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North Carolina (North Carolina, United States) 528 0 Browse Search
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Stonewall Jackson (search for this): chapter 6
ed lines, being otherwise engaged. The plan of the battle was for Jackson to strike the right flank of the Federal intrenchments, while A. P. Hill attacked in front. Jackson was, however, unavoidably delayed, and A. P. Hill, not waiting for his co-operation, attacked impetuously sion sent to reinforce him, awaited the attack of the divisions of Jackson, A. P. Hill, Longstreet, Whiting and D. H. Hill. The battle that ent fighter. D. H. Hill, on the extreme Confederate left, and General Jackson, between him and A. P. Hill, moved their divisions against the at Cold Harbor. Manuscript Monograph on General Hill's Life. General Jackson had this to say of the attack of these brigades: In advancing been expected that General Huger would engage Slocum, and that General Jackson would attack the Federal right, while Longstreet pressed the front. However, both Jackson and Huger found it impracticable to reach the ground in time. Hence Longstreet alone struck the blow in which a
C. C. Lee (search for this): chapter 6
uous in all engagements McClellan's Utter defeat by Lee. The series of battles known as the Seven Days batll-arms, and stores great in amount and value. General Lee's Official Report. To effect these results, 174 C, sent this brigade only upon a second order from General Lee, confirmed by Mr. Davis. Meantime, the Twenty-secommander during this engagement. On June 29th, General Lee directed Col. L. S. Baker, of the First North Card, and soon silenced the fire. In this charge, Col. C. C. Lee was killed and Colonel Lane wounded. The rest blow to McClellan, was a great disappointment to General Lee. A united attack at Frayser's Farm would have sarn of previous successes against that same army, General Lee ordered an assault, and the Confederates preparedim. Yet all were ready to follow their colors. General Lee's order of battle was that when Armistead, who ocCols. M. S. Stokes, Gaston Meares, R. P. Campbell, C. C. Lee; Lieut.-Cols. Petway and F. J. Faison; Majs. T. N
L. O'B. Branch (search for this): chapter 6
er, and five brigades of A. P. Hill, assisted just before dusk by Ripley's brigade of D. H. Hill's division. Gregg's and Branch's brigades, of A. P. Hill's, took no part in the assault on the fortified lines, being otherwise engaged. The plan of th his force went nine North Carolina regiments—the Seventh, Eighteenth, Twenty-eighth, Thirtythird and Thirty-seventh, of Branch's brigade; and the Sixteenth, Twenty-second, Thirty-fourth and Thirty-eighth, of Pender's brigade. The work before them ngstreet alone struck the blow in which all were expected to participate. On opening the battle, General Longstreet sent Branch's--North Carolina brigade of A. P. Hill's division to his right, to keep Hooker from falling on his flank. General BrancGeneral Branch said of the action of his men: On Monday, at Frayser's Farm, you were again in the heat of the engagement from its opening to its close, driving the enemy before you for a great distance, and capturing a battery. Congratulatory address to his
D. H. Hill (search for this): chapter 6
Memorial Address. It should be stated that General Hill, seeing the waste of blood in the front atthey were commanded by a persistent fighter. D. H. Hill, on the extreme Confederate left, and Generalve. Anderson's and Garland's brigades of D. H. Hill's division were made up entirely of North Ca broke and retreated. Major Ratchford, of General Hill's staff, writes: A short time before suield, and of the bold and dashing charge of General Hill's infantry, in which the, troops of Brigadiin my experience during the war, if I except D. H. Hill at Sharpsburg. The failure of all his offembrance of Cold Harbor doubles the energies of Hill's soldiers. They try to pierce the line, sometiting on the left and Huger on the right suffer Hill's soldiers to become exhausted without supporting them. .... At 7 o'clock, Hill reorganized the debris of his troops in the woods . . . his tenacitty-fourth, Colonel Clark; the Twenty-fifth, Colonel Hill; the Twenty-sixth, Colonel Vance; the Thirt[19 more...]
. Webb, who ably sustained his part. Meanwhile, on Porter's right stubborn work was doing. There Porter had placed Sykes' regulars, the flower of his corps, and they were commanded by a persistent fighter. D. H. Hill, on the extreme Confederate left, and General Jackson, between him and A. P. Hill, moved their divisions against these lines. In Jackson's division, the only Carolinians were the Twenty-first, Colonel Kirkland, and Wharton's sharpshooters. Of their part in the battle General Trimble says: The charge of the Sixteenth Mississippi and Twenty-first North Carolina (with sharpshooters attached), sustained from the first movement without a falter, could not be surpassed for intrepid bravery anc high resolve. Anderson's and Garland's brigades of D. H. Hill's division were made up entirely of North Carolinians, Anderson having the Second, Fourth, Fourteenth and Thirtieth; Garland, the Fifth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-third. To these two brigades, stubbor
George B. Anderson (search for this): chapter 6
out a falter, could not be surpassed for intrepid bravery anc high resolve. Anderson's and Garland's brigades of D. H. Hill's division were made up entirely of North Carolinians, Anderson having the Second, Fourth, Fourteenth and Thirtieth; Garland, the Fifth, Twelfth, Thirteenth, Twentieth and Twenty-third. To these two briga battery was captured and held long enough for the two brigades (Garland's and Anderson's) to advance across the plain. The effect of our appearance, says General G General Hill's staff, writes: A short time before sunset, Generals Rodes, Anderson and Garland came to the writer and asked for General Hill, he being on some otles; the Twentieth, Maj. W. H. Toon; the Twenty-third, Lieut. I. J. Young. In Anderson's brigade, commanded at Malvern Hill by Colonel Tew, were the Second, Colonel de a gallant advance and some progress, as also had Ripley and Colquitt's and Anderson's brigades. Peninsula Campaign, p. 160. The task was, however, too great for
Robert B. Vance (search for this): chapter 6
rigades, Magruder ordered in his forces on Hill's right. The brigades of Armistead, Wright, Mahone, G. T. Anderson, Cobb, Kershaw, Semmes, Ransom, Barksdale and Lawton threw themselves heavily, not all at once, but in succession, against their courageous and impregnably posted foes. Cobb's command included the Fifteenth North Carolina under Colonel Dowd. Ransom's brigade was solely a North Carolina one—the Twenty-fourth, Colonel Clark; the Twenty-fifth, Colonel Hill; the Twenty-sixth, Colonel Vance; the Thirty-fifth, Colonel Ransom; the Forty-ninth, Colonel Ramseur. General Hill says of General Magruder's assault: I never saw anything more grandly heroic than the advance after sunset of the nine brigades under Magruder's orders. Unfortunately, they did not move together and were beaten in detail. As each brigade emerged from the woods, from fifty to one hundred guns opened upon it, tearing great gaps in its ranks; but the heroes reeled on, and were shot down by the reserves a
R. H. Gray (search for this): chapter 6
put on record testimony to the grimness of their attack. He says: Dashing across the intervening plains, floundering in the swamps, struggling against the tangled brushwood, brigade after brigade seemed almost to melt away before the concentrated fire of our artillery and infantry; yet others pressed on, followed by supports as dashing and as brave as their predecessors. In the repeated assaults of the afternoon, the Sixteenth North Carolina, Colonel McElroy, and the Twenty-second, Lieut.-Col. R. H. Gray, won enviable reputation, as Gen. A. P. Hill reports, by carrying the crest of a hill, and were in the camp of the enemy, but were driven back by overwhelming numbers. Toward night, Longstreet, A. P. Hill and Whiting united in a final charge on Porter's left, and in spite of the fact that be had been reinforced by Slocum, broke through his strong lines. Then, writes General Law, We had our innings. As the blue mass surged up the hill in our front, the Confederate fire was pour
James H. Lane (search for this): chapter 6
to his soldiers. Lieut.-Col. R. F. Hoke, of the Thirty-third North Carolina, reported: You then halted, formed line of battle, and charged, by the doublequick and with a yell, the enemy's batteries, which were strongly supported by infantry across this field, a distance of 500 yards. We, at the same time, were enfiladed by grapeshot; neither fire upon the flank or front at all stopped the men, but on they pressed, and soon silenced the fire. In this charge, Col. C. C. Lee was killed and Colonel Lane wounded. The rest of A. P. Hill's division did not go into action until very late in the afternoon. Then Field, followed by Pender with his North Carolinians, pressed eagerly forward. A. P. Hill says: General Pender, moving up to support Field, found that he had penetrated so far in advance that the enemy were between himself and Field. A regiment of Federals, moving across his front and exposing a flank, was scattered by a volley. Pender continued to move forward, driving off a batt
Philip Kearny (search for this): chapter 6
City roads, just north of Malvern hill. There Longstreet, supported only by the division of A. P. Hill, attacked the position held by the divisions of McCall and Kearny, reinforced by the divisions of Sedgwick and Hooker and a brigade of Slocum. This was a square stand — up fight, with no intrenchments of any sort on either sidee against the Federal position. . .. He had therefore before him Morell's right, Couch's division, reinforced by Caldwell's brigade . . . and finally the left of Kearny. ... As soon as they [Hill's troops] passed beyond the edge of the forest, they were received by a fire from all the batteries at once, some posted on the hills, urn. The remembrance of Cold Harbor doubles the energies of Hill's soldiers. They try to pierce the line, sometimes at one point, sometimes at another, charging Kearny's left first and Couch's right . . . and afterward throwing themselves upon the left of Couch's division. But here, also, after nearly reaching the Federal posit
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