, 157, 164. Blake, William, 211, 259. Bold Dragoon, Irving's, 90. Boone, Daniel, 237. Bowdoin College, 139, 140, 184. Bracebridge hall, Irving's, 86. Bradstreet, Anne, 9-13, 18. Bradstreet, Governor, 10. Brahminism, New England, 159. Bremer, Frederika, 245. Brevoort, Henry, 37. Brewster, Elder William, 139. Brook Far
Mayne Reid (search for this): chapter 14
olio, 65-69. Power of Dullness, Trumbull's, 40. Prairie, Cooper's, 236. Prescott, William Hickling, 71, 73, 74, 87, 117. Prince of the house of David, Ingraham's, 129, 262. Problem, Emerson's, 229. Proud music of the storm, Whitman's, 232. Puritanism, 15, 186, 266-268. Quarterly Review, 164. Quebec, Capture of, 121. Quincy, Edmund, 88. Quincy, Josiah, 169. Quincy, Mrs., Josiah, 90. Radcliffe, Mrs., 72. Ramona, Mrs. Jackson's, 127, 128. Raven, Poe's, 211. Reid, Mayne, 262. Republican Court, Griswold's, 54. Rhode Island almanac, a, Franklin's, 58. Richardson, James, 48. Ricketson, Daniel, 103, 196. Robinson, Dr. J. H., 262. Rochambeau, Comte de, 52. Roseboro, Viola, 253. Rowson, Mrs., Susanna, 92. Sacken, Baron, Osten, 275. Salem Lyceum, 170. Salmagundi, Irving's, 84, 85. Salut au Monde, Whitman's, 229. Sandpiper, Celia Thaxter's, 264. Sandys, George, 8, 9. Sartor Resartus, Carlyle's, 261. Saturday Review, 268. Scarlet le
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