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Sterling Price 305 9 Browse Search
Missouri (Missouri, United States) 294 0 Browse Search
John Sappington Marmaduke 260 4 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in a specific section of Col. John C. Moore, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 9.2, Missouri (ed. Clement Anselm Evans). Search the whole document.

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ril 17th he crossed to the east side, and soon afterward was put in command of the Missouri brigade, consisting of the First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth regiments of infantry, and several Missouri batteries. During the latter days of April and the first of May at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson the gallant Missourians were under fire of the enemy's ironclads at close range, engaged fearful odds, and held at bay the Federal advance until almost surrounded, then safely withdrawing. From ed an expedition in Missouri and attacked Springfield, and defeated a considerable body of the enemy at Hartville, compelling by his maneuvers the withdrawal of General Blunt's army to Springfield and the destruction of a long chain of forts. In April he made a more formidable expedition, leading the cavalrymen of Shelby, Greene, Carter and Burbridge to Cape Girardeau. He defeated the Federals at Taylor's Creek May 11th, and commanded the heroic brigades of Shelby and Greene in the attack on
October 21st (search for this): chapter 21
ring, and at Jenkins' ferry he rendered important services. In recognition of his valuable services Marmaduke was made a major-general, though his commission was not received until March 17, 1865. In May and June, 1864, he was stationed on the Mississippi, and had a creditable encounter with A. J. Smith at Lake Village. With Sterling Price on the great Missouri raid of 1864, he commanded one of the three columns of division and was greatly distinguished. At the battle of Little Blue, October 21st, two horses were killed under him while he was endeavoring to stem the onset of the enemy's forces which from this point forced Price to make a retreat. He was in fierce battle on the 22d, 23d and on the 25th, at Marais des Cygnes, was overwhelmed while guarding the rear, and made prisoner. He was carried to Fort Warren, and there held until August, 1865. After his release he took a journey to Europe for his health. In May, 1866, he returned to Missouri and engaged in the commission b
re of all the operations of the army in Mississippi Green, promoted to brigadier-general in the Confederate service, July 21, 1862, took command of the Third brigade of Price's army. He came upon the battlefield of Iuka at the close of the fight, and then marched to the junction with Van Dorn, after which was fought the bloody battle of Corinth, in which the three Missouri regiments of his brigade, the Fourth and Sixth infantry and Third cavalry, lost 443 killed, wounded and missing. On the second day, and at Hatchie bridge, he commanded Hebert's division, took an important part in the fight and the protection of the retreat and was commended by General Price. When Grant crossed the Mississippi below Vicksburg, Green, commanding a brigade of Bowen's division, marched with part of his men to Port Gibson, took command of the forces already there, also of Tracy's brigade after it came up, selected the position occupied by the Confederate forces, and fought a gallant battle until overwhe
July 16th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 21
ice he was forced back upon the main army under Pemberton. On the 25th of May he was rewarded for his brave work at Port Gibson by the commission of major-general in the army of the Confederate States. He fought with distinction in the other battles outside of Vicksburg, and in all the fighting and suffering of the long siege he and his men had their full share. At the fall of the city he was paroled, and went to Raymond, Miss., where he died from sickness contracted during the siege, July 16, 1863. Brigadier-General John B. Clark, Jr. There were two John B. Clarks; the father, brigadier-general of the Missouri State Guard; the son, a brigadier-general of the Confederate States army. The elder Clark was born in Madison county, Ky., April 17, 1812. He removed to Missouri with his father in 1818, and was admitted to the bar in 1824. He began the practice of law at Fayette, Mo., and was clerk of Howard county courts from 1824 to 1834. In the Black Hawk war of 1832 he command
July 4th, 1863 AD (search for this): chapter 21
more formidable expedition, leading the cavalrymen of Shelby, Greene, Carter and Burbridge to Cape Girardeau. He defeated the Federals at Taylor's Creek May 11th, and commanded the heroic brigades of Shelby and Greene in the attack on Helena, July 4, 1863, his part of the action failing for want of support. During Price's defense of Little Rock he commanded the cavalry of the army, which, fighting as the rear guard, was reported as skillfully handled and behaved admirably. At this time occurr Rosecrans. At Iuka and Corinth he and his men fought with great valor. The year 1863 found Price again in the Trans-Mississippi. But he was always under the orders of others, some of whom were inferior to himself in ability. At Helena, on July 4, 1863, Price's men were the only part of the army that carried the enemy's works. He co-operated with Kirby Smith in the campaign against Banks and Steele in 1864. General Price made his last desperate effort to recover Missouri in the latter part
March 14th (search for this): chapter 21
to Frost when Camp Jackson was captured by General Lyon. Going to Memphis, Tenn., and into the southeastern part of Missouri, he raised the First Missouri regiment of infantry, of which he was commissioned colonel on June 11, 1861. He was assigned to the army of General Polk at Columbus, Ky., and acted as brigade commander under that officer's command. When in the spring of 1862 Albert Sidney Johnston and Beauregard were concentrating their armies for an attack upon Grant, Bowen, who on March 14th had received his commission as brigadier-general, was assigned to the division of John C. Breckinridge. In the first day's battle at Shiloh he was wounded. General Beauregard, in his official report of the battle thus speaks: Brig.-Gens. B. R. Johnson and Bowen, most meritorious officers, were also severely wounded in the first combat, but it is hoped will soon be able to return to duty with their brigades. When in 1863 Grant crossed the Mississippi and landed at Bruinsburg, General Bo
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