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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Massachusetts in the Army and Navy during the war of 1861-1865, vol. 2. Search the whole document.

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Edgefield (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Franklin, Tenn., to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 71, Aug. 31, 1866. — Brevet Captain A. N., U. S. Army, and First Lieutenant of the Corps of Engineers, to be Major, U. S. Army, by brevet, for meritorious services in the battles before Nashville, Tenn., to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 71, Aug. 31, 1866. Dana, Captain George H., of the 32d Mass. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., and from the g. 31, 1866. — Brevet Lieut. Colonel Z. B., U. S. Army, and Major of the Corps of Engineers, Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, to be Colonel, U. S. Army, by brevet, for zeal and efficiency displayed by him during active operations in front of Nashville, especially on the fortifications around that city, to date from Aug. 9, 1862. G. O. 97, May 26, 1865. G. O. 71, Aug. 31, 1866. — Brevet Colonel Z. B., Lieut. Colonel of the Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army, Brevet Maj. General, Brig. Genera<
Shreveport (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
s services, to date from Sept. 4, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Nesmith, Captain C. E., Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful services in the Subsistence Department, to date from Nov. 30, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Nettleton, Lieut. Colonel E. P., of the 31st Mass. Volunteers, to be Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious conduct at the capture of Port Hudson, La., and in the fight at Shreveport, Pinewood and Alexandria, and also at the taking of Mobile, Ala., to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Niles, First Lieutenant P. H., of the Signal Corps, U. S. Volunteers, to be Captain, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious services, to date from Apr. 9, 1865. G. O. 148, Oct. 14, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Nims, Additional Paymaster H. G., U. S. Volunteers, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful services in h
James Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
Charles E., late Captain in the 55th Mass. Infantry, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallantry on James Island, S. C., July 2, 1864, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 84, Oct. 14, 1868. G. O. 45, Apr. 24, 1869. Graves, Majorbe Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Port Royal Ferry and James Island, S. C., to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 84, Oct. 14, 1868. — Brevet Major H. S., late Captain of the Signal Corps, Paymaster, U. S. Army, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Army, by brevet, for gallant, faithful and meritorious services at James Island and during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 133, Aug. 22, 1865. G. O. 71, Aug. 31, 1866. —--Brevet Lieuor, Paymaster, U. S. Army, to be Colonel, U. S. Army, by brevet, for gallant, faithful and meritorious services at James Island, S. C., and during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 89, Sept. 26, 1867. Yerrington, Lieut. Colonel G. E.
Cambria (United Kingdom) (search for this): chapter 11
orious services at the battle of Gettysburg, Pa., to date from July 2, 1863. G. O. 71, Aug. 31, 1866. — Brevet Major W. H., Captain, U. S. Army, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Army, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 89, Sept. 26, 1867. — Brevet Major W. H., Captain, U. S. Army, to be Colonel, U. S. Army, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 89, Sept. 26, 1867. Wales, Major Nathaniel, of the 35th Mass. Infantry, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for conspicuous gallantry while in command of the 35th Mass. Infantry at the siege of Knoxville, Tenn, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. — Brevet Lieut. Colonel Nathaniel, Major of the 35th Mass. Infantry, to be Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for conspicuous gallantry while in command of the 35th Mass. Infantry, at the siege of Knoxville, Tenn., to date from Mar. <
Pea Ridge, Ark. (Arkansas, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
to date from Dec. 2, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. — Brevet Lieut. Colonel H. P., Major, Judge Advocate, U. S. Volunteers, to be Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious services in his department, to date from Dec. 2, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Curtis, Henry, Jr., late Captain and Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services in the field and especially at the battles of Pea Ridge, Ark , Mar. 6, 7 and 8, 1862, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 45, Apr. 24, 1869. — Brevet Major Henry, Jr., Captain, Assistant Adj. General, U. S. Volunteers, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious service at Campbell's Station, East Tenn., Nov. 16, and during the siege of Knoxville in November and December, 1863, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 45, Apr. 24, 1869. Curtis, Colonel J. F., of the 4th Cal. Infantry, to be Brig. General, U.
Deep Bottom (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
., to date from Mar. 25, 1865. G. O. 133, Aug. 22, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. MacOMBERmber, Captain George, of the 34th Mass. Infantry, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 133, Aug. 22, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Macy, Colonel G. N., of the 20th Mass. Infantry, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for distinguished conduct at the battle of the Wilderness and at Deep Bottom, to date from Aug. 14, 1864. G. O. 15, Feb. 6, 1865. — Brevet Brig. General G. N., Colonel of the 20th Mass. Infantry, to be Maj. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the recent operations resulting in the fall of Richmond, and the surrender of the army under General R. E. Lee, to date from Apr. 9, 1865. G. O. 133, Aug. 22, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Magnitzki, Second Lieutenant Gustave, of the 39th U. S. Infantry, to be First L
Morris Island (South Carolina, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
faithful and meritorious service in the Pay Department, to date from Feb. 15, 1866. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Deland, C. V., late Colonel of the 1st Mich. Sharpshooters, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious service during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 67, July 16, 1867. Dennis, Major J. B., Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious service at Morris Island, S. C., in July and August, 1863, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 45, Apr. 24, 1869. — Brevet Lieut. Colonel J. B., Major, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, to be Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious service at the battle of Drewry's Bluff, Va., May 16, 1864, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 45, Apr. 24, 1869. — Brevet Colonel J. B., late Major, Additional Paymaster, U. S. Volunteers, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant
Laurel Hill, Va. (Virginia, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
of Mobile and its defences, to date from Mar. 26, 1865. G. O. 148, Oct. 14, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Bagg, Captain Sylvester, Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious services in his department, to date from Nov. 22, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Baker, First Lieutenant Fisher A., of the 18th Mass. Volunteers, to be Captain, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services at Laurel Hill, Va., to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Baker, Major Joseph I., of the 4th Mass. Cavalry, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant conduct in the field during the campaigns of 1864 and 1865, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 67, July 16, 1867. Ball, Captain Benjamin A., of the 3d Mass. Artillery, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful and meritorious conduct during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22,
Tennessee (Tennessee, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
lunteers, to be Lieut. Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious service at Campbell's Station, East Tenn., Nov. 16, and during the siege of Knoxville in November and December, 1863, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 45, Apr. H., Commissary of Subsistence, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for efficient services in East Tennessee, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 67, July 16, 1867. Frost, First Lieutenant Edwin R., of the 3d Mass. Heavy fantry, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 67, July 16, 1867. Goodhue, Captain J. M., of the 11th U. S. Infantry, to bnteers, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for gallant and meritorious services during the campaign in East Tennessee and at the siege of Knoxville, to date from Aug. 1, 1864. G. O. 97, May 26, 1865. — Brevet Brig. General C. G., C
Bayou La Fourche (Louisiana, United States) (search for this): chapter 11
in the Department of the East, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Fiske, Edward A., late Captain of the 30th Mass. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for distinguished gallantry at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, 1864, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O 84, Oct. 14, 1868. Fiske, Colonel W. O., of the 1st La. Infantry, to be Brig. General, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for his gallant and successful defence of the Union works at the junction of Bayou La Fourche and the Mississippi, from attack, in an attempt to break the lines of communication of the United States forces with New Orleans, during the siege of Port Hudson, La, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Flagg, Captain A. S., Assistant Quartermaster, U. S. Volunteers, to be Major, U. S. Volunteers, by brevet, for faithful services during the war, to date from Mar. 13, 1865. G. O. 65, June 22, 1867. Flint, Captain Edward A., of the 1st Mass. Cavalry, to be M
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